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Posts posted by Jimmpy

  1. I stopped spraying the dog flea-killer 2 nights ago and sure enough, new bites today.

    Looks like it dose keep them away--but not kill them.

    Will start the nightly bed & pillow straying tonight and just keep doing it.


    Someone suggested a fabric steamer, as the only way to really get rid of them is heat.


    All apartments in Las Vegas have bed bugs. While living there in 2010, I asked the professional about this.



    He said the management would not pay for the second treatment 5 days later.

    This treatment requires that the tenant leave the apartment for 24 hours.

    I left when they did my room and never went back, leaving everything there.

    So, didn't bring any bugs with me and lived bed bug-free until I started traveling again in 2012.

  2. I suspect a lot of the naysayers came to thailand as sort of Utopian dream, shacked up with some slapper, threw all their money in the pot and are now trapped for all intents and purposes, then there are those on here who came to Thailand "failed" for some reason went back to farangistan, and now spend their time on Thailand related forums slagging the place off

    And finally there are those miserable<deleted> who would whinge where ever they are as they are just not happy unless they are complaining

    And so ends post number 4

  3. I joined TV in early 2002 to get some info on visas and living in Thailand, as I was planning to retired and could not stay in the USA on my pension.

    They were able to steer me in the right direction and were very helpful.

    I came over for a 6 month trial and, very quickly, realized that Thailand was a great choice.

    Found a nice apartment, a girl friend and great medical and dental care.

    Went back home to take care of things and returned in 3 months.

    Unfortunately, I stopped reading TV and didn't know about Thaksin.

    When I landed in July, 2003 I knew IMMEDIENTLY that something was wrong.

    I keept asking the taxie driver is something was wrong here but he ignored me.

    I continued with my question and asked if I would like him to change the radio station.

    He finally acknowledge the problem and said oh, do you me Thaksin?

    I started emiling friends & relatives back home telling them not to come here.

    By 2005, he was still alive and I could see big trouble comming.

    He blocked me having an internet account so, went back home to wait it out.

    It took 10 years but have returned and renewed my membership with TV.

    As many members have already said, this site helpful and appreciated.

  4. Thanks guys.

    I tried on-line and calling the company.

    They sell only in the US.

    Walmart and Amazon said they can not ship an aerosol can by air and declined my on-line order.

    I bought a flea-killer pump spray for dogs at The Big C and spray the mattres, sheets, pillow cases and even the t-shirt I sleep in, every night!

    It seems to have worked as I have had no new bites within 2 days of starting this procedure, last week.

    A professional told me that the eggs hatch in 5 days so, this seems to have worked.

    Will stop in a day or so and keep you posted.

  5. It won't make any difference closing at 4 a.m. - there's nobody around at 2 a.m. these days ! Whatever figures ToT produce about airport arrivals and so on aren't being translated into customer 'spend' anyway. Most bars and nightclubs are in pretty desperate trouble and just asking for later hours ain't gonna cure it.

    I think it will.

    I've been a "night" person all my life and don't go out to a club before midnight and party to at least 4am..

  6. Seems that I picked up these little critters at a hotel while looking for an apartment.

    ProbablyI can not mention the name of it in this forum.

    I have had this problem a few times as I travel a lot.

    Have used the Hot Shot Room Fogger and found it quite effective.

    The trick is to do it for 5 days in a row, killing them as soon as they hatch.

    Does anyone know where I can buy this product here in Bangkok?


  7. At least he has the balls to publicly announce and admit his urge and need to be the unopposed dictator. I like his chutzpah.

    It's better than corrupt proxy leaders in other countries using NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. to intimidate individuals while trying to make the masses believe they have the power to vent through opposition.

    Instead they try to make race wars to distract from the fact that their country is bankrupt and needs more debt and war to continue functioning.

    Disclaimer: If this post offends anyone, I will delete it. No need to ban me for a few days or give me points for stirring things up.

    Thank you for speaking the truth about the US and the General.

    I was living here when a MEGLOMANIAC named ThakSin bought votes outside of Bangkok and became the PM.

    I could see a lot of trouble coming and left in 2005 to wait for his departure before returning.

    Waited 10 years and because of the courage or "chutzph" of a guy named Prayut, have finally been able to return and can see that thee is a RENIESANCE happening here.

    We need to do everythig we can to encourage this and keep the WRONG people from interfereing.

    It appears to me the he is genuine and read in the paper that the King of the country agrees.

  8. At least he has the balls to publicly announce and admit his urge and need to be the unopposed dictator. I like his chutzpah.

    It's better than corrupt proxy leaders in other countries using NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. to intimidate individuals while trying to make the masses believe they have the power to vent through opposition.

    Instead they try to make race wars to distract from the fact that their country is bankrupt and needs more debt and war to continue functioning.

    Disclaimer: If this post offends anyone, I will delete it. No need to ban me for a few days or give me points for stirring things up.

  9. I am in awe of Prayut for having brought back peace and order to Bangkok !

    I left Thailand in 2005 because I could see big trouble coming from Thaksin and his cohorts.

    I am in complete agreement with Prayut and this matter.

    And encourage him to continue with this approach. (get rid of ALL of them) !!!!!!

    I returned to Bangkok 2 months ago to be a part of Thialand's Reneissiance and hope it continues.

    We all live here and should be a part of the solution and help in anyway we can.

  10. I am new here now but lived in Thailand before Thaksin and left in 2005 because of Thaksin.

    That was 10 years ago and nothing but trouble here all theses years.

    I think PM Prayut has done the right think and saw on television that the King of the country agrees.

    Perhaps Thailand is not ready for a full democracy considering that the population in Bangkok is only one third of the country's population.

    I returned to Thailand last month because the General was able to bring some kind of normalcy back and think Thailand will become great again.

  11. Hi guys, this is my second time in thailand. Got here last week, found an apartment near Saphan Khwai BTS where I lived with my ladyboy girlfriend. Havent seen anybody from my last stay and still spending most of my time getting set-up.

    My name is Jim, 62 years old.

    Haven't gone out looking 4 nightlife yet but things sure seems to have changed and hoping everything will continue to improve.

    Are there any monthly expat meetings still going on?

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