The problem with therapy is that not all therapists are right for everyone. It can take a lot of shopping to find the right one, as this is a very personal type of treatment. I think I spent months to years searching each time I changed doctors, deteriorating in between. The one I have now is spot on, but she's in the US and I only see her now for 4 months out of the year. If you're happy enough with your booze and drugs and they don't handicap your life in any serious way then you have no worries and I'm happy for you. I'm reluctant to preach or give advice where it may not be welcome, but I would say keep an eye on your "medicine" to be sure it continues to remain harmless, as these things tend to slowly creep up on you. I did the booze self medication for decades until I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and found out that that was at the root of my alcoholism. I continued to drink until it led to jail for DUI, I also found AA to not be helpful, so I managed to just get sick of being drunk, sick of placing my life and health at risk, and now only drink a few beers once in a while. I'm now 68, very blessed in my life here in Thailand, and manage to navigate my ups and downs without substances other than what is prescribed. Each to his own. As a footnote, I don't think Thailand would be the best place to seek therapy, but that is just an opinion based on my impressions and nothing else. Best of luck and Happy Holidays to you.