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Posts posted by Spleen

  1. Gents

    Need a new Non O Multi, about 22/23 September

    I have the following Documents
    Application form
    My Passport and copy
    Copy my wife's Passport , signed
    Copy Marriage cert signed
    Copy wife and childrens ID card , signed
    Copy of House Book, wife and children s names , signed
    Bangkok Bank Statement
    Bangkok Bank Time deposit statement
    Enough ?
    And where can I get a Application form ? Actually might pop in and get one on Monday, Thats what i like about Singapore , everything is just around the corner
  2. The fact they always equate tourist figures with Money, says quite a lot about them and their view of Tourists

    It's an industry. It contributes nearly 10% to the country's GDP and employs roughly 6% of the population. So yes, it is all about money at the end of day. No different from any other country's tourism boards that are funded by the taxpayer to bring tourists to spend money. Simple.

    Yes it is different in other countries .You don't hear them harping about how much money they are going to make on a daily basis like this lot , or quoting different figures day in day out. Other countries also re-invest that money unlike the Thais , shit streets , shit roads , no law and electric cables hanging down in the street, something for them to chirp about with their tourist figures

  3. Just had a reply to my rant at Expedia (Airasia.Go) took a month. It was just a load of "Manager speak" . Apparently AirAsiaGo's sales are "Dynamic". So I asked them if Dynamic meant more expensive that the real Air Asia's listed price. Whats really annoyed me here is they have exploited my frequent use of Air asia to get a few extra quid , Airasia must be supplying information about their customers to expedia who then go out and try and get more money for flights

    I held it together until the end of the response and then finished it with "Now .......Off and never contact me again you thieving piece of ........" , Childish I agree, but it made me feel better

  4. The national free milk program cannot and has not been able to ensure local suppliers can deliver drinkable (unspoiled) milk to the kiddies at the public schools.

    Rice storage is acknowledged as way below the threshold of acceptable, much less the grading of same.

    Spoiled seafood is quite common as are the harvest of unripe veggies.

    The enforcement of rules / laws are to be carried out by people who only are familiar with most food which is placed in front of them at a government paid for meal at a 4 star resturant.

    "The Ministry is determined to solve production problems for farmers as they are the producers of farm products." Wow! I didn't know that. Those guys in ministry really on top of the game "farmers as they are the producers of farm products." maybe next time I want to go fishing, I should look for a hooker?

    Well I'd have thought the village 1m stimulus that the Junta are introducing in a fit of imaginative creation , would encourage the yokels to wash their hands after they scratch their arse and before they pick another Mango

  5. While it's good they are making an example of this cop I really got to wonder about the "He has to take at least 45 days off from work to heal his nose," bit. 45 days off for a broken nose ? It normally takes 6 weeks to mend a broken bone ! Our mechanic was dicking around on his motorbike 2 weeks ago and took a nasty tumble. Big scrapes on his arms, legs and face. 2 days later back at work fixing motorcycles. I figured he should have been off (and being bandaged and cared for) for a week at least but I guess he wasn't going to get paid if he did so back to work it was).

    I think someone is angling for a payoff if they are claiming 45 days to heal a broken nose.

    6 weeks is 42 days , so not too far fetched

  6. HSBC Premier account is pretty grim now, they gave me a load of rubbish about they could open account for me anywhere in the world where they had a Branch. I though I would test them out and asked them to open me an account in Singapore. They cannot do it because nearly all banks want proof of address and work permit residency pass. After giving them a good slagging on the "Contact us" messenger on their website my "Personal Banking consultant " called me and told me they could not open the account for me, I asked him why they said they could do it when I got premier account. I opened a DBS account here linked to the post office , internet/phone banking Nets/Credit card. The Nets card you can use for anything, none a that minimum of x amount of dollars rubbish. I would pull my money out of HSBC Malaysia but the ringgit is very low 8.4 from 9.9 baht to the Ringgit and my Interest on time deposits is 3.25%

  7. When I worked in Taiwan about 12 years ago I had a similar problem. I had a HSBC account and Visa card with about 2 years left on it,About 2 days before Christmas my card would not work. I called the up HSBC and they said , That card is now blocked , we've replaced it with our new flashy card with gold colours on it and sent it to your address in UK. I was slightly peeved at this and after the tirade of abuse they got the WUed a couple of grand as it was their fault. I don't think its a standard policy though, they obviously want you to pay them the fee for their transfer charges

  8. It's not about the smuggling it's about the fact that Thailand in its infinite wisdom handed Uighur back to China probably to face a firing squad. It's not about the smuggling ring, but pay back for costing refugee runaways their lives.

    That seems to be their answer to everything. Don't like something? Bomb, maim and destroy.

    The expectation was that Thailand would hand them over to Turkey. These people are fighting the Chinese army.

    Under international standard behaviour Thailand would hand them to Turkey. Why they didn't was very surprising. The strike back is fairly standard for separatists.

    If that's what it turns out, it will prove to have been a pathetic decision. They were asked by all their allies not to do it. But they persisted to cozy up to China and thumb their noses at the USA.

    These Uighur will at least be in labour camps if they haven't been executed.

    the Uighurs were not only to be handed to Turkey, they probably all without exception were going to join the ISIS ranks. Turkey and Thailand only acting as transit lands. Turkey is supporting ISIS despite all the diplomatic brainwashing in the background, it is obvious

    You bought that one hook line and sinker, who did you believe the Chinese or the Thais ? When they tried to cover up their action against the Uighur by touting that rubbish

  9. Thanks I appreciate even the slightly less optimistic posts , keeps me on my toes a bit , I am going to get a survey done and pegged out so I can see the limits and have them recorded and verified. The house that stand there now is little decrepit on the brick/concrete downstairs but the whole upper floor and roof the wood is in superb condition, will be used again for sure. Not thinking of doing anything with it yet, a couple of years maybe

  10. all you experts jumping in here and critisizing but not offering a solution need to <deleted>

    I am no fan of the Thail police and I find them seriously lacking in trainging and the level of corruption we all know about

    That said - I can see no way they could do much better than they are doing now, big city, swamped with tourists - seriously what would you have them do ?

    so they could have done a little more at the crime scene and I agree with that, but at the end of the day some skinny coward walked up to a popular tourist spot with a bomb in a bag- left it there and calmly walked away - wearing possibly a wig and other stuff to hide his identity supposed to be talking English, but the biggest clue to this event is the fact that nobody claimed it

    I don't see how you think thats a clue , who would claim it. Uighur's wouldn't , because the Chinese would probably respond by murdering the rest of the people, if there are any left alive that Thailand sent back. Also they may well launch an attack on Xingjang. Southern Muslims wouldn't, they don't want the Army out not swarming all over them more than what they are. And I suppose you mean Thaksin and his boys. That imo is the most unlikely scenario , he has absolutely nothing to gain from this. I'd wager on some form of Muslim attack as revenge for the Uighur and Rohingyas , sold , kept in captivity and murdered

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