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Posts posted by Keira1

  1. I find it quite ironic that the only places these mostly muslim migrants feel is safe enough for them are christian countries.

    Yes and then they start making demands based on their own religion.

    A few months back a member of the House of Lords actually said something relevant when he pointed that in many areas the traditional pub on the corner was disappearing because of Moslem clout and influence.

    Incidentally i read on the Internet today that the Saudis have already offered to build 200 mosques across Germany to help all these migrants settle in.

    "Incidentally i read on the Internet today that the Saudis have already offered to build 200 mosques across Germany to help all these migrants settle in. "

    True, and here is the article to back it up.

    Just imagine the German people being awakened at daybreak each and every morning by the melodious sounds emanating from the loud speakers...and then hearing it four times more each day.


    Saudi Arabia offers Germany 200 mosques – one for every 100 refugees who arrived last weekend
    Friday 11 September 2015
    Saudi Arabia has reportedly responded to the growing number of people fleeing the Middle East for western Europe – by offering to build 200 mosques in Germany.
    Syria’s richer Gulf neighbours have been accused of not doing their fair share in the humanitarian crisis, with Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE also keeping their doors firmly shut to asylum-seekers.
    According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which quoted a report in the Lebanese newspaper Al Diyar, Saudi Arabia would build one mosque for every 100 refugees who entered Germany in extraordinary numbers last weekend.

    Insane... Interesting is the fact that in Ethiopia (where the proportion of muslims is growing), in a city called Axum, and traditionally an ancient Christian place, they have refused permission to build mosques. They say "well, you do not allow any churches to be built in Mecca, why would we have to allow you...?". In Europe, we've stopped to question things...

  2. Somehow, this whole affair is a bit of mess don't you think? Sure, they've arrested some suspects, but they've also got quite some help from the outside/other countries giving them some clues (concerning the uighurs for instance), but rejected other help when this has been offered.

    But, yes, they have achieved some good things, that's true, and I believe there must be some good cops doing a good job, but honestly, there seem to be lot's of sh.t going on as well

  3. funny, fingerprints match in a day, but no taxi driver ID yet of the two in custody.

    How long would it take to run over to the Chinese embassy and check Yussufs passport?

    Can't do that, as might confirm he is a Uighur.

    Foreigners let a bomb off that kills twenty and it is not terrorism???

    Lots of read between the line here from police, my guess is pressure from China as they executed some deported Uighurs and who deported them?

    And wait there is more, top immigration police transfered from Sa Kaew for letting Uighurs into Thailand.

    Police deny suspect was aprehended in Cambodia even though international media claim this as well as Phnom Phen Post, why deny??

    My theory is Cambodia dont want to sour relations with China and if this guy was handed over to China instead maybe he dissapear for ever.

    Cambodia deported a lot of Uighurs in 2009 from SA Kaew area against apeals from United Nations and other human rights organisations, some of these were executed some recieved Jail terms one of them was named Yussuf.

    After Cambodia did what they were told by China and deported these people in a chartered jet Chinese officials went to Cambodia and signed up contracts and loans for them.

    There is a lot of reason for this to be a Uigher revenge attack and both sides China and Thailand are players in that theory.

    There were two targets in the bomb attack, China and guess who?

    There were two countrys who hurt a lot of Uighurs.wai2.gif

    This Theory is absolutely nuts.

    Uighur have a problem with China, Not Thailand.

    So what if they were deported from Thailand to China and persecuted there. You don't start another war with another country when you already have one going with one of the most powerful countries on Earth.


    In what way is planting a bomb in Thailand assured of killing Chinese citizens?

    Its a bomb, planted in a public place. How is the any guarantee of killing any Chinese..

    So the riots at the Thai embasssy in Turkey did not happen after Thailand deported Uighurs to China.

    The Uighurs were not angry that this resulted in some executions.

    So the Uighurs were not angry at China for executing some of there kind, they did not smash the Thai embassy to bits in Turkey and they were not angry that Thailand Jaunta deprorted them to China to be executed and imprisoned.

    The bomb was place at a shrine where Chinese worship not in Nana plaza.

    The suspects are more than likely highly probably Uighurs.

    Most international media including Reuters, Times, CNN , BBC, tout this as being a revenge attack against China and Thailand for the treatment handed out to them.

    So go figure shill.

    "It's a paid idiot to misinform and denegrate by making low comments because their IQ is to low to assemble reality."


    Not sure what you mean Keith old son, because your sentence construction capability is deteriorating along with your argument.

    Why not take a day or two off to cool down the old brain cells and do a little research on insulting people.

    'So go figure shill' its still not managing to upset me much.

    Are you from a country area, where they don't have many people by any chance?

    Here we've got the ugly combination of arrogance and ignorance. You fit well in this combination.

    What about the attack on the thai consulate in instanbul, where the attackers shout "allahuakbhar" while breaking into the building with stones and big wooden rods, throwing out the documents in the middle of the street...

  4. Just because China is seen as the "bad guys" doesn't mean that the Uighur are automatically the "good guys". They can still have malicious and violent intentions and fanatical traits. It's so easy to just see it in black and white. And there are also reports of them going to fight the islamic cause in Syria etc... We need to wake up, we are still too naive in the west, thinking that we are somehow better learned and informed than the rest of the world. There things that are going on behind our backs, that we don't know about ,but somehow many people are arrogant, naive and ignorant, all at the same time.

  5. @spearbkk: haha ... you're so sure aren't you...

    well did the chinese attack the thai consulate, chinese embassy, korean tourists and chinese restaurants (all this in turkey) as well?

    I'm quite sure they didn't. Of course the Chinese knew.

    I am not excusing the Chinese, but the Uighurs have not been that peaceful in China, they seem quite rabid and violent I have to say.

  6. So all this constant talk of ..." but they all are refugees..".

    I know someone who works in a consulate, and there are so many scams, you would never believe it. People claiming to be underaged, when it's totally obvious they are in their 20's, and of course not the son/daughter); people who arrive "by foot" to the consulate, but when leaving, at the corner of the next street (trying to hide), a brand-new luxury car is waiting to pick him up (well, he wouldn't want to show his wealth, and his contacts, and who his friends/relatives really are.

    I don't say all refugees are scammers. But more and more are, because they know it works...

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