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Don Chance

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Everything posted by Don Chance

  1. Imagine 1.6 billion people in India and 20% are joining the middle class. They might all like to come to Thailand because their own beaches are so covered in rubbish.
  2. Indians will take over Thailand as the #1 tourist group in the future.
  3. It seems a little too easy to file legal complaints against others in Thailand. I was thinking today that the courts and legal system must be huge.
  4. They don't have my size. 13 4e
  5. 79$ USD. Then it is $50 for delivery and $50 for import tax which Amazon handles for you. Unfortunately the order has not been shipped yet.
  6. The Conspiracy is Capitalism! Capitalism creates inequality, injustice and unfairness. Not what they say, that it creates economic equality - it is the opposite. A few very wealthy and lot of people who's real wages have not risen since the 1970. So naturally there is going to be racism and anger at the system. It is blacks, women, minorities, natives etc who are disproportionately effected by the inequality. Immigration is all about keeping wages low for the wealthy employers.
  7. Ok it's done. $168 USD for a pair of Nikes!
  8. I'm ordering some shoes from Amazon sent to my guesthouse, do i need a local number? I have a virtual number from my country, would that work? I think it is UPS that handles delivery from them.
  9. Why don't they change the name to 'Pattiya?"
  10. Most of them have no idea how to cut hair. If you want a good hair cut you need to pay in Thailand. They don't understand the shape of the farang "peanut" head.
  11. Why wouldn't you just pay 1900 baht to extend your visa?
  12. These are how the build are made in Thailand and Asia: crappy. Poor quality. No water proofing. A building can last 1000's of years or it can last 25 years. A proper house or building needs a roof, it needs water proofing on the exterior and the basement foundations. As well as around windows or any opening. All seem to be missing in the typical Thai structure. Water is the enemy, it destroys everything in every country. I would suggest to your friend to sell up and move on. Once you have water damage it can be hard to fix.
  13. Just don't live on the high floor condo.
  14. Wow 45 days. I am just gonna spray my shorts! Meanwhile i am in India with my 5 year visa good till Oct 2024 for only $150. Swimming and surfing are great in Kerala btw,
  15. Polished floors is the best option if you don't like mold in your house. One thing to watch out for is the floors will be slightly damp. So don't put any thing wood directly on to it or it will rot. You can cover with metal or plastic. There is a guesthouse in Krabi i stay in with cement floors that just smoothed concrete with coloring and some inlays. looks great, maybe 10 years old, no cracks. Same in the shower and bathroom. If there is a crack just fill it in a paint over it!
  16. Mold will grow. Make sure you use a underlayment.
  17. Most people spend their lives working for an employer with their wages stuck for years, paying off debt, stuck in a job they don't like. If you can spend you like in Asia, i think you did ok.
  18. I don't think these are real tickets. You might as well photo shop an old ticket and save $14
  19. It is part of the right wing ideology. Everyone out for themselves, individualism, life of hard knocks etc. They throw the kid in deep water and expect them to learn to swim. I did a lot of things like this in my life. I always learned a lot but also lost a lot too. lost money, made money, broken bones, etc. If you don't learn to learn things by yourself you will never really get anywhere. Life is about taking risks.
  20. Well the times have changed and many people are woke. Beware you might get canceled like Harold and Bald.
  21. Status is everywhere. Losing face is about losing status. Caste system is also in Thailand. "Because of Thailand’s hidden "caste system" — which is linked to popular Buddhist notions that the poor deserve their lower status because of accumulated demerits from previous lives — Bangkokians typically have a profoundly paternalistic view of the masses." So losing face to a farang would be very unlucky.
  22. http://www.sdentalhuahin.com/dentists.html This look pretty good.
  23. I need to order some new shoes too. I found if you ship them to Malaysia there is no duty. Amazon and ebay have global shipping programs. The duty is about $50 usd for the shoes is want. I wonder if i can send them to the guesthouse i usually go to in George town, then pick them up at later date because it take 2-4 delivery time. I guess they need a name to receive the item, would it be too much to ask the owner or manager to accept them?
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