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  1. “The idea is that the longer tourists can stay in Thailand, the more they will spend”. Some sound thinking at last. I can’t understand why so many people seem to hate “visa runners” and backpackers. They’re not doing any harm and not costing Thailand anything.
  2. I had to do the Thai driving test recently to renew my licence. It was appalling. They learned nothing about road safety and competence. They need a much more rigorous way of training drivers. They also need real traffic police, but everyone knows that already.
  3. Let’s pretend there really are tens of thousands of new internal cases in Thailand every day. <deleted> actual difference would it make if an occasional tourist arrived with a bad cold. None.
  4. Things have changed in the source markets, the West, Russia and China. These are outside Thailand’s control and will greatly limit any bounce back. That said, they also badly need to replace the current bureaucratic maze with a proper welcome mat for farangs bearing cash.

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