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Posts posted by kiwijack

  1. If youre going to use cartridge filters they must definatly be after the pump.

    Collecting rain water is a great idea but to be of any use for covering your domestic needs you need a very big tank, so it will see you through a large part of the dry season, a 2000 lt poly or stainless tank is a waste of time for this, you need to be looking at minimum 10,000 lt, personaly I think 40,000 lt is more like it.

    If your house is 10 m x 10 m it will have 100 sq m of roof area, if average rainfall for sept is .25m you could collect 100x.25= 25 cubic m (25,000 lt), thats alot of water, but if you work out your average daily water usage (google it) you'll see you need alot of water. eg a washing machine uses something like 200 lt per load.

    To find average rainfall for your area google "average rainfall (name of nearest big city)".

    Big tanks are expensive, take a look at the "Irrigation" thread for a link to how to build ferrocement tanks, which is your cheapest option. 40,000 lt tank is approx 5m diameter x 2 m high.

    Spend it while you've got it, tomorrow you might be broke but you'll have free water.

    Excellent advice PL & keen to find the information you referring to re large concrete tanks...must be stupid as can't locate the details re construction & costs. Can u clarify pls & thanks for patience.

  2. My Thai wife recently received her PR visa for OZ with a 5 year validity period. The requirement ( basically) is that 2 of these 5 years, one of which has to be the 5th, must be spent in OZ to qualify to apply for OZ citizenship at the end of the 5 years.

    However, it looks like we cant meet these requirements in this 5 year period but are anxious not to jepardise getting her citizenship.

    Can anyone tell me if it is simple enough to get a second 5 year PR visa renewal when this one expires & then, during that 5 year period, meet the settlement requirements. Will we lose our ' grandfather" status & have to meet the newer & more lengthy settlement requirements?

    If not doing it now will prejudice her getting citizenship we will have to seriously re consider re jigging everything as it is a priority.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I cannot get it from the Embassy or website. Thanks muchly.

  3. Examples of different cultivars

    Validor & WL South (examples of semi- winter active types)

    Aurora & Trifecta (examples of winter active types)

    Siriver & Sirosal (examples of dormant types)

    The above have a common genetic base shared with Sickle Medik – in much the same way as you get different genetic bases for cattle (e.g. Bos Indicus & Bos Taurus)

    Each is suitable for a different combination of soil and climatic conditions, and the differences are basically as follows:

    Winter Actives – as their name suggests, they are cold tolerant but they do not last long (around 3 years) and have low disease resistance. Aurora & Trifecta are examples of this type.

    Semi Winter Actives - do grow through winter but at a much reduced rate, last longer (around 5 years) and have medium disease, pest resistance. Validor & WL South are examples of this type.

    Winter Dormants – do not grow in the winter (go into a sort of hibernation), last a long time (7 years plus) and have excellent disease and pest resistance. Siriver & Sirosal are examples of this type

    They are visually distinctive by way of flower colour – which can from shades of purple & blue to shades of yellow.

    It is from this last group that we find suitability for South East Asia.

    From these 3 groups dozens of hybrids have been developed.

    Pak Chong Animal Research station in the province of Korat is used by visiting Asian academics as a base to conduct research.

    Thanks for all the great advice re cattle feed types..... I too looking at running a few head on a cut & carry basis initially. Can anyone tell me if the jumbo can be planted straight into paddy.. does it need irrigating to sustain thru a Buriram dry.. or do I need to fill & raise a bit first. Any tips appreciated.

  4. Happy to help mate:


    Good luck mate and please let us know how you get on!

    Thanks Kenkannif. I will certainly post whatever I can elicit but ... dont hold your breath for it as expect it to take a while.

    Appreciate your assistance.

    As you know its a HUGE market, growing too, & room for more operators.

    Good scope for entrepreneurial action!!! I have no doubt that done correctly there is excellent money to be made.

    More later.

  5. Thanks for all the comments/ advice although not getting the detail I was hoping for.. such is life.

    Getting some confusing info from MOE & wifes' translation skills not up to complex matters.

    So kennanif, can u pls advise that MOE website.. I cant find it... even if in Thai I can copy & get someone else to translate it for me.

    I am sure opening a school doable but want to do it legally & the best possible way.

    Clout can be arranged if necessary thru an arrangement but first things first.

    Appreciate any directions on this question of MOE requirements.

    Thanks again.

  6. And it's (generally) one work permit to one classroom and not on the basis of Thai staff (we have 40+ odd teachers and 10 or so Thai staff!).

    Thanks for prompt responses.

    Will contact MOE as suggested as MUST be legal.... was just hoping someone had done it all & could tell me the details & save me sorting confusing & maybe contradictory requirements, (plus my wifes' limited translation skills.. the first student!!!). Is there any such person out there?

    If the principal ... ie the owner, needs the qualification it rules out my wife; if it is the school principal, well that could be me ok.

    Comments much appreciated.

  7. I am contemplating opening a new english language school, owned by Thai wife, & before I go down the track of paying for professional advice on a range of issues, I am hoping someone can tell me what licences are required & an idea of cost, & the time to get them.. or where to seek the info (online?) would be great.

    Any assistance anyone who has been there done that can offer would be most appreciated as it is just an idea at present.

    The idea is to be a one man show so wont be much competition but would want it to be "legal".

    Thanks very much.

  8. to the best of my knowledge it doesnt have to be continuous, but if you bear with me I will look at some of the correspondance we have recieved regarding PR for wife. I am at roxby downs at the moment and will be back in adelaide friday so if nothing eventuates by then will have an answer for you.

    Thanks bronco, & CONGRATULATIONS.

    BUT ... I cant find any reference to ANY requirement for ANY time to be spent in OZ in order to get the PR, let alone be continuous.

    Hey Doctor Pat Pong... Can u elaborate on your pevious advice that 12 months continuous residency in OZ after the temporary visa is granted IS required before PR will be considered, as this the source of my confusion.

    If it is all too hard dont worry gentleman , I will check personally with the OZ embassy in BKK when I return in April.

    Congrats again bronco & thanks for the efforts.

  9. There is a requirement for her to spend 12 months in Oz.

    Read this link kiwijack.

    Thanks Bronco for your interest in helping me on this.

    Unfortunately this link doesnt seem to address my situation either, ( or am I missing something??)... which is as follows:

    I am Australian, despite the moniker, have been officially married to a Thai for 2 years & together for a total of 5 years. We live in BKK together but I often work in China for stints of 6 months max but satisfy the genuine/permanent relationship criteria.

    We applied in BKK for partner migration status 2 years ago & got the temporary visa. Since getting this visa we have only been in OZ for a total of 8 weeks over 2 trips over the 2 years.

    My query is .... MUST my wife ( & presumably me too) live in Australia for a continuous period of 12 months BEFORE PR will be considered???

    Your links make no mention of this being a requirement tho Dr. P P in another posting in another thread suggests it is .. ( I havent been able to get him to confirm it )

    Hence my concern/confusion as value the comments from both of you.

    Look forward to your response, & thanks!

  10. Can someone who has been there pls clarify for me whether it is in fact required that a Thai spouse has to first spend a continuous 12 month period in OZ before PR will be considered/offered . I have re read the Partner migration booklet (thks Bronco) but it makes no mention of this. Application was made outside OZ some 2 years ago but only a few weeks spent there since.

    Difficult to talk to case officer as currently working in China. Emails dont seem to be generating any interest. Thanks.

  11. How many months after approval of an Australian spouse visa does one get to leave Thailand and arrive in Aus?  3 or 6?


    hey Taxidriver, MIne, which was a multiple entry, valid until cancelled one that permits working, but no medicare or welfare access, had a compulsory requirement that she travel to OZ within 12 months of issue, even if she only stayed a day, which she sort of did. We got the visa Feb 2003, she went in feb 2004 for 3 weeks.. This entry into OZ apparently activates the next stage of the process.. permanent residency I think.

    The visa was issued 2 years ago next month but havent heard a word since & wonder if it is normal or because we dont stay there much. We have both been back again last year for a month or so but thats all in the 2 years.

    Maybe they have changed it since.

    Hope this assists.

    In the next two year period, she has to stay in Oz for the total 12 months of the last year. Every overseas absence is added on. Without the 12 month in country stay, Oz citizenship is not achievable

    Thks doc for the info.. As I am working in China at present I havent been able to check on status easily.

    Do I understand u correctly that now, given 2 years have elapsed from the initial application during which time only brief periods have been spent in OZ, that it is imperative that over the next 2 years she must spend 50% of the time, ie 12 months, in OZ or 12 months continuous, & if so does that have to be the 4th year from lodgement date? Or can she stay continuously for any 12 month period within the next 2 years?

    Thks too Bronco for medicare advice.

    In the last 12 months every day out of Oz is added to that 12 months.

    Thanks Doc..... But it must be my Paddy ancestory as still uncertain what is required. I will check with OZ Embassy when back in BKK , April, but meanwhile, do I understand correctly that during the 3rd& 4th years, from application date, she must stay in OZ without a break for 12 months before the permanent residency is considered/offered. Furthermore if this isnt done in the 4th year then she gets more time to do it.. ie the current visa situation just continues until she completes a 12 month continuous stay?

    I might add that we didnt initially want PR but were told that after getting 2 tourist visas that they wouldnt give us any more ( " because we had had 2 already!!") & staff, incl. expat. visa dept. head, insisted that we apply for the partner visa.. 302? So didnt check it all out that thoroughly at the time. Now I have decided to take it all the way for future benefits for her .

    If it is not a hassle can u say it simply for me, otherwise I will wait til April. I do appreciate the attempts!! Thank you.

  12. How many months after approval of an Australian spouse visa does one get to leave Thailand and arrive in Aus?  3 or 6?


    hey Taxidriver, MIne, which was a multiple entry, valid until cancelled one that permits working, but no medicare or welfare access, had a compulsory requirement that she travel to OZ within 12 months of issue, even if she only stayed a day, which she sort of did. We got the visa Feb 2003, she went in feb 2004 for 3 weeks.. This entry into OZ apparently activates the next stage of the process.. permanent residency I think.

    The visa was issued 2 years ago next month but havent heard a word since & wonder if it is normal or because we dont stay there much. We have both been back again last year for a month or so but thats all in the 2 years.

    Maybe they have changed it since.

    Hope this assists.

    In the next two year period, she has to stay in Oz for the total 12 months of the last year. Every overseas absence is added on. Without the 12 month in country stay, Oz citizenship is not achievable

    Thks doc for the info.. As I am working in China at present I havent been able to check on status easily.

    Do I understand u correctly that now, given 2 years have elapsed from the initial application during which time only brief periods have been spent in OZ, that it is imperative that over the next 2 years she must spend 50% of the time, ie 12 months, in OZ or 12 months continuous, & if so does that have to be the 4th year from lodgement date? Or can she stay continuously for any 12 month period within the next 2 years?

    Thks too Bronco for medicare advice.

  13. How many months after approval of an Australian spouse visa does one get to leave Thailand and arrive in Aus?  3 or 6?


    hey Taxidriver, MIne, which was a multiple entry, valid until cancelled one that permits working, but no medicare or welfare access, had a compulsory requirement that she travel to OZ within 12 months of issue, even if she only stayed a day, which she sort of did. We got the visa Feb 2003, she went in feb 2004 for 3 weeks.. This entry into OZ apparently activates the next stage of the process.. permanent residency I think.

    The visa was issued 2 years ago next month but havent heard a word since & wonder if it is normal or because we dont stay there much. We have both been back again last year for a month or so but thats all in the 2 years.

    Maybe they have changed it since.

    Hope this assists.

  14. Hey Taxidriver, my understanding is that it doesnt matter as they only want to see your marriage cert as & when u apply for an OZ visa. If u intend to do this sometime then I suggest u start the process now as can take a while & also the already tight approach maybe tightened further. Note that they will tell u that a marriage cert is not proof of a relationship per se & u should , if u havent already, start getting things in BOTH your names, eg lease, bank accounts etc etc...everything ...& take lots of photos whenever u go anywhere & keep old airline tickets as proof that u are together as they adopt a reasonably cynical approach to such visa applications. But if u are fair dinkum & prevail & dont spit the dummy u will triumph but will take a couple of years to get permanent residency status.

    They will require certified translations of all Thai documentation too. The Embasy has a pretty good brochure that guides u & the visa forms say it all. Cost will be more than 30000 baht plus medicals, police checks etc but its all routine if u go with the flow.

    We applied 18 months ago with copious "proof " & no probs. Got her a multiple entry , no time limit interim visa within a couple of weeks of application which requires a trip to OZ within 12 months of issue to activate the next stage, permanent residency. She can work in OZ on the interim one but no welfare access. Despite some negative posts I found them fine to deal with, if somewhat bureaucratic, but at least it happens. Good luck.

  15. Thanks gentleman,Partic DFW.

    My wife was not married to the father & as such she has sole custody which i assume we both now have, tho immaterial. he is in her registration book tho under fathers name. His surname is currently being changed to mothers family name.

    She won't have a bar of approaching father to sign, it was a bad relationship at the end, gambling/abuse etc, so it appears we just have to wait until he hits eighteen.

    I was hoping that as the custodial parent she may be able to get him at least into her passport without father's consent.,

    So Doc , does this change yor view?

    I am presently out of Thailand so cannot approach a legal adviser now. Was hoping , given the common nature of step children, that someone had been there & done it before.

    Thks again anyway.

  16. I need some guidance if possible please.

    I am married, registered, to Thai who has a 7 year old son from prior relationship . The father hasn't been any contact whatsoever since shortly after birth though they know his village etc. He has given no financial support nor visited since birth. Now I would like to get a Thai passport for him.

    Problem is we need father's signature on documents . We dont know where he is but could probably find out through parents. Wife is adamant about not seeing him as fearful of shakedown or even loss of custody of kid, ie father may just take him. She believes in letting the sleeping dog lie.

    Is there any way we can apply for a Thai passport for her son without father's signature or get son into wife's thai passport. Otherwise its a long wait until he is 18.

    Any advice appreciated. I recognise principle of father's rights & I'm not trying to steal his son; just want him able to come to Australia for time to time as Thailand our home. Thanks.

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