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Everything posted by Moonfire

  1. Dear Russian, the ladies will charge you the same no matter what your hair looks like.
  2. Well, don't cherry-pick.....and be a hypocrite.... all of nothing LOL Required Warnings for Cigarette Packages and Advertisements
  3. Just go when the smoke is the heaviest.
  4. Get a better long-term benefit to oppose sugar snacks and drinks!
  5. In the US there was a show Batman for kids. At the end of the show they have a saying..... just seeing who was my age and country for they would get it.
  6. How much for Farangs on one of those submarine tours? Will the subs be yellow, red, and orange? All this news has been planned out in advance is my guess, more to come, same bat time, same bat channel......get your popcorn! LOL
  7. It seems like a bit of overkill just to keep the Jet Ski Mafia in check.
  8. Need more tea money, spend more tax money... It is the circle of life!
  9. Next, he will want to outlaw ping-pong balls, just can't relax and be the land of smiles!
  10. 6,000 baht fine, news articles, another fine...... VERY cheap advertising campaign.....these stuns are views in the bank, making her trend. Never heard of her until she got fined, brilliant way to get your name out there. Put her butt in jail for a year and it will stop the next group that will copy cat what she is doing. Can't teach an old dog new tricks, but an old dog can teach a young dog new tricks. Guess she was at the school looking for a teaching job???? LOL
  11. When there was the iron curtain the rail road tracks were difference sizes to prevent East or West from rail heading troops and equipment into the others territory in time of war. When I hear about the China/Thailand rail road I think well it will make it easy for China to transport troops and equipment into Thailand. China has a grand master plan, but hey Thailand play nice and they will save you for the last meal.
  12. Wat Cowboy, and Wat Nana are not names I heard before but stay VERY busy, just remember to take off your shoes.
  13. Got caught, guess he didn't own any Red Bull stock.
  14. Get the subs, can attach them to the sides of the aircraft carrier as outriggers. Will make an even bigger tourist attractions; of course Thais only!
  15. Easy for the people who are not impacted by lots of tourist to make up some BS like this. Guessing they are hedging their job performance: If a lot of tourist come, they say look what we did. If only a few come, it is because we are aiming for the higher quality tourist. Either way they are lost and confused as always!!!!
  16. Thailand has a very wide range of hotels, a very wide range of places to eat as well as shops. These all support Thais. Higher quality means fewer tourist and their money will not touch the wide range of hotels, food stalls and shops. This thinking of higher quality tourist will hurt the mom/pop type businesses.
  17. Waiting for them not to pay attention to their reporting and show more people recovered than they reported in daily infections. Which would be the norm for this circus!
  18. It really is simple math, taken over a span of a 3 month cycle. The death rate is 1 percent, against daily infected numbers reported on average over the last 3 months. Then out of the blue the daily numbers just STOP, then start falling as the example I used down to a daily infected number of 19K but the deaths of 290. 290 at 1 percent equals 29,000 daily infected. So do you think the daily infected rate just STOPPED climbing one day, when it had been like a rocket for the last 3 months. The ratio of death to daily infected will give some insight in my opinion.
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