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Everything posted by opporna

  1. You missed the point. If an electrician was asked to do plumbing, he most likely would defer to a trained plumber. Just because the electrician says 'I can fit my style to include pipes and such' doesn't mean they have the qualifications to do so.
  2. Pinto beans available cheapish at the Indian groceries--50 baht for half a kilo I believe.
  3. Here is a picture as requested. However, foreign brands would most likely be prohibitively expensive--I'm wondering about a local, reasonably priced solution. The option of not sealing is possible if they sealant solution is too expensive.
  4. I'm looking for a product to seal grout. There are a couple of archived threads on AseanNow that mention Weber grout sealant, but I haven't been able to locate it anywhere so far. I found one but it seems quite expensive: https://shopee.co.th/เอชจี-เคลือบยาแนว--HG-SUPER-PROTECTOR-FOR-WALL-AND-FLOOR-GROUT--ขนาด-250-มล--i.95049753.2263028219 Any tips on a reasonable alternative would be appreciated.
  5. Indeed, nothing is for sure--even 800,000 in an ordinary savings account--nor have I claimed any guarantees. What I have given is my experience this account works at Jomtien immigration. Actual experiences are more valuable to me than speculation.
  6. I thought I would update this thread with the latest development. Summary: I was able this year to use my SCB Easy 1.5% interest account to deposit my 800,000 and use that for this year's extension of stay at Jomtien immigration--so it IS possible to use this type of account even though it has no passbook. Details: Last year, about a week after getting my extension, I moved my money to the SCB Easy account as I wanted to get the higher interest. I had a backup as I had no direct confirmation that this would be ok, but it turned out I didn't need it. I always do my extension as early as possible, about 30 days before it expires to give myself wiggle room to deal with any glitches. I went to the branch of SCB on Soi 11? in Jomtien at 10:30 ish in the morning to get my letter and bank statment, which was 200 baht. The lady who helped me actually said to me that she didn't know this kind of account could be used for retirement extensions. I assured her that they had told me it could be used when I opened the account and that I was 98% sure that it could. I had to wait about 45 minutes in the queue, so I didn't arrive at Jomtien immigration until after 11:30 am and assumed I would have to wait for 1 pm as I hadn't yet had my picture taken, done copies, nor filled out the form. I did all that at the copy place next to the bathroom inside immigration, and went to the counter about 11:50 where they were turning people away and telling them to come back at 1 pm. I showed the guy my paper and he gave me a queue number! Nice, so I went to the counter and the extension guy looked at my queue number, then his watch and decided to help me. He went through the papers and everything was good but then he looked at the bank statement and said it was no good because no bank book. He was amazingly helpful and patient. He explained that because there was no bank book, the STATEMENT had to go back ONE YEAR FROM THE DAY I APPLIED FOR THE EXTENSION and the one they had given me only went back a couple months. He then made a note on my package that would allow me to come back at 1 pm and skip the queue. I was so grateful, what a nice guy. Another detail: as I had moved the money a week after getting my extension last year, the money had not been in SCB for a full year yet. I explained that to the guy, and he said that I could give copies of the bank book I transferred the funds from (it was a Bangkok Bank term deposit account with a passbook). I asked if I needed a letter from Bangkok Bank and he said no. The other option we discussed was waiting a week or so and using just the SCB account, but he said the letter from SCB was only good for 3 days, so that would require another 200 baht fee. I rushed home to get the old Bkk Bank passbook, rushed to the bank where I got a more senior bank employee who knew the ins and outs better. She said I need to pay 200 baht extra for a one-year statement as they only give up to 3 months statements for free, so IN TOTAL I gave 400 baht for letter and one-year statement. She also copied my Bkk Bank passbook for me. That went very quick and I was back at immigration just before one--I was let in after a close examination by the door guy, bypassing a long queue. Phew. After that it was quick and easy. A couple minutes tops, a few more signatures and 1900 baht, and I had my number to pick up my passport the next day, which I did. Now I'm good to go for another year. I hope this will be helpful to others.
  7. Yesterday I tried a newish Kao Soi place in the middle of Pattaya--off Soi Lengkee. In my opinion it is the best one in Pattaya--better than a couple I've had in Chiang Mai. The lady cook is really nice--a teacher from Chiang Mai apparently. The Kao Soi was very reasonably priced at 70 baht. Good portion, great taste. Kao Soi is sort of a cross between Thai and Indian curry, coconut milk based broth with curry added, mildly spicy, with a tender braised chicken leg. Yummy. It's called Kao Soi Chiang Mai Kru Aaw. ข้าวซอยเชียงใหม่ครูอ้อ This is a great find and highly recommended. We need to support places like this so they stay open and keep such lovely food available to us. https://www.google.com/maps/place/ข้าวซอยเชียงใหม่ครูอ้อ/@12.9274672,100.8857868,19.67z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x310297fafc2194bd:0x87140855e2efe506!8m2!3d12.9275317!4d100.8862882
  8. Apparently you have to be very careful--different offices have different criteria, which is why I'm asking for information specific to Kalasin.
  9. I have a friend who is not that internet savvy, and he has his 800,000 retirement funds in a regular Kasikorn account. I would like to try to get him a higher interest rate, but I'm afraid that Kalasin would mess him up, so I'm looking for others with experience in this specific office. When he renews, he must show monthly money going in and out, for example, so that worries me about getting a CD or time deposit. Also, I know SCB is best for their 1.5% e-account, but I'm worried Kalasin would not accept an account with no passbook. Any help with this would be highly appreciated.
  10. Thanks for taking the time, I really appreciate it. I actually wouldn't mind if the tree was removed completely. It would save having to trim it periodically. It would also open up the back to more light. Perhaps in future a replacement with a species of tree more suited to the situation would be possible.
  11. @drtreelove Thanks for your reply. It's not easy to take pictures, but I've tried. This is in the back of the house which doesn't have road access. The owner of the land the tree is on would of course be responsible in my home country, but I think that is a pipe dream here. From the front of the house, it looks like this: Thanks in advance for any help.
  12. I still haven't found anyone, and I'm hoping someone has a good lead. Thanks in advance.
  13. I have various jobs that need doing, including a bit a painting, a fan and water heater put in the bathroom, some awnings put up, and other small jobs. I'm looking for someone reliable and local to help. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  14. The outside of my house is brick and painting by hand in the cracks would be tedious. I saw there are some relatively inexpensive painting systems on Lazada and wonder if anyone knows a good, hopefully inexpensive system. Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi there, I have a tree that needs trimming as in the title on the darkside. Does anyone know a good service? Thanks in advance.
  16. Grand Avenue condo behind The Avenue shopping mall in the heart of Pattaya had their garage flooded a year ago.
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