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Everything posted by opporna

  1. Any chance of a tutorial on how to make this? You did it in Thailand?
  2. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is my favorite. Nano-THC edibles. I use a syrup from Devour (the brand, search google for 'devour nano-thc syrup' to see). It comes on in 15 minutes, is strong by 30, and full blown by 45 minutes. It's much easier to dose too--couch lock is 1 teaspoon, less for a less intense experience of course. It's nice not stressing your lungs.
  3. I also haven't flown in or out in a long time. I read this thread and applied 11 days early rather than the 3-4 days before due date that I usually do and I was approved within 24 hours.
  4. Perhaps my memory is bad, but I feel this year has been a lot less crazy than I remember from before covid. I've been able to go for walks in the morning all the way up to early afternoon without getting wet. I have avoided the main water throwing areas in the afternoon and evening of course. One example is the beer bar complex at the bottom of Soi 8 on Beach Road. I remember that going pretty much 24/7, but in the mornings nothing was happening. Yesterday I walked down Soi 6 at about 11 am and nary a drop of water was thrown.
  5. Does anyone have any experience with going to a government hospital (such as Queen Sirikit near the Pattaya Airport) for a crown. I know that for general medical things, prices are much lower but I'm wondering if I could save money when I get a bridge replaced at some point. The bridge is 3 crowns so can be quite pricey.
  6. Does anyone have direct experience with using a fixed term deposit for their 800,000 to extend their visa with Udon immigration? I have a friend who says they would not allow such a thing. Thanks in advance.
  7. Kirkland vitamins on Shopee and Lazada are almost the same price as in the US right now. They used to be much more expensive but have come way down in price.
  8. I started with a dynavap, then got a crafty+. I noticed what was left after using the crafty+ was a lot less 'used' looking than the dynavap. To me you can get the same results, just 'respect the click' more. This means it takes less time using the dynavap as well. If I had known this, I might not have bought the crafty+, though it's nice not having to use a torch/lighter. May I ask where you got your bubbler?
  9. I own a condo in Jomtien. I rented it out to a foreigner a few years ago, and when I went to do the TM30, they refused as I didn't have a work permit. I ended up not renting the place out. Well, I'm thinking about renting again, and as things change all the time, I was wondering if anyone has experience specifically with Jomtien doing TM30s as a foreign owner renting to another foreigner. Is it possible for me to do the TM30 and if so what documents will they require of me? Thanks in advance.
  10. After you stop work, you have 6 months to apply to continue. You apply at any Social Security office.
  11. More details would be appreciated, how did you do this?
  12. Mr. DIY sells only the single flame as far as I know. It has worked great for me for over a month now. Sorry you've had so many torch problems. On the Dynavap, the click is variable in sound, sometimes loud, sometimes soft. The Dynavap definitely has a learning curve which I enjoy. You don't, so maybe one of those more expensive electric ones is best for you.
  13. I'm hoping someone can help point me to good motorized wheelchair for a friend who lost her legs. Something that is good value as well as good quality would be great. Thanks in advance.
  14. It has almost all blue flame. The refills are sold at MR DIY, little bottles for 5 baht. They are available at the Avenue Mr DIY, didn't see those cheap refills at Royal Garden. Other refills are available for a higher price as well (17 baht?), but the 5 baht ones work fine. There is no adapter for anything, the nozzle of the refill thingie goes in the bottom of the torch. Edit: Forgot, here's a Chinese knockoff heater for only 2,000. https://vi.aliexpress.com/i/1005005178875101.html
  15. Mr DIY single flame is 62 baht and refills are 5 baht. Works great.
  16. Looks cheaper here: https://vi.aliexpress.com/i/1005005178875101.html
  17. It was the opposite--more THC was removed causing it to be more unhealthy as it requires you to ingest more tars/etc. I just read it in passing so I don't claim that it's accurate. However sometimes things that make sense, like putting weed smoke through water is better, turn out to be inaccurate.
  18. I was looking at bongs because of this thread, and I read that putting the smoke through water actually takes quite a bit of THC out of the smoke so you need to smoke more to get the same high, defeating the purpose. I'm no expert, just reporting something I read.
  19. There are positives and negatives to the 'half' bowl option. It's very good as a way to learn the dynavap. It takes a bit of playing around and research to figure everything out, but not burning and just vaporizing is a very interesting thing at the least. And as you said, can go through a bong. Look on reddit for opinions on the 'half' bowl.
  20. Lemon Haze from a source suggested by @philthebook. 225 baht for 5 grams (45/g), he threw in a sample of some other weed too, 1.6 grams. Haven't tried that yet. Lemon Haze smells amazing. You burn all this stuff anyway, but it's fun to play with until it goes up in smoke.
  21. The entry-level one I bought link is here, and that's the best price I've seen as well.
  22. Dynavap vaporizers are legal, cheap and good. You can get one for less than 2000 baht.
  23. Hi, I'd like to get a grinder. I assume a metal one will last longer? I see some plastic once for like 40 baht on Lazada, but I'm skeptical so I thought I'd ask for people who have gotten good ones. Thanks in advance.
  24. Just chiming in with a big thumbs up on the sour diesel. Thanks again @philthebook.
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