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Everything posted by Brewster67

  1. Just an observation, maybe someone else has examples. I just bought a box of Liptons Yellow Label tea bags and I noticed the tea was very weak, in fact I had to let the teabag brew for like 3 times longer than normal and had only about half the milk I usually add just to make it look like tea. I went online and looked up the product specs and it is supposed to be 2 grams of tea per bag, yet when I weighed a bag on my very accurate digital scales it came up as 965 mg, that is less than half the amount of tea than their usual product. I am pretty sure the Thai importer has got Liptons to make it to this spec to get the product in cheaper... I am quite bemused a major brand from the west is happy to lower their product quality to such extremes just to get sales. One would think brand reputation would be their number 1 motivation. I know this goes on here because I buy a regular brand of tinned sardines here and when you buy it from a shop there are three pieces of fish in the can. but when I bought a pack of 10 tins from Lazada as the price was around 25% lower, when I got them, every can had just 2 pieces of fish, so saving 25% and get 33% less.... Lol. Obvioulsy someone contacted the factory and asked them to reduce the fish in the can to reduce the costs and the factory willingly complied. This Lazada seller literally had over 5000 ratings for this product, so they are pulling quite a canny manouver. You got to give them credit for that ????
  2. I have just been informed by immigration that I need to leave the country to either get a non imm O visa or a border stamp. Can I get a 60 day stamp with a simple land border run?... Or is it limited to 30 days. Can I extend the stamp at immigration for a further 60 days?
  3. Thank you for all your help.
  4. I can't... It's a long story but just before covid hit I had done a border run for a 30 day visa exepmt stamp, after that it was amnesties followed by covid extensions... I am pretty sure i can't extend a border stamp that expired almost 3 years ago.
  5. I already have my new passport, it came last week. I want to get a 60 day non-imm 'O' visa based on marriage, which is available at my local immigration, but I am of the belief that you need to have at least 30 days on my current stay, I have just 1 week left, so am I going to have to go to Laos or Cambodia?
  6. Hi. Is Thai immigration still issuing the 60 day covid extension?? Waiting 14 weeks for my new British passport has really screwed me up.
  7. The whole world depends on China actually..... Including the USA
  8. Well done Thailand. If the UN granted this as a secret vote so people could comfortably cast an honest vote knowing there could be no viscious backlash from the USA and her sycophants of the collective west... But no, once again more evidence the USA runs the UN. The west are losing friends fast, most of the world has an axe to grind against western countries after the last few centuries of slaughter and repression.... The world is changing, the west is a dead parrot.
  9. I have a son who is almost 4 years old. I have only ever communicated with him in English, his mother uses mostly English with her thick Thai accent and occasionally in Thai. While everyone else uses pure Thai. It amazes me how with absolutely no attempt at tuition, and when he learned to speak at about age 1, he only ever spoke to me in English, he mostly speaks to his mother in English and occasionally Thai and everyone else in Thai. Nobody actually explained what language and to whom, mostly because how do you explain the concept of multiple languages to a child so young?... He simply just realised we speak different and learned them in parallel. He has never attempted to use Thai with me, and never attempts to use English with the Thais. But what really gets me is that even though Thais speak English with a thick Thai accent, my son speaks English in a pure English accent. Is this the same with other farang with kids brought up here?
  10. Talk about in your face police corruption. Myself and my wife build bespoke websites for the Thai market, mostly based on the cryptospace and NFTs. We were in phase 1 of building a very complex NFT site that has a budget of 8 million baht. The customer is Thai but was raised and mostly educated for 12 years in the UK. So he has been incredibly easy to work for. Anyway, here is what has happened with this guy over the past days. All our work comes from 2 agents who find the work and pass in onto us... One of the agents responsible for this particular job called us last night to tell us the customer is in prison and to hold the project for now... We then get another call with the details of what has happened. Apparently our customer who is pretty well off and owns a string of high end BKK restaurants, had a 50/50 partner for this project who was supposed to be stumping up half the cost of the website. For the sake of ease I will call him 'client'; and his partner 'partner'. Now we started this site a few weeks ago, and the client paid us the 20% deposit (1.6 mil). But now the partner has decided to pull out, which clearerly pi55ed off the client who then went round to his partner's house with a gun to obviously change his mind. Now I don't know all the exact details, but it seems the client had him at gunpoint and demanded the entire 4 million. I don't know if any money was handed over or what arrangements were made. But it seems the partner called the police whom arrested the client and locked him up. Now as far as I am aware, the client is still in prison but still in contact with the agent and the situation is that the police have decided that the partner must pay 2 million baht to the client or they will make sure he goes to court and the judge will force him to pay the whole 4 million, the police will make sure that happens.... Then for the client to get out of prison and make all this go away, he has to give the 2 million to the police boss. Now I have been here for 12 years already and so I am not surprised in the slightest at how this has all unfolded, in fact most of you reading this would have had a good idea how all this was going to play out.... what I am surprised with however is the openness of all of this. Absolutely no attempt to have this all hush hush, under the table theatrics you would expect anywhere else. Well.... I don't know what is happening with the project now, all I care about is my expenses are well covered, the agent has his cut of the 1.6 mil and we have a contract that says if he cancels in mid-project, all money paid is forfeit. ???? Anyone else experienced such naked corruption?
  11. My UK passport expires in March 2023. But because of Covid I have been on 60 day visa exempt renewalls for 2 years now and that is not long enough to be able to send my passport off for renewal because they just give you an 8 week stamp every time. I am trying to do this online, does anyone know of a quicker way to get a UK passport renewed?... For example, can this be done within Thailand?? Thanks in advance.
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