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Posts posted by hoffy66

  1. Hi,

    i am wanting to buy a good used ute, dual cab, i have seen quite a few in the yards, but i fall over at the prices, i would like to find one that has been owned by a farang, i am aussie, would be good if it was up around chang-mia, prefer auto diesel, and one that has good paint no accidents.

    thanks in advance eddie.

  2. Hi,

    I am wanting of a good dental practice in chang-mia? my brother is coming over in early march, he wants to book into a good but cheap accommodation, and get his false teeth [ both top and bottom plates] renewed, i think that is what is done, as they have worn out, can some one who has had experience with this field please pass on any good info.?

    thanks in advance.

    P.S. phone numbers will help.

  3. "The diplomat said that the US ..., along with many other countries, wants to see Thailand return to democracy in a timely manner."

    Says the representative of a country which has been busy toppling one democratically elected country after another across the world over the past decades. What hypocrisy! Not to mention attacking, invading and occupying sovereign nations under false pretexts, for geopolitical ends. As far as I am concerned, the US government is the world's biggest terrorist organisation. It would in my opinion be far better if the US Ambassador to Thailand was to <deleted>.

    I have to say Thanks for the correct and true statement, it is refreshing to find some one else who can see through the smoke screen and reconize a bully country for what it is, i for one would not give a brass button to what the U.S.A. has to say, if it is not to their advantage, they do nothing, just look at the wars over the years to see that, i would go on but i am a busy person, and this letter, would be toooooo long.

  4. I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

    But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

    Surely thats not so disturbing...

    In many Hotels etc there are non smoking signs around the pool. Most Songtaews have non smoking signs how different is that & if someone was smoking on a Songtaew should he be permitted? Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters. Why should non smokers be subjected to this indoors or outdoors. However the point is that he becomes violent is that acceptable?

    Can you point me to where you found the paper that says with-in 30 meters???

  5. "Paramilitary Ranger" aka security contractor and mercenary hired by the Thai Military to conduct military operations to supplement Thai military manpower. They are often used in raids on muslim villages, mosques and schools searching for insurgents. They have unrestricted access to Thai military armories and are largely unaccountable for their actions. Their operations also provide the Thai millitary with deniability to any brutality.

    It should not be a surprise that they put themselves and familiy at risk for retribution by insurgents.

    I would like to know where you got that information from, it sounds as if you just made it up, show us some facts to support the rubbish you are spruking,,,,,, these people do a very good job, to help bring some comfort and support to the thai people who do live in these area's...

  6. Thank you all for your imput, i will investigate further, as suggested ask the school head, i have asked these people for a look at the contract, before we sign, they were trying to push my wife to sign first, but i am worried that if she did that we might be caught with paying for something we did not want.

    once again thanks for the help.

    regards eddie.

  7. Hi People,

    I have just had a visit from some young people from my grandson's school, they are trying to sell me some scheme that is supposed to teach my grandson to save, we have to put 1,000 baht in every month and after 3 years they give us a bonus of 15,000 and the scheme keeps going, i am told that after 12 years which is when our grand son reaches uni. and we will want the capital to pay the fees that they give the money back [ capital] this is backed by the bank and some insurance company, i am worried because they did not bring the policy for me to read, , wondering if others have had simular approaches????

  8. This is Thailand and if you prefer not to give money, I would guess whatever else you bring won`t be very much appreciated. Sorry, just being realistic.

    You could try giving them some bottles of Johny Walker whiskey, gold label, stuff they can`t normally afford to buy here. The big bottles that is, not the half hearted sizes.

    What a silly idea, to give spirits to most thai's is not good for them or their friends, i have seen many thai drink spirits and just go off the rails, gifts that will last and do the family good, even aussie flags are appreciated, just so they can show their friends that they ave friends in aussie.

  9. Please state your source. There have been changes implemented recently already.

    I renewed my driver's license yesterday in Phuket (5 years) and then they informed all Farang about the new rules from January 2016.

    As if you forget and renew your driving license then you must at school 8 hours and a test of 100 questions and where you MUST have 95% correct crying.gif , but remember you can renew the driver license 3 months before it expires, i do that last day to. wai2.gif

    I did my driving license 3 days ago, and after doing the normal eye /brake tests, i was put in a class room and did listen to a policeman talk about all the road rules for 2 hours and then we had a 1 hour break then back to the class room for another 2 hours, next day was another 2 hours, and then we were given a plastic card with a chip on it we had to insert into computer and do the test questions, 50 for the car and 50 for the motorbike, we had to get 45 right for each test, when we passed we were taken to a driving test area, where we had to ride the bike around a curcuit, then the car test which involved a reverse parallel parking , i was told this is the tests now for any one who does not renew in time.

  10. Such a law makes one feel like a criminal just by being a foreigner in Thailand.

    I wonder what temporary basis is? I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon.

    Indeed, a real PITA brought about no doubt by their incompetence in controlling the borders and a need to show that they have the situation under control (aka SNAFU). I guess that we are all "temporary" in their eyes. If it were not for my having family here then I would seriously consider locating to somewhere that might welcome us.

    We are temporary visitors regardless of how long we have been here unless you apply and get Thai citizenship you and I will remain only temporary visitors and as such we abide by certain rules. Homeowners it's easy to submit a TM 30 stop moaning and just fill in a form and take it or post it simple. Or is it that 90%of landlords don't like this as then you will be known as Landlords and have to pay tax!!!!!. I am on a retirement extension and every 90 days report then after a year renew said extension in total let's say 1 day 24 hrs and thats a bit over the top for time spent at immigration. Then for 364 days I relax problem!!!!! None.

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