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Posts posted by foolforlove

  1. I am trying to make queso fresco, a fresh cheese often associated with Mexican food. 


    Basically, all it takes is heating whole milk, followed by adding lemon juice or vinegar to make it curdle, and then pressing the curds into cheese. 


    I have done this before here in Thailand, but it was a few years ago.


    Now being at home a lot, I wanted to make this again.  However, after several attempts with different milk brands, I find the milk does not curdle.

    I have tried whole milk from Meiji and Chokchai.  I also tried Dutch Mill.  For the acid, I have tried lemon juice, white vinegar, and apple cider vinegar.


    It is possible when I did this before that, by coincidence, the milk I bought was near its expiration date.  That may have made it more likely to curdle.


    Making this cheese should very simple and easy.  So, I am a little baffled why it just isn't working.


    Does anyone have any suggestions?  Perhaps there is a particular brand of milk I should try?


    Thanks in advance!





  2. Many years ago, I had some leather office shoes made-to-measure at a shoe shop along Suriwong near Soi Thaniya.

    I showed them some pictures and they made the shoes following the design I wanted.

    At that time, I stumbled upon that shop by chance and I didn't shop around.

    Also, I have found out the person I dealt with passed on.


    Now, I am looking to have some more shoes made.  So, I wanted to ask for recommendations of a shop that makes shoes.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. I would try coarse sugar as long as it is white.  I've only seen tan-colored coarse sugar.


    My project is to apply the sanding sugar (or white coarse sugar) to white icing to look like snow.  

    It is a cake for Christmas.


    Do you have a source for white coarse sugar?

  4. I am baking some items which call for using  "sanding sugar" as part of the icing (frosting).  I have checked at the bake supply shop that I usually use and they do not have it.  At least not by the name "sanding sugar".  Sanding sugar is a large crystal sugar (coarse grained sugar) that does not melt easily.  It is used in decorating mostly. 


    The shops have "castor sugar" and "donut sugar" (in addition to the regular granulated sugar and icing sugar) but I do not think those are sanding sugar....




    Thanks in advance.

  5. I'd like to try sprouting seeds to add to salads and other food that I make.

    Specifically, growing mustard, corn, and broccoli sprouts.

    I have found 1 kg of sunflower seeds on Lazada.  So that seems ok for sunflower....

    but what about these others?


    Where to find seeds for sprouting in Bangkok?  Either a store or mail order....






  6. You are incorredt. The majority did vote red. You are simply wrong.

    Red was not an option in the election. You are simply wrong.

    Nice try. A failed one, but a nice try. They got the majority and abused it, but they got the majority. Live with it. Have a nice life, and learn numbers instead of ideologies.....

    No the Peu Thai Party did NOT get the majority. They got 48%. Which means the majority didn't vote for Peu Thai.

    • Like 1
  7. Well, I hate thaksin too and I am not untouchable, elite or army (last I checked).

    I'm not sure what you think he did right?

    As far as I can tell, he screwed this country...by analogy, he looked at 100 baht and by giving poorer people about 25 satang, which they were ecstatic about, while at the same time taking 99.75 for himself and his friends. All the while this 100 baht was soaked up from the public coffers to begin with.

    Thaksin is no friend to democracy. He has said so himself in interviews!

    And I'd like to know what your definition of "elite" is -- because the last time I checked Thaksin's wallet wasn't too thin. Most of my friends anyway aren't jetting around to a dozen countries and buying citizenship in Montenegro, etc.

    You find the Thai politician who is genuine about education for the next generation of Thais, and genuine about funding the needed infrastructure of Thailand (without every Noi, Plaa, and Phat snogging their cut from the public trough), then you will have found a true leader who should be revered and admired!

    Your comments remind me of that old line: Mussolini? Well at least the trains run on time.


    Only untouchables,elite and army hates Thaksin,because those three are the only ones who will loose all if Thaksin comes back.Those three are also the ones who kicked Thaksin out of office.When Thaksin was in office he tried to take power away from the army by trying to put friends and family into high positions,by cutting budgets.Those three parties are not interested in a democratic Thailand with educated people allover

    the country.They want to keep their status.What we see in Thailand now we saw already

    1789-179? in France.Thaksin was one of the best PM Thailand ever had.He did many things right,and most thais loved or love him.Sure in western eyes he is just another thief

    and cheater but here is Thailand not USA or Germany.

    • Like 1
  8. I've been to two TOPS and the Gourmet Market at Paragon.

    I've seen about 15 different shapes and styles of pasta..... BUT

    I can't find Rotelle anywhere so far.

    Rotelle is the pasta shaped like wagon wheels.

    In the past, I found it at a large TOPS and it was in a mixed bag of other shapes.

    Now I can't seem to find it at all.

    Anyone know a place to definitely get this? I'd prefer not to try every store in BKK.....


    windows 7 print screen

  9. Ummm, what check clearing house would your Thai bank be working with?

    I don't know that in the U.S. I could get my bank to accept/process a check written from say a German bank with no banking presence in the U.S.

    I'm not sure why the OP would expect a Thai bank accept a foreign-issued check for deposit (other then U.S. centric elitism).

    Would he expect if he walked into his U.S. bank with a check from Thailand that his U.S. bank would say, "sure, let us "<deleted> with your check for you, happy to serve you! Anything else?"

    Um, any country with a modern banking system (which Thailand has), the banks are international.

    So yes, Thai banks can accept foreign checks and US banks can accept foreign checks (even from Thailand!).

    Of course, they do it slowly and charge maximum fees to make as much moola as they can on this transaction (as they do on every transaction)... but there is no barrier to doing it.

    Checks are just money. If they accept a greenish piece of paper with a dead US president's picture on it... then a check is equally valid. Most checks nowadays are cleared electronically, so the difference between a check and wire transfer is blurred/blurring.

    p.s. I have deposited U.S. checks at Thai Banks and got them cleared, though not at BKK Bank.

  10. I haven't used BKK Bank to cash/deposit a foreign check, but I suggest trying a different or bigger branch. They surely do this.

    I have several times, and at several different branches, deposited foreign checks (from the USA) at Kasikorn Bank branches. I've done it at the branch on Prannok in Thonburi and the 2nd floor branch at Future Park Rangsit.

    It does take about a month to clear. And they charge like 300-500 baht to do it. But it works.

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