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Posts posted by jgold

  1. I also got rejected in Ho Chi Minh because I had a 2 tourist visas in my passport. If you want to stay in Thailand start looking for a long term solution rather than keep kicking the can down the road. It is a painful reminder every time I had to go to immigration to extend my ed visa. I would follow DerekMarshall advice. I rather save the money and learn on my own. 

  2. truth is it is getting harder and harder to live in Thailand for the under 50, I nearly got denied entry and I had an ed visa and a re-entry permit when I got into Thailand 7 months ago.  Now you have to change passports more often and not let visas accumulate. 


    I am in Ho Chi Minh now, much much easier to stay here on tourist visas. Not as good as Thailand but things are changing fast here.

  3. 51 minutes ago, BKKBodhisattva said:

    Comparing apples and pears


    Why should they give farangs an advantage over their own people?


    That's the same question I have for my government. I am not from a developed country, not US or EU. We are considered third world and still we offer Thais opportunities that are not offered to us here. 

    Just because a few Thais can afford is not an excuse, they have a right and Thais don't offer the same rights to us.

    I tell you if every british, US and Australian expat jam their embassy email and phone lines they would put pressure to loosen some policies here. 

  4. I constantly read about foreigners complaining about the way we are treated here be it for immigration, business or simply buying a house.


    If you think you are being treated unfairly write an email to your embassador, only they have the power to put some pressure in the Thai government if you want change.


    I constantly hear about not being able to fully own a business or buy a house under your name. If your country extend these rights to Thai people and enough people complain they will start to think and hopefully say "hey this is not fair". 


    Thai people come to your country and we let them buy land, own a business, right to work if they marry and citizenship after 4 yrs. 


    Do you get the same treatment here?? 



  5. very interesting topic. What would be the purpose of opening a bank account outside Thailand and what would be the difference if it is a company or personal account?

    I would like to move money outside of thailand w ease and the ways I am using is costing me a little too much. I tried already to open an account in Spain, UK and Switzerland but they require I be a resident which was not possible. Portugal was a bit easier.

    So Cyprus is the place to be?

  6. I have been living here 15 yrs now and honestly I think the junta is stirring up anti-foreign sentiment among Thais. I am not talking about tourists, I am talking about foreigners who live here and do business here. Since the military took power I sense the sentiment against foreigners got stronger. When Thaksin was in the prime minister you could even buy land if you had elite visa among other things that were tolerated back then and now are not. When will Thailand welcome foreign residents, not only tourists? Each has their own opinion about red shirts and yellow shirts BUT which one is more welcoming of foreigners? I am a foreigner and I care about my interests just like anyone should if they own property here or settled here. 

  7. Great dude!! Wish you best of luck. But don't push your luck. Change that passport before you come under scrutiny by the immigration at airport. Yes they can link all your passports including the old one BUT they don't look most of the times when they see a new passport.


    Another thing at one point the computer will flag you so be prepared for when that day comes. I lived there on a mix of tourist visas and ed visas for 5 yrs. Now I am in Saigon cooling off for 6 months before I return because I was flagged last time I went in, I was dumb to let my passport fill up with Thai stamps and visas.


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  8. This is a hard decision. I was in your shoes before in a different country so I know exactly what you are going through, 18 yrs so about the same time. Lucky you this is not America and you might have a slight chance, if you speak Thai a bit bigger chance. 


    You really have to think your options on this one. What happens if you go back to your country and how can you not have a problem of overstaying again in the future. It is getting much harder for the under 50 crowd to stay here. Vietnam is getting better and lots of the under 50 yrs old people who could not stay here moved there.


    Best advise here is go to the airport pay the fine and beg beg and beg for mercy. Thais do have a good heart and might not ban you. BUT be prepared to give it all up if they don't. It is a very difficult decision, stay illegally forever or take a chance. 


    If you speak Thai and have some kind of roots in Thailand they might feel sorry for you and let it slide. I think I would try Don Muang instead of Suvarnabhumi.  Take photos of your family here to show them. 


    I know someone who can cancel the ban in Pattaya but I always heard it is very expensive. If it fails you can go back to your country work hard to save money to "pay off" your ban


  9. It is just not possible to live in Thailand anymore on tourist visas. Doing many visa extensions raises a flag w immigration. I rather do a visa run than an extension. I ran out of luck after 4.5 yrs. I had an ed visa w a re-entry permit and only got let in after I paid off the supervisor at suvarnabumi. I am now taking a 6 month break and will only live there again on a elite visa.

    It is just humiliating being taken aside at the airport immigration. This 3rd world country all of a sudden thinks of itself being the likes of US or UK.

    Have a back up plan!! In Vietnam americans get a 1yr multiple entry for under 150 bucks. Not as good as Thailand but if you want to stay in the area it is a good option. Good luck!


    One last advice is to stay away from the poipet border!! there are many posts here and everyone says it is to be avoided. Go to the borders w Laos.

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  10. I think if a lot of people started protesting and sending emails to their embassy something might be done. 

    My country lets Thais marry and get a citizenship within 3 yrs, buy land, own a business and many privileges our citizens do not get here.

    If every expat in Thailand would raise this with their perspective embassy this would get them to start talking about it and maybe go to the Thai government and say 'Hey this is not fair".


    Taiwan for example has a law that lets foreigners own land ONLY if the country of the foreigner lets Taiwanese citizens buy land there too. 

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