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About erymax

  • Birthday 01/24/1955

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  1. I used weekly 10 litter raw milk from nearby milk processing fabric. I used it for making kefir, butter from cream and occasinally quark. Never had any problems. The cultures of Kefir grains kill bad bacteria in competition with milk cultures.
  2. I have a true mobile number and got the 6 digit code for login. Never had any problems.
  3. I put a rope with many old music CD's on it across the balcony. CD's are very shiny. no one bird visits the balcony anymore.
  4. Look for Singha water in 0,5 L glass bottles. I am getting delivered 5 boxes ( 24 bottles per box) to my house in Ban Bueng. Cost all 375 Baht
  5. Hi , i am using W 11 from last year from w 10 and I noticed quite a few differences. As I am using MS SQL Server and Visual Studio 19 and 22, w 11 is unavoidable. Visual Studio 22 is now 64 bit ( I had problem running it on w10 for some reason and since W11 no problems at all). Also the new Office is runing better on W11. I agree with multi screen performance. Big trouble for me with w10 for running multi monitors with different resolutions despite having a good graphic card.

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