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Posts posted by Leo_Moscow

  1. Why I was shot?

    The situation was that I just closed up my bar for the night, when I noticed one of my waitresses, that had previously called in sick for day, drinking at a loud party on the patio of the hotel which is above my bar and other stores.  There was a loud verbal arguement for a few minutes with her and other locals who I had never met before.  I remained outside in the parking lot for a while chilling out, when this Thai man started shouting at me in Thai from across the street. He was walking quickly toward me when I noticed the gun in his hand. He started shooting at me and I ran, but with no where to hide he eventually caught up to me and I was shot twice.  I can only figure that "Gao" as he was later identified was at this party and someone told him to shut me up.  I also found out later that he was working for the landlady of the hotel and they were involved in selling Yaba.

    "Gao" as I have found out now from other local in Samui is known for his bad temper, thus his recent shooting spree in Bar Solo. His family is well connected on the island, thus he just get's out of jail again and again after a short stay.

    Kris P.

    so he is not in jail ? and you got nothing?

    have you got papers for that and how long did it happened? what police and news said? it looks very strange you are saying

  2. Hi Leo,

    Check out


    Stickman compiled a list of most free wifi spots, along with a little description.

    Also a few in Pattaya and Phuket....

    Not to many of them in Moscow I guess???

    Last time I went there I stayed in the Sovietsky, on Leningradsky prospect, and they sure as hel_l didn't have any internet available to their customers  :o

    And it came at 140 US$ a night  :D

    thanks! no, now is very popular 184 in moscow - http://wifi.yandex.ru/where.xml

    Sovietsky is stupid hotel, you right. we often took taiwan delegations and set them to private hotels networks. call, when you will be here next time i will give partners contacts with pleasure.

  3. As a prior expat resident of Samui, I'm still amazed that there is no reporting on the darker side of Samui and the fact that the police are powerless to stop it. Just last week, the same mafia shooter "Gao", that shot and almost killed me in Mar. 2005 was back on the streets on bail and shot and killed a local policeman and shot an English tourist during a shooting spree in Solo pub.  I have been back in the US recoverying from my injuries and have wanted to return to Samui, but apparently the Justice system does not apply to the Samui Mafia families with enough money.  This same shooter I was told by locals killed 2 men on Koh Phanang just last month also.  I am still awaiting the Samui court system to bring this bad man to trial, but I feel like this will never happen.  I would like to know how many other Samui expats are aware of this violent criminal activity going on. I certainly was not until I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Any thoughts on how to rid this beautiful place of these people before they make it where no tourists will visit.  Anyone wanting more information can contact me on my e-mail at [email protected]

    Kris P.

    as I see Samui rapidly grow infrastructure now, it should not be a suprise. what do you want by these post and e-mail is another darker side - is not it ? :o

  4. Hi all !

    Are there free wifi places in Bangkok?

    so, nobody wants to attract people paying unlim-inet ? strange for such megapolice, but maybe this market sector is clear ?

    :D When I remeber my bill for internet in hotel :o how much bungalo with internet middle price, may be somebody knows?

  5. well i asked in russian embassy about it and they are not quite sure when this is going to take effect ... so far I have never had any toble getting visa to Th.

    and just to let you know very few "russian ladies of a night" have russian passport... most of them are Uzbekistan and other "stan" or Ukraine... Real russian will sell much better in Moscow than here, and those from "stans" well average salary over there is about 15$ per months so here even if they be  the cheapest  they will get much more per night than at home per months....

    ya ya )) from 100 to 500. but this is prostitution here anyway.


    EDIT: removed link.

    1 rouble is about 0.75 batt

  6. This will be the last month that I work in the Middle-East after spending almost a year a half over here, including Army time.  I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up.  Why?  Because I have found out that money isn't everything...I know, a load of crap.  But I have made all this money, had my ex-wife blow pretty much half of it.  Since my divorce, I have visited thailand, fell in love with a beautiful Thai girl and decided to leave my current occupation.  I have been offered some decent jobs in LOS and Taiwan that will pay well but nothing here.  Some of my co-workers have called me crazy but I can't seem to see myself spend the rest of my life working in  the shat holes of the world for the big bucks.  Even my girlfriend said she doesn't want me to work over here because she thinks somebody will blow me up in the name of Allah or something.  I say to her that I can make us more money over here but she justs comes back that will just mean that I will be away from her.  That pretty much did it for me.  My ex-wife was giddy when she found out how much I would be making over here an this little Thai doll who haggles over every taxi and shirt I buy just wants me to be there to hug before she falls asleep.  Now, for the TV pros, am I brick and not thinking this through?  What are your thoughts?

    paradise can't be for ever. to live and to enjoy for two weeks are not simular things.

    for my opinion. from another side, sometime you need more than 2 week to relax


  7. If you ignore them, you only give them strength.  If you give in to them they will only want more.  I hope that the Thai governement is finally waking up.  They will kill men, woman and children and will revel in the pain and grief it causees.

    it is not as simple as first emotion on one article. seems like america wants to "help" Asia also, let all usa people greeze me here, but now it widely eyes that it looks like that.

    Al Co. has very point in far regions of their interest and close to states.

    I reading this book now, and it is much than any detective



  8. It has nothing to do with market forces.  It has everything to do with limited import sources.  Just like the old "fair market price" used to keep retail price high in the US until the gray market killed it the few importers and market controllers here keep the price high for there own interests.  Only second line/cheaper items that you find in Lotus/Carrefoure/BigC avoid this (but not on appliances - even those made here).

    Market force is valid for the small cost savings of items in the US market (usually due to cost cutting in components for the huge market) but the idea China could not sell in Thailand at the same price as the US is ludicrous.

    That is my uninformed and uneducated guess at any rate. :D

    i just finish market observe for tft market. after NY there wil be a down at everything in tft, specially TV without high resolution. and high-res will work normally only after 2008. ):o sofisticated world

  9. Fluorescent tubes come in different colors so you can choose the color you like best or even mix two colors.

    There's a relatively new thing called LED lighting....they are efficient (don't know how they compare to fluorescents in this respect) and they last a long long time...and the color choices are almost limitless....also the light can be directed more easily to where you want it so with the right fixtures you can even use smaller units.

    from some period we used both it at summer houses - led and flour painting, looks great, works perfect - led power up painting fo rest of dark :o

  10. dummy to ask, but, what about native people close to mass media? how many local media working and what about it? not quality but quantity and directions?

  11. hyperborea, rodnover, science? my friends? my childhood? my previous life?

    from some period of life i trust in myself, science some close relations,

    cult and region we can create. give us a direction and purpose.

    local cult and region always- local dominant ideology group of people run the country, dont you ever think about it ?

  12. I moved over here the first time in 1991 and went back to the states in 1996. I was well and truly burned out. I had no plans to ever return. Within the first month in Kalifornia I asked myself what I was doing there. I spent the next two and a half years figuring out how to get back to Thailand. The next time I went back to Kalifornia I was broke. But I had a plan that required working three years and then retiring in the Kingdom. My plans worked out and here I am. I intend to spend the rest of my life here and have no intention to EVER go back to the states.

    for my first view from people i met in Thailand every time it is a place for people with very intersting options in charasters. really Freeman nation place ? planet Dune, spice is everythere :o

  13. Monks in Thailand are technically supposed to stand outside of the material world of money, power and politics. According to the doctrine of Theravada Buddhism, which teaches that ALL life is suffering, they renounce all social ties in order to pursue the path towards Nibbana, or nonexistence. This entails a life of refraint and meditation, learning the scriptures, and practicing the the dharma according to the Buddha.

    However, herein lies the paradox.

    Because they are not immersed in the mundane world of humans, they acquire a certain charismatic power which is often taken advantage of by those who do wish to pursue political power. This is done through association - public merit-making rituals, sponsorship of a prominent and famous monk, etc. These people then have their power legitimated and justified as a function of the doctrine of karma, ie. that those in power got there because they have "bun" or good karma.

    thanks, very interesting. how much respect of citizen they got? I mean attitude most of local people to them?

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