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Everything posted by cubism001

  1. How much does the Power Buy one cost? (I have bronchitis, so this might be impt.) Re moving to KL etc: world travel is off for awhile. I'd enjoy KL, but finances. will not allow this. I'm lucky to know about TH! Thanks!
  2. Hard to believe...But then again, last time I saw Denver the population seemed to all be homeless. Is any part of CM free of encampments? (Sorry to sound calloused/heartless.) They really are loud. I get up at 5 am to write then publish...and they're screaming & throwing things at 2:30. My nice, cheap place looks straight into theirs.
  3. One is in a park; it's quite a tourist attraction. The squatters keep adding on to it. Now there's a microwave, table & chairs. They throw drunken parties until 2-3 am. A local hotel owns the property. The other is on the main road. The house is entirely of plastic & old signs (like in the US). Leanto is surrounded by a motorcycle, bicycle, piles of clothes & 1/8 acre of weeds. Old buckets, you name it. But maybe CM's become Westernized that way... Is your part of town different? Thanks.
  4. How much do they cost and where do I get one? Thanks.
  5. It was strongly suggested that I simply ask the name of a visa agent who does Yearly retirement visas. I had one in 2020 and left Thailand for medical reasons. I'll have to start over & hope to find a different visa agent. Please note this is a 'yearly' retirement visa. Thanks!
  6. 'Many' & other generalities doesn't = I've asked & people ignore that. Stop criticizing. It's boring
  7. People seem to keep those names to themselves, though.
  8. There were many things that the agent left for me to do, they wanted 22 days left on my entry stamp & like Mike said, I ran out of time so need to do a border bounce. Hope that makes sense, though pls note that some other folks read what I'd posted & they gave me great advice. Thanks!
  9. I got my yearly retirement visa sorted, but I need the extra days so my agent can process things. Thank you.
  10. Hello, getting my yearly retirement visa was more complicated than the time I'd appropriated to that task, so I might not be able to get it. That's why I'm asking about crossings and stamps! I understand that I'm restricted to 2 border crossings, each giving 45 days, and each with a 30 day renewal. If I fly, would the number of border crossings be counted in the same way? It used to be unlimited. Thank you.
  11. I entered Thailand Jan. 12. Yearly retirement visa, which I'd counted on, require more days on original stamp than I have left now; no choice but to cross borders again for stamps so I can stay. Therefore, how many stamps am I allowed to have this year? Thanks.
  12. LaosLover, can you tell me who your agent is? What set me off is that my agent didn't lift a finger; and they're very expensive. If I have to renew, they'll hit me with a additional 15,000 B. - which I refuse to do right now. Thanks!
  13. Immigration wouldn't give me the residency letter because there weren't enough days on my entry visa...Which has me thinking about visa runs again. I tire of all the hoop-jumping.
  14. Hey Bryan, my visa agent explained that the govt changes the rules almost every year, and this year had the ones I mentioned: an applicant for retirement visa must have a bank account prior to filing the application. It was Not that way in 2020-21. I never went to immigration, never got a bank account here because I didn't want one...
  15. Yes, that was the second bank. Lots more stuff to gather than last time...
  16. Recent goal: survival. (my family died out during Covid, so there's nobody but me to take care of me.) Then an old one, that's got me through tough and good times: remembering what's important to me. Quiet, nature, few machines...it's different for everyone. For years I had one profession; the bottom fell out of it, so now I write books. They've become successful, so I feel kind of responsible to people who read them. I write better researched & written books. They're just good stories, frankly, but factually correct. And paying attention to what I eat, how much I exercise, sleep, etc. That works; fewer dr visits, for sure. Many goals. Good luck to you. I know it's not easy. Thanks for asking.
  17. Hello, 1 requirement (from my visa facilitator) is to start a savings account before I get involved in the paperwork. Fine, I thought until I went to one bank. After an hr they told me they don't do savings accounts for people without long term visas. I phoned another, who said fine, but gave me several things to get: a copy of my apartment's lease. A letter from immigration 'verifying my residency.' which meant verifying where I live in Ch Mai. Now that sounds weird...What do I ask immigration to give me? Thank you.
  18. Oh, now I remember. I never knew they were induction. I also had one in China. Not the best, because they only accepted certain kinds of pans...Has that changed? Or what kinds of pans to you use? The Ch ones cut off automatically when you were searing meat or popping popcorn... I live in a large-ish bedsit without a normal stove. Another alternative in China for lots of foreigners was a normal square Western electric skillet with a metal lid. They don't seem to be available here; I'll look at Robinson's & see what they have. I have seen small electric hot plates here (white with grey burners). Has anyone used them? Gas isn't allowed in quite a few bedsits/apts. here. With high hopes for finding a good heat source, I brought two good normal skillets on the plane. Thank you
  19. That's why I use cash advance. Much much cheaper!
  20. I didn't know this... I'll look into it. Thanks
  21. Where can I buy a normal Western electric frying pan in Chiang Mai? A flat bottom, smooth (teflon) surface, thick handle, a cord that plugs in? I have near tragedies with the various kinds of ridged surfaces and dual sided plates-- scrambled eggs get lodged; they grills aren't built for cooking foods like French toast, pancakes,grilling meat etc. They were easy to find in China when I worked there. But it's really a pleasure being back here. Thanks.
  22. Before Kad Suan Kaew shopping mall closed, Bangkok Bank had a service: the clerk would look at your passport, your visa debit card & run it through their machine, giving you a few thousand baht at much less than a visa machine costs. ($1-2) Where do I go now to get this done? I did an ATM & it was 220 baht plus ancillary fees, some in the US. Help. Thanks.
  23. Thank you -- quite an education: so tourists do get covid & that's how they treat it. Real different from 2020. I'm real glad to be returning
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