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Everything posted by AGLV0121

  1. Not really a good beginning! Go on with her and tell us the rest of the saga.
  2. Brave women tried to stop the fight.
  3. Are there still many seniors in schools these days? 🙂
  4. Young people misbehaving is not specific to any nation or ethnic group. Bullies are found everywhere. For what I know, being a Zionist is just wanting to live in the land of Israel. Unknown to most, there was a genocide of jews during the first rebellion of the Jews and over a million have been killed at the hands of the Romans, troops of Vespasian and Titus, his son. The Titus Arch in Rome tells about the 100,000 Jews brought to Rome for the games. During the second rebellion in 132-136 Common Era, about 600,000 to 900,000 Jews again were killed. Although this triggered a diaspora west and northwards, many Jews stayed in this land. Now, with successive generations, about 70% are indigenous. All the above can be found true from Wikipedia [not too reliable as an authoritative source] and other sources. Let's hope a better future for all inhabitants of this region, and of the earth, by extension. However, I've not seen any blame or comments on - as for migrations - those so-called leaders in Africa who sell their land to China, France or Russia, nor many comments about the Assad family, no condamnation of terrorist groups placing rockets at the borders of Israel and triggering attacks. Whatever.
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