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Posts posted by Hayduke

  1. Makes you wonder....

    If things are so intolerable, why aren't the tens of thousands, (hundreds of thousands) of young, fit Syrian men we see besieging Europe doing something beyond running away?

    There are other options when one's family, homeland and freedom are in jeopardy.

    It kind of seems there's more to the "I wanted was forced to leave because...(hmmm, what will look good on my asylum paperwork?)" story than people are willing to say.

  2. This is beyond astounding.

    Danish citizens who have worked and paid (substantial) taxes their entire lives have their pensions reduced and lose the right to vote if they move???

    Yet freeloading economic migrants who contribute nothing are welcomed with open arms and given a free 'all-you-can-eat buffet' of social security benefits.

    What's wrong with this picture?

  3. Excellent news!

    Reputable sources report that pilots planning strike missions in Syria use dual-use ball point pens to take notes and fill out pre-flight forms using dual-use paper. It is further alleged they debrief these missions on dual-use whiteboards, and sit in dual-use chairs while drinking dual-use coffee.

    Just a few examples of flagrant and outrageous abuse.

    Putting a stop to the epidemic of dual-use proliferation is an important step in making the world safer.

    Good to know the Ministry of Commerce is solidly on board.

  4. Serious question. Really bugs me. How to all the hi-so police earn aviator wings?

    They are not proper aviator's (flyer's) wings; they are jump wings (note the parachute representation atop the badge). The Thai army parachute school pumps a large number of candidates through their course for the express purpose of adding an impressive attachment to their uniforms. Police members with influential sponsors will be sent to this program early in their careers and will forever wear a visual reminder of their 'eliteness'. True story.

    Having lots of insignia, ribbons etc is of paramount importance to many military and police types and wings are one of the most coveted adornments. Since very few people (especially police) qualify as actual flyers they have adopted parachute wings as a somewhat passable substitute.

    Short story: They're 'copy' wings.

  5. The operational end of this whole 'who's in, who's out, part time' anti-IS coalition is becoming increasingly absurd.

    The US hits a target or two, then maybe the UK, then other assorted players like the Jordanians, and now the French. Even the Russians are in on the game but have their own ball, their own field and a more mysterious agenda than the others. Seems the only tangible thing being accomplished is the flying community is getting some real world training in putting (a limited number of) live weapons on target.

    Point is, there isn't any defined objective, any real coordination, any metrics for measuring success/failure or the slightest idea of what the endgame is supposed to look like. It's a mess.

    Committing military force without a clearly understood purpose, identifiable goals and a viable game plan is a formula for failure.

    These 'Here we go again' experiences are getting awfully old.

  6. Merkel has essentially invited millions of people to a permanent all expense paid European vacation.

    Now it seems she wants the other EU countries to pick up the tab.

    Several (generally uncomplimentary) terms describing someone who spends other people's money come to mind.

    It's Germany's party; why not let them pay for it?

  7. Conjuring up almost supernatural patience, I made it through the first fifteen to twenty minutes of the Republican debate.

    Unfortunately, the expected free wheeling game of dodge ball didn't quite happen. Instead everyone seemed to come armed with a boring and largely meaningless list of sanctimonious platitudes. Only slightly more palatable than listening to Hillary's carefully rehearsed and touching accounts of her saintly family.

    May be mistaken but it appears the entertainment value is fading and we're regressing to business as usual. Too bad; it was kind of fun while it lasted.

  8. Why don't we ever hear of Thailand, Japan, South Korea, an Malaysia taking refugees? Where are the Saudis and other arab nations on refugees?

    Thailand, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia don't like foreigners (even paying ones) much to begin with.

    There's no way they'd be dumb enough politically correct enough to take in foreigners they have to pay for.

    As for Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States?....simple...they're too careful to adopt a bunch of poor and potentially volatile malcontents. Besides, no one wants to go there anyway.

  9. Juggling hours and other feel good 'silver bullets' aren't likely to solve much of anything. At best, it's a cosmetic fix to a much bigger problem.

    Children don't learn life essentials like character, morality, work ethics, etc at school; they learn them at home. If parents don't take these things seriously then their children probably won't either.

    On the other hand...when I was nine years old I would have been more than happy to recite twelve of anything to get out of school at 2:00.

  10. So, why did they pay themselves the reward money?

    That may have been the most ridiculous, and greedy move in the history of the RTP. What fools. Can anyone imagine the govt. paying a reward to the cops for doing their work? Hooligans. Revenue collection agents.

    It is, of course, possible that the so called recipients of the so called reward have not and will not actually receive anything. Although it's just pocket change, the guys with stars on their shoulders probably divided it up day one.

  11. "What? Hillary was using a private email? Uh...well...I didn't know anything about that. Nope...not me."

    What's interesting is how everyone (in government) pretended not to notice that she was using a private email account. This is a stretch of almost science fiction proportions. Everyone who corresponded with her could plainly see the return address. There's no way hundreds, if not thousands, of people didn't know. Yet it seems no one asked any questions.

    If this was a common, accepted and legal practice then why is everyone so desperately trying to finger point their way around it now?

    Geez, turn on the lights and watch the cockroaches scatter.

  12. I sincerely hope that no one is thinking that every person from Nigeria, with a population in excess of 170 million, is involved in narcotic trafficking, a few bad apples..

    Every Nigerian that received their visa from the Thai Embassy in Nigeria has had to provide the clearance letter from the National Drug Law Agency, this is a document that the Nigerian government clearly instructs the Thai Embassy to check before issuing a visa to the Nigerian.

    Even a recommendation to issue a visa from the Thai Ministry of Interior, to the Thai Embassy in Nigeria, will not override that requirement.

    Wonder how much those letters cost.

  13. "I could hardly credit it no matter what their background or beliefs! But facts are facts and a major meeting will have to be called to consider what action to take." he said.....Chief Investigator

    It's about time; there's going to be...not just a meeting, but a major meeting!

    This should get the investigation into high gear. We'll be seeing results in no time.


  14. Unlike the U.S. with their appeals after appeals These

    Guys don't screw around. Good for them!! So sick of

    The criminals getting away with so much in the US legal


    A point that most people miss completely. In fact, in the US horrendous evils like apostasy and witchcraft aren't even illegal. What's even more incredible is that no one seems to care.

  15. Not surprising. The Kim dynasty needs an atmosphere of imminent war to keep the masses properly 'motivated'; yet if it drifts into open conflict all bets are off. So for Kim Inc. it's a constant balancing act...and the game of 'chicken' continues.

    But he knows that a war would, one way or another; bring an end to his rule. That, for Mr. Kim, is no doubt, a worst case scenario.

    It makes sense for him to ratchet things up and then cool down. His act has been working so far...doubt he sees any reason to change.

    We'll likely see more of the same...until someone's finger slips.

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