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Posts posted by johnhw

  1. Clearly a mentally disturbed individual.

    A 30-40% burn is a serious injury but with good care survivable.

    Some sympathy and a little understanding costs very little but the TV trolls prefer to make "jokes"

    Agreed, but from personal experience, have found that at least a few "jokesters" in these sad circumstances use humor as a way of overcoming their own compassion response....particularly among the more "macho" male type who see the expression of overt feelings as a sign of weakness (not a good thing).

    just saying...

  2. Always considered it a victimizing excuse, the youthful accusations that today's old-timers "had it so easy" compared to the impossible situation of today's youngsters who say they face dead-end jobs, unobtainable good employment, unaffordable housing and a generally hostile cost of survival.

    I've seen many BARELY OUT OF SCHOOL who feel entitled to immediate six-figure salaries, five bedroom mansions, latest-model Beemer, 10-foot TV screens, the latest $1,000 smartphones, two vacations a year, no-hour workweeks etc. etc.

    Unable to have these 'basic' needs met, many are returning disgusted to live with those lucky moms and dads who have all that cash they picked off trees during their easy times.

    This old-timer cruised through life by working at starvation wages to gain experience in his chosen field for six years before matching his meager military salary on discharge, banged away at three fix-me-up homes before affording a three-bedroomer, and generally driving older, practical used cars.

    Most of my old fart friends share similar histories.

    Seriously? You're talking about how you were able to own four different houses to justify how you had it tougher than today's youth?

    You're so out of touch it's laughable.

    Not "owned"....mortgaged...and Yup, three extremely cheap fix-me-upper "homes" I worked on day and night for 10 years that today's youngsters wouldn't be caught dead in.

    Most young people these days wouldn't even dream of being able to get a mortgage. Check your privilege before you post silly things like that.

    Yup...silly. Describes me to a "T". Silly, but polite, tho. You know, don't be insulting...


  3. Always considered it a victimizing excuse, the youthful accusations that today's old-timers "had it so easy" compared to the impossible situation of today's youngsters who say they face dead-end jobs, unobtainable good employment, unaffordable housing and a generally hostile cost of survival.

    I've seen many BARELY OUT OF SCHOOL who feel entitled to immediate six-figure salaries, five bedroom mansions, latest-model Beemer, 10-foot TV screens, the latest $1,000 smartphones, two vacations a year, no-hour workweeks etc. etc.

    Unable to have these 'basic' needs met, many are returning disgusted to live with those lucky moms and dads who have all that cash they picked off trees during their easy times.

    This old-timer cruised through life by working at starvation wages to gain experience in his chosen field for six years before matching his meager military salary on discharge, banged away at three fix-me-up homes before affording a three-bedroomer, and generally driving older, practical used cars.

    Most of my old fart friends share similar histories.

    Seriously? You're talking about how you were able to own four different houses to justify how you had it tougher than today's youth?

    You're so out of touch it's laughable.

    Not "owned"....mortgaged...and Yup, three extremely cheap fix-me-upper "homes" I worked on day and night for 10 years that today's youngsters wouldn't be caught dead in.

  4. Always considered it a victimizing excuse, the youthful accusations that today's old-timers "had it so easy" compared to the impossible situation of today's youngsters who say they face dead-end jobs, unobtainable good employment, unaffordable housing and a generally hostile cost of survival.

    I've seen many BARELY OUT OF SCHOOL who feel entitled to immediate six-figure salaries, five bedroom mansions, latest-model Beemer, 10-foot TV screens, the latest $1,000 smartphones, two vacations a year, no-hour workweeks etc. etc.

    Unable to have these 'basic' needs met, many are returning disgusted to live with those lucky moms and dads who have all that cash they picked off trees during their easy times.

    This old-timer cruised through life by working at starvation wages to gain experience in his chosen field for six years before matching his meager military salary on discharge, banged away at three fix-me-up homes before affording a three-bedroomer, and generally driving older, practical used cars.

    Most of my old fart friends share similar histories.

  5. In Canada now, with a triple entry 60-day visa in hand, along with a NOV. 3 to MAR. 29 return air ticket.

    Will need to get my multiple entries stamped twice at Mae Sai like I did last year to renew my 60x2 days in Thailand to catch my March flight home.

    The way I read some of these posts, some Thai border guard is going to tell me my multiple entries are now NFG?

    Surely they would honor such existing legit-issued visas, and not stick it to such as I?sad.png

    (I'm 71, so not doing drug runs, and clearly too decrepit to be hired by any Thai).

    "The way I read some of these posts, some Thai border guard is going to tell me my multiple entries are now NFG?"

    No. The issue is about embassies issuing 2 or 3 entry visas, not immigrations at a border refusing them.

    Double Entry Tourist visa denied in Savannakhet

    The O/P was indicating that he could only get a new single entry tourist visa ... which apparently is the case now or soon in many embassies/consulates.

    If you have been issued a double or triple entry visa, there's no reason why it would not be honored at a border. So you should be good to go, although next time you apply for a tourist visa you may only have the option to get a single entry tourist visa or the new multi-entry visa.

    Will need to get my multiple entries stamped twice at Mae Sai

    The term multi-entry visa is not usually applied to a visa that allows two or three entries. Multi-entry visas allow the holder to exit and enter as often as he likes while the visa remains valid, whereas a two or three entry visa allows only two or three entries before the visa expires. To manage more entries you would need to obtain a re-entry permit.

    thanx--breathing easier already

  6. In Canada now, with a triple entry 60-day visa in hand, along with a NOV. 3 to MAR. 29 return air ticket.

    Will need to get my multiple entries stamped twice at Mae Sai like I did last year to renew my 60x2 days in Thailand to catch my March flight home.

    The way I read some of these posts, some Thai border guard is going to tell me my multiple entries are now NFG?

    Surely they would honor such existing legit-issued visas, and not stick it to such as I?sad.png

    (I'm 71, so not doing drug runs, and clearly too decrepit to be hired by any Thai).

  7. Of course I wouldn't expect family, kids to kill time at an airport--though my ex loved the adventure of it--

    Travelling alone now on a shoestring pensioner's budget, and I have really bad insomnia, so waiting around hardly bothers me. I DO detect some arrogance in a few "accusations" here that one is too cheap to get a hotel room.

    I'm from a North American culture with the detestable attitude that what you have is who you are and what you're worth (sadly also beginning to infect Thais....an ex-pat import??)

  8. Why are we feeding this thread? If he can't afford a comfortable taxi to his destination (um lemme guess Patts?) and has to take a bus I am not surprised he is choosing an airport floor to sleep on instead of a bed and a hot shower for a 1000 baht or less. Gotta save every nickel for the golden pole monkeys no doubt. Who says TAT is not getting results?

    Coming to Thailand and avoiding going to a hotel that would be dirt cheap with your exchange, ? What is wrong with you to cheap to have a good vacation start or will become a home less?

  9. Dont think you will find many basements to play in around Chiang Rai. If you are looking to hangout with Farangs only that could limit your options but if you can develop some Thai contacts they will be able to open more doors for you.

    I met a guy in Bangkok who had been taken under the wing by some Thai musicians and was having a great time both musically and socially because of their patronage.

    Welcome to Chiang Rai by the way.

    I go to CR to get away from basements, particularly ones with running furnaces!

    As for Thai or Farang, it doesn't matter, long as I get to play (with) my guitar, enjoy a beer and some good conversation. Went to a CR bar last winter called "Hangover's Corner" and watched a young Thai guitarist sing 20 or 30 well-known tunes in perfect English, 3 of them Everly tunes that I requested, and when I tried to compliment him between sets, I discovered he didn't understand a word of English!!! So I did Phil harmony to his Don on the next number.

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm counting hours already and it's not even snowing

  10. Wasn't it two years ago that a group of Farang jammers got turned over for not having a work permit in Chiang Mai?

    Jamming, as most know it, means getting a few would-be musicians together in somebody's basement to break a few guitar strings and maybe pound on a keyboard to drown out the noise of the nearby furnace fan.

    For this you need a work permit in Chiang Rai?

    And I'm explaining this to an ex-hippie???

  11. Try Baan Don Sod...house of improvised music...they have a lot of jam sessions there...it's very near to La Vie En Rose Hotel in CR[/size]

    owner is Jack who is very talented and is music professor at CR university...[/size]

    thanx, will give it a shot, tho I gravitate more toward backyards, porches and basement recreation rooms than hotels and bars.


  12. Hello,

    Cdn old-timer, retired journalist and guitarist/bluesharp wannabe, interested in occasional get-togethers with other(s) for enjoyable jam sessions.
    I'm no Hendrix & would describe my playing as a little advanced of three-chord rhythm stuff. Prefer folk, folk rock and basic Blues, but open to everything short of Rap, Grunge &The Bleeding Earplugs.
    I'll be in Chiang Rai Nov. to end of March, and planning my remaining winters here until I croak.


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