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Posts posted by Hayduke

  1. According to most sources somewhere around 10 per cent of snakes are venomous. And these are generally quite easy to identify. Relatively low number and simple ID matrix. In all fairness to snakes, they’re not a really danger for…most…people.

    However, would you accept this low statistical likelihood of being bitten…and willingly adopt an boxful of assorted snakes to take home?

    Not likely.

    Why? Because it’s obviously a potentially fatal and totally unnecessary risk.

    So...why on earth did Belgium consciously and knowingly establish this snake pit in Molenbeek? And...why on earth is the rest of Europe so eager to do the same thing?

    It’s illogical at best and insanely suicidal at worst.

  2. The timing here is of interest. As soon as DT takes a commanding lead all of these protesters magically appear.

    Gee...who might be sponsoring this?

    The Democrats seem quite content with a DT candidacy so it wouldn't seem they're behind it.

    So it begs the question: Who has the greatest interest in stopping a candidate who is not up to his neck in debt to the Republican ruling class?

    Hmmm...tough one.

  3. Picking a woman over a man to prove some stupid point is one of the things that makes <deleted> a really offensive president.

    I would almost like to agree with you as this sort of thing is not beyond the BO person....

    However, I personally know Lori and have worked with her professionally. She is not a token but an extremely smart, focused and capable officer. She'll do a good job.

    So...you're wrong.

  4. The AJ person is probably well intentioned but she also comes across as dramatically self-centered and more than a little sanctimonious.

    So she could be on a wonderful goodwill mission to save the world...

    But it's also possible she's playing attention whore (again) and/or shopping ("Look Brad, do we have one in that color?") for a new 'trophy' kid.

    I certainly hope it's the former.

  5. The only place Hillary's emails have any relevance is in the minds of far Right Wing fringe Republicans and for people who don't have any real interest in politics. People in the 'real world' understand it is a never ending smear campaign that has no merit.

    File it with 'Benghazi' and 'Obama born in Kenya' it is all just foolishness.

    Those 100 or so FBI Agents currently investigating Hillary's illegal actions might have a disagreement with your post.

    I have a feeling they probably know more about the proper handling of US classified information than you do.

    Exactly. Spent years handling classified and it's a zero tolerance business. If any one of us had done what she did...even once...we'd have gone to jail. No question whatsoever.

  6. This is ideed a sad story, but, the headline is so wrong!

    Following the same sub-editors trend, I assume my death will be announced as "Fat old grumpy bald Farang found dead"?

    Don't be so pessimistic.

    How about "Rich, handsome, jai-dee man of great merit attains enlightenment. Entire country praises his achievements and mourns humanity's loss".

    That's what I'm going for.

    Note: Please...no disrespect intended to the unfortunate lady in the OP. A horrible tragedy; may she and her family find peace.

  7. It’s actually kind of funny….

    The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

    Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

    Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

    No, that's not it. What really p*sses me off is that they seem so freaking determined to hand the election to that loathsome HC life form.

  8. It’s actually sort of funny….

    The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

    Yet…they can’t even manage their own party. Trump has kicked in their door, flash-banged his way into the room and has them all paralyzed with abject terror.

    It’s kind of like a corporation that claims to run the most secure and most dependable bank on earth getting taken over in broad daylight..........by one guy.

  9. Wait a minute...These 'immigrants ' have been invited to Germany by Ms. Merkel.

    Why is she not arranging for their safe and comfortable journey?

    Why is she forcing her guests to endure the unspeakable horrors of overland travel through unsympathetic countries?

    Why does she expect the rest of Europe to pay for the party?

    She should arrange for welcoming assembly points in Turkey, Greece, and Italy (a trillion or so Euros should get things underway), guarantee to accept everyone who shows up, and provide free air transport (to their city of choice in Germany) for the lot.

    She really needs to be more hospitable.

  10. Sounds as if those eligible for attention have already been long identified.

    But how many of these evil influences are those who (although perhaps genuine bad guys) are primarily guilty of making the wrong enemies? Or not making the right friends?

    If anything actually plays out...a few major targets may be named but it's probably a safe bet that the actual 'lists' will never be made public.

    Could possibly be a good opportunity to conduct a sizable political purge within the scope of cooperative inter-agency crime fighting.

  11. I'm waiting on the government appointed news caster like the North Korean woman that bangs on in their national news, rather amusing.

    The first job of a journalists is to expose truth report the news(facts) even if it is the government that is exposed,

    Unfortunately the several comments by the Junta leader pointed towards the media is not looking good, maybe a taste of what's to come with internet fire wall, If we don't approve of comments it wont be allowed.

    Exactly! The North Koreans have got their news announcements wired. Especially when the Great (Dear?...Plump?...Chubby?...) leader is mentioned in that shrill, quivering, hysterical, weepy, orgasmic tone of voice. Would certainly liven up official TV.

  12. Posters probably should read this person's website before commenting. Particularly the "Right To Die" section.


    His blog is a painfully compelling and sobering read.

    A terrible shame that such an intelligent, thoughtful and sensitive young man was unable to emerge from these tragic circumstances.

    Godspeed Nathan.

  13. The disarray in the Republican Party is almost beyond astronomical and getting worse by the day. Super Tuesday probably won't help.

    Less than a year out from the general election and the overriding Republican concern is how to ‘stop’ the presumptive nominee. Regardless of who you like or don’t like, this is hardly a formula for success.

    The Republican big shots are literally throwing money at Rubio in their 'stop Trump' terror. And the subsequent in-fighting is beginning to make the Jerry Springer show look like a collection of charm school honor graduates.

    The Democratic empress-to be could go home, watch Netflix, eat potato chips, not make a single campaign appearance for the next nine months and still win by a mile in November.

    Why do the Republicans have this compulsive ‘death wish’?

  14. The ever-vigilant North Koreans announced some two months ago they had a US 'criminal' for sale.

    The press conference/'confession' is to display the product and confirm that he's in marketable condition.

    Kidnapping for ransom is a familiar item in the Kim-ster's bag of tricks.

    It's worked before and will probably work again.

  15. Funny....

    The GOP shot callers look increasingly terrified of a Republican in the White House who didn't hand out a boatload of IOU's to get there.

    It almost seems as if they would prefer to see the Democratic voodoo priestess win the presidential lottery.

    Could be they figure she accepts all credit cards; no questions asked.

  16. Apologies for drifting north...but for those in Bangkok....

    Renewed my automobile license Feb 18 at the Area 3 office on Sukhumvit 62, Bangkok.

    Documentation requested: - Passport ID page copy (checked by staff against original)

    - Extension of stay copy (checked against original)

    - Most recent entry stamp copy (checked against original)

    - TM 6 copy (not checked against original...maybe because unfolding it was too hard)

    - Residence confirmation letter (mine was from embassy)

    - Expiring Thai license

    Documentation not wanted: - Medical certificate

    - Copy of foreign license

    Performance requirements: - Reaction test

    - Depth perception test

    - Color blindness check (now combined with a peripheral vision component)

    - 'Polite Driver' video (approx one hour, closed room, sign in, unsupervised....most people just played with their phones)

    Cost: 605 Baht

    Validity: 6 years

    Total time: Three hours and 18 minutes

    PM me for any further information.

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