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Posts posted by Tatertot

  1. Customers found with under age sex workers should be charged accordingly. If foreign, report them to their own countries where they can be charged as kiddie diddlers. The customers know the girls are underage. They want the girls that way. Treat them as they should be treated: Exploiters of the poor and feeble minded.

    The customers "know"? How do YOU know,,, they know? Surely the employers can be/are exploiters, they are employers, same same the world over. The trick is to get the best compensation for ones exploitation. Given the other options in THIS country for employment, many willfully choose this type for financial gain. One could go so far as to say, the customary obligation/expectation put upon daughters to take care of their family is part an institutionalized culturally ingrained exploitation. Thais may not see this type of labor as heinous,( as we in the west) and therefore only accord it worth the treatment it gets here. Do some occasional face making policing, with eyes on settling some scores or adjusting the business landscape.

    Their liberal attitude regarding sexual liaison shows some progressive thinking on the matter, as opposed to our enlightened western model.

  2. Worked at a MRO in Tijuana a ways back. New big hangar then, state of the art. Half the bolts in the roof joists were missing ( sold off by building contractor) causing sagging in the structure to where none of the personel doors in the building would close. Witnessed some frightening "repairs" on those commercial passenger aircraft. Thailand reminds me a lot of Mexico. Just sayin.

    Valuejet was under FAA jurisdiction, as was a little heard of cargo feeder to FedEx called Tahoma air.

    Chilling reading the Tahoma air crash, cockpit voice recording, that left three dead in a cornfield.

    They flew old Convairs. The crashed one ( one of two crashes for Tahoma) was just out of C check, the horizontal trim was rigged backwArds.

    Paperwork pencil whipped. Again, in America.

    Here? Forget about it.

  3. It makes me sick to my stomach that I have to share air with a person that could do this .....without a doubt I could put a bullet in his head.

    So you would commit murder for a dog injury? The man had every right to protect his property from the dog, he just went about it the wrong way, advocating murder is also the wrong way to go and would make you 100x worse than the man who did this to the dog.

  4. - there must be a comprehensive, common, and cooperative security architecture for Asia and the world"

    The opposing stance and current responses ( military buildup supported by and in concert with, the West) of many Asian countries to China's expansionism make this a curious and challenging situation to fathom. Japan's significant investment and influence in all of Asia cannot be overlooked.

    Simply more of the traditional Thai foreign policy of courting both sides of an equation perhaps?

  5. After putting on my tin foil hat, and stepping out for a big morning hit of contrail contaminated air, ( wake and bake dontcha know) I have a confession to make.

    I am an Alien Abductor (anal prober) from way back ( and a galaxy far far away) I am powerless over my addiction and my higher power, has an exceptionally tight sphincter.

    My Alien Abductors Anonymous sponsor suggested this submission for my spiritual improvement.

    Eddie the engineer as it turns out is actually Bigfoot, of North America fame.

    Poor sod was getting lonely out there in the woods, and after we found him on a routine ( probing) mission, we suggested relocation to BKK. As it turns out Eddie was quite keen about the whole probing thing, and in fact, could be said to have developed an addiction to it. Thus BKK was a natural for him, mind you, he has a long term service contract with a local salon to keep his fury nature subdued with reguLar full body waxing.

    I have to say, it would have been much easier on us, his previous probers, if he'd had some of that waxing treatment before we probed him. All that hair, what a mess. Butt I digress,,,,etc etc ad infinitum.

    When we first arrived on earth, the probing protocol was only used in extreme circumstances. As our focus gravitated to America, so did the use of probing, you see, amongst the homosapien population on this planet, Americans as it turns out, were and continue the to be, highly resistant to intelligent discourse, and thus in our search for intelligent life amongst its inhabitants, we were reduced to the probing protocol.

    Nowadays, through creative propaganda, we've outsourced the work and managed to get them to volunteer for the procedure en masse under the guise of it being a "Heath" procedure. Surprising really, even using that meters long probing device we still find scant evidence of intelligent life amongst them.

    Phew...... More coffee please.

    The earth is flat, Obama was born in Africa, the holocaust was faked, men on the moon was faked,,,,,


  6. So does this mean I can go get a soldier to arrest a cop for trying to make me pay a bribe?

    This country is slipping further away from freedom of its people and soon, will affect its tourism dollars if it continues.

    Yu'p sure can, But it'll cost ya 400 bath for the soldier rather than the 200 bath for the cop, Now that's progress huh.

    And where are the TVF fanboy's of this mob? conveniently quiet yet again when there is a story like this. Difficult to justify this as well huh fella's...

    Oh they will.

    "But but Thaksin....."

    Hard to say which would be better! A PTP dictator ruling or the current Junta. I'm going to have to say the Junta because so far nobody has disappeared or been killed.

    No one has disappeared? What was it, 30 years sentence for a Facebook post? Hmm..

  7. I my Mooban recently they came round with a device that blows smoke, which they blew into the shrubbery and all over the place. So much smoke that the common building were filled with smoke and to walk past the guys doing it one had to literally walk through a dense cloud of it and try not to breathe. Many were just walking in it. The guys doing it must get high as they are right in it the whole time. It's for mosquito abatement. No mosquito dared bother me for a few days because I breathed in deeply. I love this place.

  8. After the Japanese earthquake tsunami and nuclear meltdown it was reported from the devastated residential areas that residents sifting thru the ruble would find family home safes and report and turn them in. Many Japanese keep such in their homes.

    Curious about this story though is where did the flight originate and who were the screeners. I doubt Thai nationals are working in Japan as security screeners

    Living there for three years, I had occasion to lose my iPhone in a taxi. It was returned to my workplace security. Another time I dropped my keys in the lobby of my apt building. Someone found them and put up a note on the bulletin board. Another time a pair of gloves got dropped on a sidewalk. Retracing my route I found them put up on a ledge near where I had lost them. These occurances happened in their 3rd largest city. One could drop ones wallet and it would be left alone.

    When any cashier hands you your change they count it out with the flair and proficiency of a Vegas card dealer. NEVER any trouble with taxi guys. And tipping doesent exsist.

    My apt building required code or key entry and then again each apt had security alarm on all doors and windows. The keys and door locks were of extremely high quality, and security design. Sometimes in the evenings, community patrols would drive through the neighborhood warning to lock ones doors and be safe against criminals. One could however be out anytime day or night without fear and wasn't unusual to see youngsters, seniors and women out and about at late hours in otherwise deserted streets. Very safe place.

  9. "A carnival ride collapsed..."

    I take it that there is no Thai version of: "Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey".

    The brakes failed.


    I tried to teach them many, many times the uses of a torque wrench, as part of my job.

    Example: Rebuilding a 6.2 liter truck diesel engine........USE a torque wrench.....Pffff Farang! No need!

    The entire concept made them look at me like I had corn growing out of my ears.

    Head gasket leaked = water in the combustion chamber = bent piston rod = starting all over again from scratch..... = "Please Sir, you are clever. Show me torque wrench?"

    Try explaining a torque-resistant nut to them (it's tapered on one end as well as slightly oval shaped = it DOES NOT get loose with out extreme, deliberate effort)..... Nah, these nuts from Somchai's shop will be just fine.

    I tell them, that yes, it will indeed work for a few months, and then it will fall apart.......I get more blank stares.

    I gave up on trying, and I tried off & on for a decade. This was all with the RTA too..... that pillar of society.

  10. Surely for Thai public consumption, promoting the idea that the powers that be in Thailand have reach beyond their borders (in other words, fooling the slaves into thinking their masters have any real power).

    Yes exactly. It's how the Big Boys do. Like Merika declaring people's terrorist and dangerous and therefore falling under Americas laws. Holding oh so dangerous folks offshore thereby avoiding the due process which is hallmark of Merika fabulous utopia.

    Face is all.

  11. <deleted>!? As a former airline pilot, I can assure Thai Visa users that the EU is more strict than the U.S. when it comes to aviation safety. How in the hell did Thailand pass the EU inspection after the U.S. busted them down to category 2? Earlier poster is correct: Airbus or Boeing?

    I have to take issue with that. First, crashes among US carriers are extremely rare. Second, what the hell happened with the Lufthansa no-frills airliner with the suicide captain whose oversight was appallingly weak?
    Aviation safety in the US is superb. The EU essentially uses the same rules and oversight methods as the US, with additional regulations that some operators in American consider 'overkill.' That's why I'm baffled the Thais passed their inspection.
    Superb? That's not a word I would comfortably employ to describe American aviation safety. There certainly do exsist high and improving standards, but, do not be fooled. The pressure for corporate profit and the unscrupulous or unethical business practices, that the profit motive gives life to, does impinge in many places, ways and instances on the safety of flight in America. 35 yr and counting technician and inspector me. I try mightily therefore to not imagine whats behind the curtain here.
  12. EASA, FAA, ICAO,,,, slice it as you like it, certainly there is some political backstory goin on here also.

    Have heard that TG is up to snuff and then heard just the opposite. The AVCON/Thai airways story of significance there.

    If one were take some general cue as to how the rest of Thai institutions operate from top to bottom and left to right, it's apparent there is a predilection towards not western ethics, standards, et al,

    Is there really any surprise that they would be found lacking?

    FAA guys get paid to find that what is wrong..... They can ALWAYS find something.

    One wonders what a western countries dept of transport could find about the roads and driving here, ???

  13. EASA, FAA, ICAO,,,, slice it as you like it, certainly there is some political backstory goin on here also.

    Have heard that TG is up to snuff and then heard just the opposite. The AVCON/Thai airways story of significance there.

    If one were take some general cue as to how the rest of Thai institutions operate from top to bottom and left to right, it's apparent there is a predilection towards not western ethics, standards, et al,

    Is there really any surprise that they would be found lacking?

    FAA guys get paid to find that what is wrong..... They can ALWAYS find something.

    One wonders what a western countries dept of transport could find about the roads and driving here, ???

  14. I wonder if 10 or 15 years ago Thailand hired lots of foreign experts to assist with compliance to international standards, but in more recent times these people were dispensed with and replaced with locals, who should now have sufficient experience?

    That is one way that developing countries develop their economies, so it wouldn't be odd to find that that, had been the case.

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