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Posts posted by Darkknight666

  1. Right. So now that we have Islandlife here again I'd like to ask a question, maybe you can ask for me... Why 'o' why is EVERYONE'S Facebook profiles for November 2014 gone? Warot, Mon, DJ's, the cousin who runs AC2... Why are all of their profiles missing November '14? Go on, haves look.. Let me know if you need links, I've got links for all of them handy.

    And, was Warot's shaved head and trip to the temple planned in advanced same as Panya's transfer? Thanks in advance Islandlife, or whomever may be able to answer.

    I see the B2 had facebook accounts are they still active ?

    They probably are still active with family or friends running them, what's your point.

  2. Keyword here... Escaped. Who escaped to Bangkok? Hmm.

    The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

    Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

    He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

    He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

    He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

    He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

    He said the southern police were coordinating with the metropolitan police to hunt him down, and expected to apprehend him today.

    The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

    He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

    Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said.

    Meanwhile a police source said the police are also looking into the cooperation of those who helped to arrange the suspect to escape. They also will be arrested.


  3. Not sure if Phuket Gazette is allowed but here's one link to the story: http://m.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Koh-Tao-Murders-Taxi-driver-accuses-police/36060

    Still looking for link to the "Lightening Cabinet" but I do have a SS. It is google translated as Thai isn't allowed.

    If it wasn't a stitch up all along why were RTP trying to offer money in return for false testimony? Why would this matter to any Toovichien? Hmm.

    We were all aware of the event, but I have reread the article a few times now, and still fail to see your previous claim.

    I did come across and article where Mon threatened a taxi driver for refusing a bribe from the police.

    Fail again

    Not exactly, princess... You get the point, why say anything about the taxi driver at all? Why do they care? Oh, tourism, livelihoods etc. right! Not because they have something to fear. So, why would the cops attempt this if it was an honest investigation? Kind of silly because I know you'll cherry pick and avoid the questions you don't like.

    I'm not convinced the B2 are fully innocent, I'm just not, but I don't believe for one second the B2 got wasted and decided to rape and kill people, that was some other sick puppy's.

  4. Not sure if Phuket Gazette is allowed but here's one link to the story: http://m.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Koh-Tao-Murders-Taxi-driver-accuses-police/36060

    Still looking for link to the "Lightening Cabinet" but I do have a SS. It is google translated as Thai isn't allowed.

    If it wasn't a stitch up all along why were RTP trying to offer money in return for false testimony? Why would this matter to any Toovichien? Hmm.


  5. I'm spending today organizing all of my Koh Tao files, I did come across and article where Mon threatened a taxi driver for refusing a bribe from the police. I've got a link to the taxi driver article as well as Mon's facebook post to "blackie" the taxi on "Councils lightening cabinet" whatever the F that is. Now, at this point why would Mon care? His family is innocent right? Let me get those links.

  6. Did they use reference points? It was just an estimate.

    Now how about these pictures of Nomsod with hair over his ears??? Found them yet?
    Will this one do? If not I can go through my drive again. :0)

    I don't know, may be he has 2 pair of ears, because 1 pair I can clearly notice as uncovered in the pictures.

    Sorry the break it for you, but you indeed will have to go through your drive again, and I have actually not much confidence that there will be found any that meet the criteria.

    Ok, Champ... I'm back. Will this one do? You may have to look a bit closer this time. Oh, and remember hair is not stationary.

    Sorry fail again, may be next try to make the pictures so dark that you can't even see the head anymore, that should do it.

    Damn, I failed... So on the boat photo he doesn't have longish hair around his ears? Ok then. Well then why did uncle Mon claim it was him in the running man video? Remember that? Hmm.

    No I don't remember that his uncle incriminated his nephew, but of course you will have a link for that to post as well.

    As for the pictures, I take it you understand the difference between around the ears and over the ears.

    I'll have a look just for you, but I believe the source was Thai.
  7. Damn, I failed... So on the boat photo he doesn't have longish hair around his ears? Ok then. Well then why did uncle Mon claim it was him in the running man video? Remember that? Hmm.

    when was the boat photo taken?

    I'll have to guess, think it was after the murders... He deleted that pic off Favebook, for some odd reason. Maybe he thought it made him look like a <deleted>... I'd have to agree.

  8. Did they use reference points? It was just an estimate.

    Now how about these pictures of Nomsod with hair over his ears??? Found them yet?
    Will this one do? If not I can go through my drive again. :0)

    I don't know, may be he has 2 pair of ears, because 1 pair I can clearly notice as uncovered in the pictures.

    Sorry the break it for you, but you indeed will have to go through your drive again, and I have actually not much confidence that there will be found any that meet the criteria.

    Ok, Champ... I'm back. Will this one do? You may have to look a bit closer this time. Oh, and remember hair is not stationary.

    Sorry fail again, may be next try to make the pictures so dark that you can't even see the head anymore, that should do it.

    Damn, I failed... So on the boat photo he doesn't have longish hair around his ears? Ok then. Well then why did uncle Mon claim it was him in the running man video? Remember that? Hmm.
  9. The height should be reasonably accurate, reason being that there is a number of known referance to points to work from

    Did they use reference points? It was just an estimate.

    Now how about these pictures of Nomsod with hair over his ears??? Found them yet?

    Will this one do? If not I can go through my drive again. :0)

    I don't know, may be he has 2 pair of ears, because 1 pair I can clearly notice as uncovered in the pictures.

    Sorry the break it for you, but you indeed will have to go through your drive again, and I have actually not much confidence that there will be found any that meet the criteria.

    Ok, Champ... I'm back. Will this one do? You may have to look a bit closer this time. Oh, and remember hair is not stationary.


  10. The height should be reasonably accurate, reason being that there is a number of known referance to points to work from

    Did they use reference points? It was just an estimate.

    Now how about these pictures of Nomsod with hair over his ears??? Found them yet?

    Will this one do? If not I can go through my drive again. :0)

    I don't know, may be he has 2 pair of ears, because 1 pair I can clearly notice as uncovered in the pictures.

    Sorry the break it for you, but you indeed will have to go through your drive again, and I have actually not much confidence that there will be found any that meet the criteria.

    Right, off I go then Champ.

  11. Right. So now that we have Islandlife here again I'd like to ask a question, maybe you can ask for me... Why 'o' why is EVERYONE'S Facebook profiles for November 2014 gone? Warot, Mon, DJ's, the cousin who runs AC2... Why are all of their profiles missing November '14? Go on, haves look.. Let me know if you need links, I've got links for all of them handy.

    And, was Warot's shaved head and trip to the temple planned in advanced same as Panya's transfer? Thanks in advance Islandlife, or whomever may be able to answer.

  12. Mon was photographed inside the crime scene a few hours after the bodies were discovered also on a Thai TV News reprt footage aswell as I remember.

    So why the hell was he not a witness for the defence? A member of the public inside a crime scene? Why?

    He has to tell why he was inside that police line!

    bcase it was 50 m from hes back yard,he is the land owner and he was the one who quided the police there.

    What u suggest he shud of grow pair of wings and fly away from the crime scene,so off course he was in picture. After police was escorted by him , police did close the area .how do i know this.bcase i was there.

    75 % of stories written in paper about this case was un true and only written&published to sell papers.

    Why is Mon so worked up presently if nothing to worry about? Threatening people online, tisk tisk, Uncle.

    Land owner or no, The man shouldn't have been within the crime scene period, as few people as possible should be allowed for obvious reasons. I really want to see the killers put in jail, so bad.

  13. The not guilty camp, can stamp their feet, threat to hit the ignore button and hit out with personal attacks, but the fact is these two savages have been found guilty, and no new evidence will be heard in the appeal, so the sentence will stand.

    Right. It's likely the next court will see the prosecutions case for what it is, their DNA for what it is, a mediocre attempt to pull the wool over... So far it's only succeeding with sheep.

  14. Whoever left that gruesome scene on Sairee beach KNEW someone would be along to clean it all up and make it go away. Hannah was left the way she was to humiliate her. Why? I still think of the motivation it takes to harm someone in that way, The killers had some things like this before, maybe not anything this terrible. How were they to know this would be a major case?

    Wonder if the speedboat driver has ever been spoken to again after the whole cave incident?

  15. Amnesty International have called for an independent investigation into the trial (good luck with that!) and the UK newspapers have also highlighted in their reports that Thailand is known to use torture to extract confessions from the innocent. None of this will make any difference to the Thai authorities. Even my Thai wife is disgusted!

    The courts ignored the confessions made by the B2 so an enquiry into that is irrelevant- if you want to know who the experts at torture are can I just say Guantanamo Bay and water boarding, plus stripping people naked and photographing them lying together on top of each other in piles (I won't tell you what this reminded me of as it is too grotesque to mention) for the amusement of the guards!!! I believe they also put bags over their heads and cocked a gun plus an assortment of other abuses. How does what they SUPPOSEDLY did compare to this?
    They weren't tortured, it's standard practice for those in custody to claim this and standard practice for these human rights people to encourage them to proclaim that it happened. Did anyone notice that has soon as the HR jumped in they retracted their confessions and not before, a coincidence? I don't think so!!
    I don't even know why I have brought this up actually, as it played no part in the trial.

    If I was innocent they would have had to beat me up beyond recognition to make a confession...

    Apparently, they confessed because they were tickled under the arm from the picture I saw of an almost bruise in the armpit area (probably self inflicted). God, the screams must have been unbearable!! If they tickled me so viciously I'd sign anything.

    Your pathetic, they were burn marks from boiling water and the photo was not of the B2 but 3 of the Burmese football players who got rounded up and were allegedly tortured. I've never read so much complete nonsense from a poster as I have from you........wow

    Reminds me of GOLDBUGGY, this Lucky fella does.

    Anyhow, At some point it was reported that Hannah had an argument in the bar with a "bar manager" as reported by an unnamed British witness. Some other interesting things here in the article linked. (can't recall if The Nation is allowed here, if not just delete the link please)

  16. So, RTP- fanboys: you suggest, that there is evidence, that we haven't seen or heard about?!

    Evidence, only some inner circle members (and the Miller- family) know about?!

    Why exactly, would that be so?

    Even the judge, who handed down the judgement said, that the case is flawed, but the DNA- evidence was the most compelling part (which means, in my reading: even that was flawed!).

    So we have seen all the failures and fumbles, all the mistakes, all the "I don't know" and "it is used up".

    We have seen the case been sent back a total of 3 times and we all have heard all the questions and all the doubts!

    All that has been made public...but the ONE "evidence", that links the B2 to the crime without any doubt and so clear, that a death -sentence has been spoken...THAT part of evidence, is the only thing, that has been kept a secret?!

    On what planet does that make ANY sense?

    If the semen found inside Hannah's body was that of the B2 then that trumps EVERYTHING else. Nothing else matters, unless you think that they raped Hannah and then somebody else murdered them, which wouldn't actually make that much sense!!

    Despite the argument put forth by some defenders of the Burmese that the presence of their semen on the victim's body does not prove murder, I tend to believe that it would go a long way towards convincing most reasonable folks of their guilt. The problem is that, as many have already pointed out, there has been no CREDIBLE presentation by the prosecutors of ANY evidence,

    other than what amounts to a weaker version of "the dog ate my homework" by the RTP.

    It was hardly what any self respecting court anywhere in the world could call "rock-solid DNA evidence."

    Apparently, rock solid enough!!

    Yes, in a place where "Mai pen rai" is the norm.

    I'll be sure to see how lucky you're feeling after the appeals.

  17. So, RTP- fanboys: you suggest, that there is evidence, that we haven't seen or heard about?!

    Evidence, only some inner circle members (and the Miller- family) know about?!

    Why exactly, would that be so?

    Even the judge, who handed down the judgement said, that the case is flawed, but the DNA- evidence was the most compelling part (which means, in my reading: even that was flawed!).

    So we have seen all the failures and fumbles, all the mistakes, all the "I don't know" and "it is used up".

    We have seen the case been sent back a total of 3 times and we all have heard all the questions and all the doubts!

    All that has been made public...but the ONE "evidence", that links the B2 to the crime without any doubt and so clear, that a death -sentence has been spoken...THAT part of evidence, is the only thing, that has been kept a secret?!

    On what planet does that make ANY sense?

    If the semen found inside Hannah's body was that of the B2 then that trumps EVERYTHING else. Nothing else matters, unless you think that they raped Hannah and then somebody else murdered them, which wouldn't actually make that much sense!!

    If there were proper Chain Of Custody documents to verify that the Semen was in fact found and did in fact belong to either of the B2 the case would have been closed a very long time ago, yet it isn't. There are irregularities in those documents that cast significant doubt on the collection/handling of said evidence. Also, if they had the DNA from within a victim I imagine the B2 would be smart enough to admit guilt and have their sentences reduced. The monster(s) who killed David and Hannah aren't Burmese.

  18. Anyone remember the "revered monk" who claimed to have heard what happened (from the tweaker speed boat cave guy?) and said he would come forward only to then never come forward? That along with the taxi driver refusing the bribe from RTP for his false statements and being intimidated indicate to me the B2 aren't the killers. A lot of things beyond court took place and you can't discount them all, why didn't the defense call the taxi driver? Or the "cave man".... I really can't believe how the courts work here... A crap shoot, more or less.

  19. Two pairs of shorts with the same label in the back. One pair clean, one pair dirty. Looking at the length on both pairs of shorts, the dirty ones appear to be longer and the circumference of the hem narrower. The third photo - the mystery jeans with what appears to be the same belt. If anyone says these are a white pair of shorts inside out my name's father Christmas. I used to know someone who liked to unpick his designer labels from the inside of his shirts and stitch them on the back so everyone could see. Need to highlight it again - the belt is too big for the clean shorts.


    but still:

    Look at the allegedly Hannah's panties (underwear she didn't wear on her body when found)

    in the top left, above the pinky flip flops ...

    DID YOU ever seen any young, sexy girl on her night out on a tropical island (not in Alaska during the winter!!!)

    wearing such an awful thing?

    This "Hannah's panties" looks more like a Thai guy's underwear to me .... anybody?

    I think, and I could be wrong, but that style of women's underwear in the states as "boyfriend cut panties"... And they are popular there as well. Many young women probably have a pair in the west.

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