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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. I was unaware that there is a vaccine to stop you getting it. But I did suffer from it a few years ago now and had it on my face.

    It will either go from your ear and down you face, or from your ear up your face.

    The one that goes down your face will give you a lot of pain, but is the one that goes up your face that is most dangerous.

    If you get the one that goes up your face, you have the chance of it getting into your eyes and the worst scenario is that you can get encephalitis and that is life threatening.

    It took about a month or so of tablets to clear it up and have never suffered again. I have no idea of why I got it, but can tell you it was one of the most painful ilnesses I have had in my life.


    The doctor at Bangkok Christian Hospital who diagnosed my facial Herpes Zoster was qualified with a degree from a Japan. Please let us all know where you qualified as a dermatologist?

  2. I'd appreciate to know where you do this in Europe as I get over there a few times a year.

    Almost every nightclub in Scotland, England , Ireland, Wales.. Then we have Spain, Greece, Holland... You dont have to look far to see thats the norm in majority of places.. people like to have fun and are uninhibited.. Unlike the general culture in Asia

    You guys are about 30 years too late for the real fun in Bangkok...giggle.gif

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