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Posts posted by Leo_Moscow

  1. Before (2002): a work permit is to be granted to a foreigner fulfilling this requirement: Support a Thai spouse in a decent manner.

    After (2004): a work permit is to be granted to a foreigner fulfilling this requirement: Remit into Thailand 1.000.000 Baht and support your Thai spouse in whatever manner you'd like.

    Compare the WP rules of May, 2002 to the WP rules of : "30th day of September A.D. 2004".

    Dragon, can I ask - where is the source you are relating to, and is it only one change you spotted?

  2. my reasons for staying:

    1. whites are a powerless minority

    2. I can speak the language

    3. I would be the forth shortest player in the NBA but here I am suddenly big and rich

    4. girls

    5. I have money

    And you enjoy being a ######?? :o

    looks like all of you have being asked a question, that is miracle. )

    who said you would not be a stranger in country, that 10 hours from place you borned, studied, ideologized and set other social rules?

    How you will look at Thai people in your country?

    Strange research for glimpse purpose. Try to live in Brazilia or Cambodja or Vietnam that is not far from this elephant place. ) if you are ok with yourself you will live anythere

  3. a doctor writes.

    dear confused of colchester ,

    the teenage years can be difficult times what with insecure feelings , acne , nocturnal emissions and bad breath as almost constant companions.

    a relationship with an older foriegn woman is to be avoided at all costs as it will only fail , leading to tears , heartache and premature ejaculation , and  the effects of the rejection will almost certainly lead to  a tendency towards strong homosexual urges.

    you should embark on a regime of cold showers , abstinence from afternoon masturbation , strenuous exercise and prolonged bible study.

    the wearing of polyester underpants is also strongly advised.

    :o 5balls!

  4. Boy Canada you should save your 5 million. It will be gone in no time if you want to do bar business in Thailand. Sounds like you still very newbie to this tricky country. Just believe us, you most likely will be going home empty handed if you pour your money into the night biz.

    Put your money in some good mutual funds or bonds and use the interests and dividents and have a good time in Thailand just like me and many other people. Get a one year multiple visa and just enjoy it. Thailand is not a place for some foreigner to do some little individual investment and hope to flourish. This is still a very backward 3rd world country not only in living standard and wealth but also in term of people's basic mentality, consciouness, knowledge, education, ect ect and the you will run into lots of problems that you never will dream of. So boy Canada, do lots of research before you invest in anything in any third world countries. Lots of people have already learn tough lessons.

    Hello to everyone, one question - what are high and low figures for Thai funds and bonds? Are they permited work bank-to-bank for foreigners/non residents?

  5. Hello and respect to everyone seeing me. )

    My name is Leonid, I am the one of amount of people which loved Thai country first minute I was here.

    We plan a visit Thailand and have a pr order for several articles.

    Does anyone know information resources over english part of Thai Internet?

    Are there any place in Bangkok there press people being ?

    Nice to meet to everyone on this forum!

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