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Posts posted by jbowman1993

  1. Don't be fooled by gorvernment's medias, they lie and give out wrong information like communists.. Red shirt only asking for a new election, they don't care if Yellow Apisit will be won again and he will be a pure PM come from real election. Gorvenment fraud stolen Taksin money, they need to return his money too. He has a reasonable came from real election and country was growing fast because he has a brain not Apisit or this gorvernment.

    The military dictatorship behind gorvernment should be cleaned up to for the long term democracy future and no coup done by them ay more.. tired to see this when they were starving, they always do this.

    Heard blue shirts attacked red but the rocks, I don't believed red did that. Blue and Yellow are the same people, that they armed and seized the airport and Thailand lost lots of money since from there 200 billions baht.. well where is Apisit will take care of that..? Red shirts are not acted like terrorists.

    Just resigned and accepted that you are not an election PM.

    Spoken like a true.....ummmm.....believer? LOL

  2. Sling shots with bolts and fire bombs... Pretty much shows me what I needed to see about red shirt protestors.

    You obviously didn't follow the tv and articles about the yellowshirts with guns shown on tv firing at people, or are you one of the baying mob on here kissing the arse of the incumbent government,it appears from a lot of posters here that it was perfectly ok for the yellows to do what they wanted but not for the reds,hypocrites the lot of them, espousing about democracy my arse your just a baying mob most of you and a lot just getting on the bandwagon.

    Why aren't you at the protest? This is about democracy right? Or was that Demo-crazy.

  3. No need for you to imagine it, they did much worse in real life blocking tourists from going home by blocking airports, blocking the elected government from performing their functions, shooting at people in the street, murdering people, ping pong bombs etc, do you want me to go on or are you going to take your blinkers off?

    its not as though we have not seen the footage of the yellows, its not as though you are telling us about some fish that you caught when you was alone.

    Much worse than endangering the lives of 16 heads of state? (Flame Deleted)

  4. They said on the red main stage at Government House now that 2 reds in Pattaya were shot by gun and are sent to hospital.

    Some reds have entered Royal Cliff Beach Resort.

    They ask the reds to block all local Municipal Houses in provinces and call the reds in Bangkok to gather at Government House.

    As Abhisit government allows attack to unarmed reds, the reds announce Abhisit government is their enemy.

    Just watched on TV 7 a different story... throwing stones and obviously Molotov cocktails means "unarmed"????

    I think most are aware that the reds are desperate, and desperate people do stupid things, which is what we are seeing today. Unbelievable that the police can't handle this.

  5. They said on the red main stage at Government House now that 2 reds in Pattaya were shot by gun and are sent to hospital.

    Some reds have entered Royal Cliff Beach Resort.

    They ask the reds to block all local Municipal Houses in provinces and call the reds in Bangkok to gather at Government House.

    As Abhisit government allows attack to unarmed reds, the reds announce Abhisit government is their enemy.

    Koo, why aren't you down there, bleeding for the cause you are so passionate about?

  6. Well, it appears it's the reds turn now (despite an economic crisis, mai pen rai) and apparently DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE!!! OR, simply 76 BILLION frozen baht (and a chance for Mr Thaksin to 'double-up') This all conveniently coincides with Dr Thaksin's upcoming court date on said frozen approx 2 Billion USD.

    It's all becoming slightly reminiscent of the old movie 'It's a Mad, Mad World'...

    With greatest respect to deceased Spencer Tracy (whom wouldn't be caught dead with this lot)

    Wonder if it will end similarly for Big 'T'?


    Mr Thaksin's earlier pleaded for the red-rally to: "Tell YOU children to come" This occurred at the same time HIS 'children' were being jetted out to safety in first class comfort... (no more needs to be added really)

    I'll add one more to this.

    Thaksin is the villain in this story! The sooner people figure that out, the better.

  7. PT would be further marginalized than they currently are.

    and thus likely even more violent then they already are.... this talk of theirs of accepting new election results is a pile of


    And Thailand sits through 4 months of having no leadership, leading up to the election, during the worst recession in decades, and during the year they are serving as ASEAN Chair...thats a wonderful idea!

    Oh, and how many Puea Thai MP's will jump ship to Bhum Jai Thai (Newin)? Most put the figure at close to 60. PT could conceiably be down below 100 MP's. And what would be the result? Aphisit is still PM, Newin's faction has more power (making them more difficult to work with, see the airport debate currently underway), and Thailand has lost more valuable time for NOTHING!

  8. 2000 baht each to stop 10 million demonstrating was it? Or was there some other reason?

    So succesful was the stimulus package that the country continues down the pan, but at least for now the reds have been kept to just over 100,000 at peak levels in a single place.

    So perhaps another round of 2000 baht cheques will need to be promised in June to stop more joining the reds in the months ahead?

    Funny, those idiots in the US, Japan, China, and a hundred others, did the exact same thing. Good to know that they are all idiots. How soon before the invitations for LH to assume leadership of their respective countries is issued. I'll wait with breathless anticipation. :o

  9. All Abhisit and the Democrats appear to have done so far is jump in bed with Newin and his ilk to gain power, go out and borrow loads of money, throw it away by giving out 2000B cheques, have scandal after scandal and basically stand by doing nothing whilst hundreds of thousands of Thai's lose their jobs. All the while appointing PAD people to powerful positions and advisory roles to the government.

    The funny thing about the 2000 Baht cheques is that only government workers were eligible, who are not the ones that lost their jobs due to the PAD demonstrations last year.

    No cheques for the tourism industry workers that lost their jobs.

    No cheques for the people working in the factories that closed down.

    No cheques for the farmers who lost and are still losing due lost export contracts.

    But 2000 Baht shopping cheques for government workers, who already have a higher salary than most average Thais.

    That's Abhisit.

    That's bull, most of my wife's extended family have received the stimulus cheques and they all work regular jobs in factories around the country.

    Complete crap from Rainman - The stimulus checks were given to all members of the Social Security Scheme (that includes government workers, aprox 1.2 million) making less than 15k a month, and most companies in Thailand are part of this scheme. Also, once a person is a member, they can continue to be, even after losing their job, when they receive unemployment benefits etc. The number was close to 10 million who qualified. Both my wife and I are members of the Social Security, and both make over 15k. Neither of us received stimulus checks. However, all the workers at my wife's company did, and none of them are government workers.

  10. The main problem with the red's campaign, is that they can't win...so why are the causing so much trouble lol :o

    The yellow shirts didn't win either. The courts had a date set for their decision on the dissolution of the PPP party way before the yellow shirts even went to the streets. So why did they do it?

    They're both silly, I agree. Some people prefer Thaksin, others prefer Abhisit. It's called an opinion. Just because ten fish swim up the stream doesn't mean the other ten can't swim down the stream.

    The red shirts haven't even entered the government house yet. The yellow shirts were practically living there for months. The red shirts haven't taken over any airports, but the yellow shirts held 2 Bangkok airports for a week and kept raiding other smaller airports.

    So far the red shirts have done much less damage than the yellow shirts. But yet the yellow shirt supporters are outraged and surprised at what's happening, when they themselves did the very same thing, not for days, but for months. They didn't care what everyone else thought about months of government house occupation, a week of airport occupation and daily demonstrations on the streets.

    Why do people continually bring up the yellow shirts when I comment on issues. I don't give a sh#t about the yellows, never have, never will. They are idiots, the reds are idiots, etc.

    What I haven't heard Rainman comment on (or EdwardM, etc), is Thaksin's call to bring children to the rally, the very day that his entire family was whisked out of the country. Probably because that soft of behavior has no defense. Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight. Thaksin is a coward, as are his family members. If he really wants change, then let him bring his pasty white saggy ass back to Bangkok, and do his jail time (A.K.A Nelson Mandella), to protest his innocence from a solid moral foundation. Then he might start getting some respect from me.

    Thaksin will not come back to THailand while there is a very strong chance he will be executed.

    My word, how little you know about the "real story".

    Im glad you enjoy the freedom to voice your moronic comments on this site LH. Keep em coming!

  11. The only responsible solution is to dissolve the house and call for new elections.


    It seems to be the only sensible solution right now. How else can their be a government that can be accepted by all parties?

    The current PM might be a good guy, but he seems to be under the army rather than above it.

    The WHOLE PROBLEM comes from the coup in 2006.

    And until the country is returned to "pre coup" then this will go on and on.

    Dissolve the House.

    Put the old "peoples constitution" back into effect.

    Have an election where everyone can contest seats, no banned politicians.

    Then things might get back to normal.

    All Abhisit and the Democrats appear to have done so far is jump in bed with Newin and his ilk to gain power, go out and borrow loads of money, throw it away by giving out 2000B cheques, have scandal after scandal and basically stand by doing nothing whilst hundreds of thousands of Thai's lose their jobs. All the while appointing PAD people to powerful positions and advisory roles to the government.

    The government is a shambles and is paralysed owing to the big money backers who got it into power.

    Abhisit looks like a puppet on a string, and I am thinking that come the time he writes his memoirs in old age he will look back saying that the uncomfortable smile he had on his face was due to the fact he was always told what to do, and he regrets being used by others as a "fresh face" on a an old and ugly beast.

    Broken record...

  12. If Abhisit really has the backing of the majority of Thais, he should have nothing to fear by calling for new elections.

    Nothing to gain either. He is already the PM, and already has a stable majority in Parliament. Meanwhile, his government has produced more positive results in 3 months, than ahve been produced since 2006 (ASEAN legislation, Economic Stimulus bills, etc)

    Frankly, I wonder why the Reds would want an election. The January byelection results clearly show that Newin and the Dems would take away a good deal of their current seats, if held. PT would be further marginalized than they currently are.

  13. The main problem with the red's campaign, is that they can't win...so why are the causing so much trouble lol :o

    The yellow shirts didn't win either. The courts had a date set for their decision on the dissolution of the PPP party way before the yellow shirts even went to the streets. So why did they do it?

    They're both silly, I agree. Some people prefer Thaksin, others prefer Abhisit. It's called an opinion. Just because ten fish swim up the stream doesn't mean the other ten can't swim down the stream.

    The red shirts haven't even entered the government house yet. The yellow shirts were practically living there for months. The red shirts haven't taken over any airports, but the yellow shirts held 2 Bangkok airports for a week and kept raiding other smaller airports.

    So far the red shirts have done much less damage than the yellow shirts. But yet the yellow shirt supporters are outraged and surprised at what's happening, when they themselves did the very same thing, not for days, but for months. They didn't care what everyone else thought about months of government house occupation, a week of airport occupation and daily demonstrations on the streets.

    Why do people continually bring up the yellow shirts when I comment on issues. I don't give a sh#t about the yellows, never have, never will. They are idiots, the reds are idiots, etc.

    What I haven't heard Rainman comment on (or EdwardM, etc), is Thaksin's call to bring children to the rally, the very day that his entire family was whisked out of the country. Probably because that soft of behavior has no defense. Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight. Thaksin is a coward, as are his family members. If he really wants change, then let him bring his pasty white saggy ass back to Bangkok, and do his jail time (A.K.A Nelson Mandella), to protest his innocence from a solid moral foundation. Then he might start getting some respect from me.

  14. Pattaya Asean protest disperses

    Published: 10/04/2009 at 07:07 PM

    About 3,000 supporters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) who had gathered at the entrance of the Royal Cliff Beach Resort hotel in Pattaya dispersed on Friday evening after handing a letter to a representative of the Asean Secretariat.

    They promised to return on Saturday for an even bigger rally.

    Ten red-shirts led by former Thai Rak Thai MP Arisman Pongruangrong were allowed to enter the hotel to hand the letter, an explanation of the reasons behind the protest, to the head of the external relations unit of Asean Secretariat, Bala Kumar Palaniappan.

    The meeting came after Chonburi governor Surapon Pongtadsirikul went to meet the protesters, who refused to hand their letter to local officials.

    Article Continued Here - http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/1...letter-to-asean

  15. Anti-government protesters retreat

    By Supalak Ganjanakhundee


    The anti-government protesters agreed to retreat from conventional hall of a hotel which is hosting Asean Summit after handing a letter to Asean leaders.

    Their leader, Arisman Phongruangrong, handed over "the letter of demand" to Bara Kuma Palaniappan, a senior official from Asean Secretariat. The protesters said they had no intention to disrupt the meeting but to show thier democratic rights.

    Earlier some pro-Thaksin protesters broke into compound of Royal Cliff Beach Hotel which is hosting Asean Summit plus dialogue partner countries in Pattaya, Chon Buri on Friday.

    They made a sit-in protest close to stairs of the Conventional Hall which is the meeting venue. Arisamun used megaphone to criticise the Abhisit Government.

    Earlier the Asean meeting is besieged by at least 2,000 pro-Thaksin protesters who were at the gate of the hotel and within 200 metres of the convention hall.

    Deput Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban was seen heading to see protest leaders in order to negotiate, reporters at the scene said.

    However, no negotiation has taken place and Suthep was later seen retreating into the hotel.

    Protester leaders later told reporters that they would pave the way for foreign leaders to get in and out of the hotel. The summit begins this evening with a working dinner.

    Article Continued Here - http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/10...cs_30100171.php

  16. Round One goes to the government, sort of

    By Nophakhun Limsamarnphun

    Tulsathit Taptim

    A long holiday break may be cited as a key factor, but exactly why the red-shirted campaign seems to be losing monentum fast may have to do with the protesters and their leaders going into overdrive too soon.

    Their time is too short and their goal too high, if not ambiguous. It took the People's Alliance for Democracy months to accomplish relatively easier goals, even with direct or indirect help from the military and the courts. But just a few days into its campaign, the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship went for broke despite the fact that one of its key demands had to do with an institution closest to the Thai monarchy.

    "They are pushing for a much more difficult goal while having a much lesser time," said PAD leader Suriyasai Katasila. The other DAAD goal is to force government resignation or House dissolution. This is similar to what the PAD tried to achieve in its months-long, sometimes turbulent stand-off with two pro-Thaksin administrations.

    Article Continued here - http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/10...cs_30100213.php

  17. well, some people are simply not smart enough to understand what political motivated studies mean.

    Since you can't back your claims, that no money was lost during the airport occupations, with facts, you may as well call the others stupid.

    The economic losses are not just goods shipped through airplanes. They are tourists that have canceled their trips, lost investor confidence, canceled business deals, airlines suing for damages, import/export companies suing for damages, Thai jobs lost and much more.

    Hey Rainman,

    If that's you in your avatar picture, with that beautiful chick, why are you spending so much time talking on this forum about Thaksin. Go be with your hot woman! :o Your priorities are slightly ass backwards imo...

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