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Roo Island

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  1. I'm guessing you don't understand that the only reason he wasn't impeachment was because of ONE person. Dozo. Are you aware of how much Dozo made while being president? Probably not as much as his son in law. https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2023/08/17/heres-how-much-joe-biden-is-worth/?sh=18e94f3938e Instead, he is getting richer by doing what a lot of 80-year-old Americans are doing: sitting on real estate. The president owns two homes in Delaware that are worth an estimated $7 million combined, $1.8 million more than they were when he took office.
  2. Yes. The people became aware of his crimes. Sadly, worthless Mitch McConnell refused to let it move forward. 2 times. First impeachmen: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress Second impeachment: incitement of insurrection Stunning how anyone could support a man like that
  3. Nope, just dodgy media outlets. Most of which are far right. Who's getting ready to vacate the WH? You have a crystal ball?
  4. One who was trying to change and also, killed by police needlessly. Not everyone is perfect
  5. I kinda posted a link to the Palmer Report as a joke. But your post is spot on
  6. Opinion pieces....ugh. https://www.salon.com/2024/04/25/underestimating-alvin-braggs-case-against-donald-is-a-historic-mistake/ Underestimating Alvin Bragg's case against Donald Trump is a historic mistake A law professor gets Trump’s Manhattan prosecution wrong in the New York Times
  7. It's not a political trial unless you follow the dodgy right wing media outlets
  8. Tough times in the US for people of color. Especially black men. He was right. They killed him. Happens way too much.
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