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Everything posted by speckio

  1. mafia is kind of a loose term for gang... pattaya has a taxi mafia.. that threatens uber and grab drivers and dont use meters. There use to be a Russian mafia operating in Pattaya, not sure if they moved on or pay the media and police to stay out of their business operating like yakuza.
  2. As a customer, if I saw a business owner beat a beggar with a bat they would quickly lose my business. You can try to use the bat to threaten someone to leave.... but if they will not leave, you prepared to beat them for it? not only that don't be surprised if show up at your business the next day and your windows are shattered or the place is vandalized
  3. What do you mean what do you do? .1 keep rolling the doing what you are doing until she catches you and face the consequences of your actions. 2. tell her you want to break up, make up some bull<deleted> excuse and hope she doesn't find out the truth. or 3, come clean and face the consequences and whatever happens happens. I am a betting man and going to guess you will most likely go with option 1
  4. i think the point is he broke the law, he could have contacted an immigration lawyer to try and straighten things out to stay legally. but he waited and waited and waited it was only a matter of time before he got caught. most likely will be blacklisted never to return.
  5. As far as i know dogs don't kill for fun or attack for no reason. although one of my friends had a pitlbull/rotty mix super friendly and sweet dog. He said the dog once saw a cat chased it down and ripped it apart. (animals can be unpredictable) Dog behavior does change when alone vs in a pack and they can definitely be more dangerous and bold in a group working together. I can see if one dog started to attack a person the other dogs would join in the attack on instinct following the pack leader or alpha. In other situations as seen on many youtube videos the other dogs would intervene and try to stop the attack. Dogs usually give a warning bite and stop and back away. something extreme most likely happened for the dogs to keep attacking. I can imagine a situation where the dogs did something the 18 year old didnt like so he responded by kicking or hitting the dogs triggering the dogs to retaliate. Its tragic that a young person lost their lives like this...
  6. As far as i know dogs don't kill for fun or attack for no reason. although one of my friends had a pitlbull/rotty mix super friendly and sweet dog. He said the dog once saw a cat chased it down and ripped it apart. (animals can be unpredictable) Dog behavior does change when alone vs in a pack and they can definitely be more dangerous and bold in a group working together. I can see if one dog started to attack a person the other dogs would join in the attack on instinct following the pack leader or alpha. In other situations as seen on many youtube videos the other dogs would intervene and try to stop the attack. Dogs usually give a warning bite and stop and back away. something extreme most likely happened for the dogs to keep attacking. Its tragic that a young person lost their lives like this...
  7. A Thai economist warned that Bangkok could be submerged by the sea within the next seven to eight years. The guy who cuts my hair said almost the same thing but he claims its closer to 9 to 10 years. He can predict the future by observing how strands of hair fall to the ground after cutting.
  8. I am definitely an atheist Religion is something man-made and it has been used to control people throughout history.. Church do as I say or face damnation.... Church give me money so i can be rich and powerful Church Give me money so I can raise a holy army and crush those who oppose me or burn or crucify people as an example of what happens if you don't convert. how is the following logical? A person can be a murderous psychopath who murders 100's of people and if they accept god all is forgiven and they will be welcomed to heaven with open arms. A person can live the life as a saint doing exactly everything god is supposed to be about his entire life but is destined to go to hell and damnation because he doesn't accept god into his heart. Either this is exactly what God wanted or he doesn't exist... and if the above is in fact what he wanted i refuse to follow him. God is not needed for you to a good person.. to be a good person all you need is. empathy and compassion It dumb founds me when there is a survivor of a natural disaster where hundreds or thousands of other people die and this is considered a miracle or divine intervention ... a real miracle is if a plane crashes and everyone should of died but no one dies.. when has that ever happened? and why doesn't god do this more often? If God exists he isn't a good deity and i would rather not spend eternity with someone like him after i am dead.
  9. let me guess you get your information from the totally "unbiased" Fox news.
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