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Posts posted by Keira1

  1. Maybe no... Not sure.

    Just a thought: if it's the Uighur, they did it because they want to "punish" and scare Thailand. Maybe it's a act of desperation, maybe they realise that in fact Thailand is getting more strict (?) with these immigrants etc, and their plan to use Thailand in the future as a way to reach Turkey/Syria (or some other country) has backfired. Actually they maybe think that in the future it might not be that easy anymore to get their way. They're getting desperate. If Thailand can manage to not accept these s c refugees, and not not to give in to their threats, than, we're heading (in my opinion) to maybe a safer place.

    I see what's happened in the European countries: we've grown soft and just accept anyone as a refugee.

    If the message gets out that it's not that easy anymore - whether in Europe or Thailand - to get what you want as "refugee", than in the long run, we might get some good result.

    Btw, I do not support China's undemocratic way, BUT, that does not mean that the Uighur in China have not been doing horrible things. There has been some pretty ugly carnage and attacks done by the Uighur. Sure it's easy to demonise China, but that does not exclude the fact that the Uighur have been doing some really ugly and violent attacks on innocent civilians.

    Who wants to take in a group of violent muslims in Thailand? Not me.

  2. Problem is that Thailand feels very safe, so that you loose your attention and become too relaxed. This happened to me, a motorbike with 2 guys snatched my bag, I could have prevented it, if I had worn the bag on a safer way (at the police station, they said they were quite sure burmese did it, no joke). Thailand is quite safe I think, you just need to be aware of what's going around you.

  3. Just a thought: he was a stuck in Bkk, didn't dare to move out from his area, didn't imagine that his face would be all over Thailand. Getting more and more desperate, -and who knows, maybe some of his accomplices let him down because things didn't go as planned- maybe even considering suicide (just a thought of course) or any other way of escape, but not knowing where to go, what to do...?

  4. I've lived many years in Africa... and yeah some of them are quite cunning... and they do laugh behind our backs, trust me, but most people don't realise this... I do not judge everybody in Africa as being cunning etc, not at all, but somehow it's good to be "aware" that Thailand might attract a certain type of "tourist" from that country, maybe...

  5. Some of the places on earth which gets the heaviest floods are... deserts, it may sound strange and contradictory, but scientist have seen a pattern. Could it be that some areas in Thailand are getting drier? I know that the area around Pai in the north has a water problem... AND has had serious floods creating heavy damage.

  6. The guy looking very pale and stressed out, can't have been out a lot in the sun lately... Must been a long 13 days for him, and who knows, maybe planning for some "ultimate" way out, as crossing borders wouldn't be that easy. He does look like a fanatic...

  7. Have you seen the vid showing the attack on the Thai consulate in Istanbul? These are fanatic, dangerous guys. The "Grey Wolves" connection is very plausible. This group works behind de scenes, as cultural organisations, for instance, and support many groups, but does rarely do thing openly.

    They have a long history of violence: attacks against kurds, Armenians, journalists, universities, Greeks in Cyprus etc...

    In the late 70's they became a "death squad", performed street killings.

    They still have branches in Germany, Belgium, among other. In Europe, at least 24 killings are linked to the GW.

    They started in the 60's as a grass root club, actually a bit like the SS. They are a Pan-turkish organisation, and somehow believe that their people/culture is superior to the rest of us. Islam and terrorism is what they believe in.

  8. Hm... muslims seem to have a thing for bombing... why don't we hear so much about other religious groups constantly bombing enemies...? Violence is their thing.

    They don't always know what they're doing: concerning the attack on the Thai consulate in Istanbul on the night of 8-9 July, they attacked some koreans tourists, thinking they were Chinese. They also vandalised 2 Chinese restaurants in Istanbul, but the "funny" thing is, one of the restaurants was owned by a Turk, and had some Uighur employees.

    While the mob is attacking the consulate and breaking in into the offices, and breaking the glas windows (you can see this on youtube), they are shouting "Allah u Akbar" in an aggressive manner... I thought that religion -even if you might called it brainwashing- is supposed to have a pacifying (or maybe numbing) effect, but in Islam we've got violence. Sure, the the crusaders weren't not that peaceful, but somehow we have left that childish, immature ways behind. The middle ages are over, hopefully for most of us... but not for the muslims.

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