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Posts posted by Darkknight666

  1. I can't wait to see who will all be called to the stand by the defense in the coming days. Although it's not allowed, I do hope somebody has got audio of the hearings. I'm having a hard time understanding why there's still so little Thai media coverage.. That and the lack of transparency during court make things seem grim for the B2. As another poster said, They know everyone is watching this trial, it just does not matter.. Whatever is best for Thailand and Thai's will be the outcome... Horribly sad for all involved.

  2. November 3, 2014 1:00 am What about bar manager accused of harassing victim at Koh Tao?

    A British witness had taken a photo of two men pestering the female victim not long before she was raped and murdered. He went to her assistance. One of the two troublemakers identified by the British witness and appearing in the photo is the bar manager. He is the bar owner's brother or nephew.


    That's one of my many bookmarks and tabs open at the moment, all articles like that I've got saved.

  3. What a disgusting and poor piece of reporting by the washington post. with quotes like this

    "A rusty hoe, its blade broken and caked in gore, lay nearby."

    Its not gore its Hannah's Blood !

    I wonder were they get such Rubbish from ?

    The second roti seller has been on the stand today, and its become very clear that he does not have much of grasp of Thai at all, so we dont understand how he could have translated for police, Andy Hall, a British migrant-rights advocate who is assisting the defense, told the newspaper.


    I've messaged the reporter to tell him exactly what you just said.... Will update when I hear back from him.

  4. A question about NS's publicly staged DNA collection. Does anyone remember what test was actually done? I remember reading that some said it was merely to prove paternity and not matched to the DNA found on Hannah.

    That entire press conference was run by Warot and his dad... They had full discretion what could/would happen and what could/would be released. In other words, it was horse shit.

  5. The thing about Nomsod - if he was on the island leading up to the murder, he would have been in plain site. We know the pier CCTV footage that morning 'disappeared' but I'm just surprised that there are not more witnesses (apart form one burmese guy)

    It is unlikely that a casual tourist would know NS from any other young Thai lad. The only people on KT that knows (and recognises) him would be the locals, expat residents etc.

    I would imagine that they would then keep silent for obvious reasons.

    Unless they were in AC bar that night and saw Warot with their own eyes pestering Hannah... Or Ekkachai... Whoever the bar altercation may have been with I'm

    Sure anyone who witnesses it would recall the men's faces.

  6. It's time for people think seriously about replying to two certain posters and in my opinion one has certainly shown his true colours .

    He even questioned another poster by pm when asked to drop the subject yesterday for one day out of respect .

    Thats the type of request no one should question.

    Respect is a big thing and the kind words yesterday that were expressed by many posters shows there true feelings and emotions.

    The posters that have just been here to defend every RTP posts really shows now their agenda is just one sided.

    They have no other interest other that getting these threads closed down.

    So many posters have been given holidays due to these people simply because that can't sit back and accept the insults the certain RTP defenders are throwing.

    This is only my personal opinion, everybody has a right to post but don't let them get to you because going on past history on this thread and others the respectful posters have been given holidays and the RTP defenders remain.

    It is time to completely ignore them and keep these threads open they are important .

    99.9 percent of posters want the complete truth to come out it appears others don't .

    I am sure many times info that has arisen on these threads has been very useful to the case.

    Thank you Stealth, that needed to be said. I didn't post yesterday out of respect for David and Hannah and I'm glad I did.

    I imagine the Thai pathologist did about as thorough a job as the RTP do, In that case the Brit pathologist may have some DNA from the victims that a private investigator could use upon getting DNA from any suspects. I really want to see them pay, you have no idea. The posters who are defending the case do so out of personal interest on the Island, after reading a few of GB's recent post's he makes it clear he sympathizes with Mon and his family.... Therefor all of his ramblings shouldn't carry much weight with anyone, just let the guy type into space, ignore if you have to. Enough is enough.

    These two posters don't seem to have shown any sympathy to the families they just seem to continue to fill up threads with rubbish to deflect the truth from coming out .

    Indeed. Though we should focus on the topic and not the posters to keep the mods happy.

    I find it best to just not acknowledge them and just respond to the inaccuracies in their post instead.

    Thanks for all you've done, Stealth. :0)

  7. @TC

    I hope it is! How did the guy in the cave even know about the bodies or how they had been killed? A lucky guess? Maybe the cave had Thai television?

    Leave it to American journalists to have inaccuracies as they can't tell the difference between Thailand and Taiwan :rolleyes:

    At least the post has a story.. So now we have Washinton Post and Time who reported on the story. As soon as the trial is over American media will be all over it. I've written to a Gawker writer I know and she gets no interest from them on this story until after the trial.... I wish the American press were doing more.

  8. The RTP's handling of the investigation has almost certainly assured nobody will ever be convicted for what happened on Sairee beach. Now the focus should be in not wasting two more lives to secure the tourist industry and save face for multiple locals who have dirt on their hands, related to the case or otherwise. It's disgusting pure and simple. Nobody I know, well those who haven't already written the place off fully, will ever, ever in a billion years visit an island here.

  9. What's unfortunate is that even if the B2 are found not guilty, there still won't be any "closure" for the families of David and Hannah. The RTP will simply drop the case, and never seriously go after anyone else. They've been paid too well to do that.

    I do agree with you that if the B2 are found not guilty that there probably won't be any closure on this case for the families, but not for the reasons you suggest. I feel it will because they will never be able to tie anyone else to this murder because of this DNA.

    We know (or think at least) that matching DNA Samples from the accused to the victim have astronomical odds. DNA Testing takes a lot of the guess work out of the picture. But DNA Testing is also not a perfect science either.

    If the Defense can show mishandling of the DNA in collection, distribution, and testing, to the point it discredits the DNA Samples, then these DNA Samples are spoiled. Not spoiled just for this case, but any others that may follow. How can you justify in a court of law that you are 100% sure that this match is the accused sitting their, then the next month say you were wrong? That now you are sure you have the right ones and right match this time.

    It is nice to think that a country like Thailand has unlimited manpower and resources to solve a case, but like many other they don't. I would venture to guess (and it is only a guess) that Thailand has probably spent more manpower and resources on this case then they normally do. So I can't see them later spending more on a case that they may never be able to prove or solve. Baring new information or a confession that can be believed, which I also don't see coming this way after a year.

    For the NS Conspiracy Theorists his DNA has been tested already and came up Negative. You can never get away from that now as any lawyer would bring this up. One day not him, but the next day it is??? Even if you could prove his DNA was doctored, and a bride was involved, which I highly doubt as after a year nothing of the kind has happened, you will still never be able to tie him to Hannah's DNA. As that would have been proved already that this was spoiled from this case. So even if they wanted to go after him, which I see absolutely no reason why they would or should, they would know they would never be able to prove this anyway. So why bother?

    The biggest problem with the semen samples is not that they were contaminated (though that is a possible issue) but that, bafflingly, there is no residual sample left for retesting. All that is left is intermediate replicated DNA from an intermediate step in the testing. This replicated DNA cannot be confirmed to have originated with a semen sample, and degrades rapidly unlike the original semen sample. Should the remainder of the semen sample finally be found (or clothes from the victims reappear) professional forensic analysis and an objective investigation could still occur. I do not consider it probable, given the vested interests lobbying against, but it is certainly possible.

    Also from this post the Defense Team doesn't seem to have a problem running "Duplicated Samples" so I was surprised, like most, why they refused to run tests on the DNA from Hannah.


    Because the defences job is not to prove they are innocent but to stop them from being prosecuted, so maybe there is something in the DNA from Hannah that links to the accused.

    Bahh, Mediocre! Unless the defense and B2 are completely stupid they would plead guilty if they knew there was evidence against them, They're not pleading guilty..... Does that make any sense to you?

    Tell me "Lucas".... Besides the DNA "match" what makes you so confident the Burmese guys committed this crime? I'll tell you who I think commuted the crime, whoever the man seen in the running man video is. Why have they not made the B2 run by that camera same as the other Burmese guy? Because they know the B2 aren't tall enough and have totally different body types. Mon was involved in the crime no two ways about it, he put himself there with his own comments... You think Mon is covering for the B2? I think he's covering for family.

    No doubt in my mind their Karma will come back to bite them.

  10. It's time for people think seriously about replying to two certain posters and in my opinion one has certainly shown his true colours .

    He even questioned another poster by pm when asked to drop the subject yesterday for one day out of respect .

    Thats the type of request no one should question.

    Respect is a big thing and the kind words yesterday that were expressed by many posters shows there true feelings and emotions.

    The posters that have just been here to defend every RTP posts really shows now their agenda is just one sided.

    They have no other interest other that getting these threads closed down.

    So many posters have been given holidays due to these people simply because that can't sit back and accept the insults the certain RTP defenders are throwing.

    This is only my personal opinion, everybody has a right to post but don't let them get to you because going on past history on this thread and others the respectful posters have been given holidays and the RTP defenders remain.

    It is time to completely ignore them and keep these threads open they are important .

    99.9 percent of posters want the complete truth to come out it appears others don't .

    I am sure many times info that has arisen on these threads has been very useful to the case.

    Thank you Stealth, that needed to be said. I didn't post yesterday out of respect for David and Hannah and I'm glad I did.

    I imagine the Thai pathologist did about as thorough a job as the RTP do, In that case the Brit pathologist may have some DNA from the victims that a private investigator could use upon getting DNA from any suspects. I really want to see them pay, you have no idea. The posters who are defending the case do so out of personal interest on the Island, after reading a few of GB's recent post's he makes it clear he sympathizes with Mon and his family.... Therefor all of his ramblings shouldn't carry much weight with anyone, just let the guy type into space, ignore if you have to. Enough is enough.

  11. How does a police Leuitinant not know better than to post what's he's posted to his own public Facebook? I can't believe some of crap he says on his page, wow. So TC, the Thai labs certificate is out of date? Some shocker there.

    if you search this on google there is also some interesting info "police-co-operation-on-koh-tao-murders"

    Thanks for that, good read. I especially like the part where the Koh Phangan police chief follows the headman around while his family's being investigated.

  12. "With blood on its handle"....... Hmm. It appears Jakkrapan was first on scene... Wonder if he's the man who uploaded crime scene photos to gore sites? The person who uploaded David and Hannah's goes by "Ms. Pink". Maybe Ms. Pink wears blonde wigs as well.

    "Two British tourists were murdered on a beach on a Thai island, authorities said. The 24-year-old man and 23-year-old woman were found stripped naked and bloodied the morning after a beach party on Koh Tao, local police chief Jakkrapan Kaewkhao told NBC News. He said deep wounds to their heads and faces appeared to have been inflicted with a garden hoe, which was found with blood on its handle next to their clothes about 40 yards away. Kaewkhao said medical officials were investigating whether the woman was raped. Several tourists posted on social media the island was on "lockdown," with no one allowed to leave by ferry in the aftermath of the incident."


  13. Well, if I had to guess at why those two don't get it, my guess would be they're not from the U.S/U.K.... Because, in courts there (USA, anyway) the prosecution must provide all evidence the the defense at "discovery" so the defense knows what they'll need to.. You know, defend. The defense isn't under that obligation with all of their evidence as the burden of proof falls on the prosecutions shoulders. We've heard two days of testimony from the defense team and their damning piece of evidence hasn't come out... Why? My guess is they don't want to embarrass Thai authorities unless they're left no other option.

    To make it really simple... Prosecution is responsible for proving guilt, defense is only responsible for creating doubt or exposing perjury.. The defense will only give what helps their case and that's no reason to view them as suspicious, that's how it usually is. On the flip side, Not entering the DNA "match" from Hannah is HIGHLY suspicious, This late into things it borders on being malicious.

  14. When you sign a confession in the rest of the world it must be in a language you can read... Otherwise, anybody with a brain would refuse to sign because they have no clue what's written. Let's talk about the DNA "match" again.... That DNA is the silver bullet for the the cops and prosecutors and still at hasn't been scrutinized in court. All they have to do is show they collected and labeled it properly and then that it's a match with the B2 and job would be done, no?

    Only this hasn't happened.. It should've happened when the case was brought to court.

    Now, Hannah's phone.. No mention on what was in there. Any photos? Messages about some creep hitting on her aggressively in a bar? No mention at all afaik.... Or does the phone fall in the other pile of evidence because "we have sperm"?

    They don't have it, their DNA "match" was never supposed to be questioned.. Now they are boned and can't think fast enough how to twist the results.

  15. I think this is the first officer that testified

    KOH SAMUI The Koh Tao Police Officer in charge of the investigation into the brutal killing of two Britons on Koh Tao appeared for the first time in court Wednesday to be questioned by a lawyer for the two Myanmar migrants facing murder charges.

    The testimony of Jakkrapan Kaewkhao, an officer at Koh Tao police station who was called as the first witness for the prosecution, capped the first day of the closely watched trial at the Koh Samui Provincial Court in Surat Thani province.


    Aren't there very few cops on Tao? Or was this guy from Samui? I ask because I'm curious if this was the "big ears" cop.

    It seems to be different people

    here is a Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jarkrapan.kaewkhao?fref=ts

    Interesting posts on his FB page there.....

    Holy shit... That man is a police officer? Scary.

    Anyone read his post about the DNA?

  16. I think this is the first officer that testified

    KOH SAMUI The Koh Tao Police Officer in charge of the investigation into the brutal killing of two Britons on Koh Tao appeared for the first time in court Wednesday to be questioned by a lawyer for the two Myanmar migrants facing murder charges.

    The testimony of Jakkrapan Kaewkhao, an officer at Koh Tao police station who was called as the first witness for the prosecution, capped the first day of the closely watched trial at the Koh Samui Provincial Court in Surat Thani province.


    Aren't there very few cops on Tao? Or was this guy from Samui? I ask because I'm curious if this was the "big ears" cop.

  17. The problem i have with it is if he had made the trip from Koh Tao surely he would be too tired to being going to classes first thing?

    That's only an slight issue if you believe that the CCTV, which was provided weeks later by him, has not had the time stamp doctored.

    It holds no water just like the staged DNA testing. If anything, the way both of these were handled just adds more suspicion onto him.

    The DNA testing circus was farcical. The CCTV not so much. They gave access to all the footage from all cameras to Thai PBS for the period from 2:00 am until he was seen leaving (on at least 3 cameras) around 9:30 am. The CCTV does not show him entering during that time period. It has been suggested that he might have used the fire escape to enter, but there is a camera in the corridor outside his room that was also checked. The CCTV might have been faked but, if so, either someone very senior at Thai PBS is involved in the cover up, or the falsification was very well done.

    I can imagine many reasons Nomsod would not have wanted to publicize the footage of him entering his room. My guess, if the CCTV is genuine, is that he entered his room with a girl, and neither this girl, nor his steady girlfriend, would have been impressed.

    I'm 50 - 50 on NS. I would like to have seen a verified DNA to reassure me rather than the circus in Bangkok, but regards the CCTV that was analysed by Thai PBS. As far as I'm concerned this carries no weight or proof whatsoever.

    CCTV evidence can only be credible if the actual source has been verified from where it was taken and that the time stamp is the original one. There are plenty of UK police guidance documents on this do a Google for "uk police cctv evidence collection and authentication" and you'll find numerous official documents and guidance on the use of cctv as evidence in court and the authentication process it needs to go through first.

    Its been demonstrated just how easy it is to change the time stamp for the whole stored cctv recording in situ of the hard drive on another site on that particular model of cctv, it then just needs to be handed to whoever wants it and it appears genuine but in fact has been changed to whatever dates or time were wanted.

    So this means we cant trust anything the Thai police in Bangkok shows us as CCTV evidence, who else is going to verify they did their job ? I agree with the theory that there could be other reasons for NS not want to publizie the footage of him entering his room, maybe because of a love affair. But thats just more speculations of course.

    So what it boils down to is that NS has been cleared but still it's not possible to clear him because of the reputation of the police .

    Actually, what it comes down to is, Look like a cheater to my girlfriend, or look like a raping murderer to the rest of the world... Hmm...I'll take pissing off the girlfriend. You seem to only pop up to defend Warot, there Balo.... Not very objective.

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