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Blinky Bill

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Posts posted by Blinky Bill

  1. I just located a GNC store in chiang mai on the net...


    Store: KAAD SUAN KAEW (7641)

    Phone: (662) 243-0095

    Address: 9914 HUAY KAEW RD SUTHA



    Does anyone know where that is, and how their product range is ??

    Kaad Suan Kaew is a fuc**ng huge joint which, amongst hundreds of smaller stores houses Central Department Store. It is next to the Chiang Mai Orchid Hotel only a few hundred metres from the north west corner of the moat. No idea on the products at GNC.

    "good protein shakes, creatine, vitamins" nah, I prefer the natural goodies provided by fresh food and beer :D rather than manfactured ones.

    As for the testosterone booster Long Jack-Tongkat Ali, stuff that, 50 mgs of V does the trick. :o

  2. From sex tourism to AIDS to earthquakes, what's next JRingo?

    Congratulations JRingo. :o You have just made it to the top of the 80% (maybe 90%) category. If you are in doubt as to what this category is please refer to the threads by Millwall Fan (8th August) and Lamphun (9th August) in the Red Lion and O'Malleys Topic. Ed.Lee is right there next to you.

  3. Not sure if this has been mentioned before as I havent checked the boards and just returned from the dreaded Visa run.

    They have upped the price to cross into burma from 250 up to 500 bhat per person. This I imagine is to offset the pretty new uniforms and the girls inside them and the new Pc's they tap away on after taking not only your details, address, age, sex etc but your photo too...

    'WOOT!' I said happily and asked for a copy but they only frowned which I assume means it was too special for them to part with.

    On the return leg I was again asked to show 10,000 Bhat on the Thai Side, starting to feel paranoid about this people, as there were far more dubious looking Ferang than I and only me was asked to show his filthy Lucra!

    Bastages all of them, border guards and traffic wardens alike, Bastages I tell ya!

    Dont get caught out beautiful people.

    Love and Light

    You are definately a candidate for the 80% (some say 90%) category. :o

  4. Buy the weigh Tie Poor Lee, (I am still trying to think up a new homophone for you) I don't mean to sound pedantic :o but this topic started exactly 2 months ago today and has been fairly active the whole time with 3,878 hits, seems to be one of the most read in this period.

    By the WEIGH...you gotta buy yourself a dictionary Bikini Bill...anyway you keep thinking of a new homophone for me, I will be WEIGHTING :D

    Tie Poor Lee :D

    OK OK OK.............Bye the whey Thai poorly (sorry that's getting old now), I know how to spell weigh as in "weigh the anchor". I need to pause to rest my poor paws before I buy some paw paws before the rain pours down, etc., etc.

    I guess you gather I'm bored. :D


  5. Regardless of any of your viewpoints, Id say that the Red Lion & O Malleys owners must be lapping up the free publicity. Their name's out there, getting into people's minds, & maybe enticing some people to check out their establishments & see what all the fuss is about.

    Some of the comments about the staff, service & tipping may or may not be valid (everyone is entitled to an opinion), but it will be a reminder to the staff (& management) to stay on their toes & look after their customers (or you might get bad mouthed.)

    There is a rumour in certain "Non w**ker" CM circles that a sweet lass going by the name of Giab (aka Gai) is a new recruit at one of these fine establishments. Pity the poor management having to put up with a depressed, teary eyed motorcycling celebrity hanging around the bar ogling every move of the said lady. :D

    "This particular thread died about 2 months ago until someone resurected it."

    Buy the weigh Tie Poor Lee, (I am still trying to think up a new homophone for you) I don't mean to sound pedantic :o but this topic started exactly 2 months ago today and has been fairly active the whole time with 3,878 hits, seems to be one of the most read in this period.

    Re w**kers: "What rubbish it's only 80% or there abouts. P.M. me if you want a full list. :D "

    And Lampoon, I reckon your estimate of 80% is still fairly conservative. Can you PM me your list so as I can add 1 or 2 and perhaps remove my name.

  6. Ya.. Language schools that offer Mandarin lessons to/by Thai speakers are really quite common.. You'd have to find one on offer where the teacher also speaks English, then arrange something one-on-one.

    I'd say you have a fair chance of finding one in Chiang Mai.

    speak mandarin and english here

    Pak Hong pintar sekali sebab bisa bicara bahasa Cina, Ingeriss, Malay dan Indonesia. Saya baru tau anda tau bahasa Cina. Ingat kirakira 4-6 bulan yg lalu saya bicara dgn kamu di Maddog?

  7. They do a pretty decent Long Island Iced Tea in The Red Lion..

    Jeeze...I better drop everything and race straight down there :o

    After you have enjoyed your Long Island Iced Tea Maejo please don't forget to block way of the waitress when she is busy to give her a 20 baht tip along with the words "For you", perhaps a raising of the eyebrows at the same time will help. I am sure the overwhelming generosity will be long remembered.

  8. [

    Cripes Blinkey Bill, you certainly do know a lot about that Mysterious Aussie "Gentleman". You almost made my eyes water with that wonderful history of the Escape, but not even a mention of that superb wench "Giab" - who could you forget that fine treacherous woman? (Not me.)

    Now you seem so knowledgeable, so to hel_l with the Red Lion / O'Malleys title, do you know anything about MaeJo Man getting thumped in the Bar Beer centre one night (& reciprocating rather well?)

    I have vague memories from many years ago, when I was in the company of these two fine Chiang Mai expats at the Bar Barian Centre, there was a friendly tap or two exchanged between the "Mysterious Aussie" and Maejo Man. The "Mysterious Aussie" gave MM a bit of a smack and immediately got one back. But the "Mysterious Aussie", being the gentleman that he was and still is, thought better than to lay into his mate. Both full of piss and bad manners.

    That's why I like the "Mysterious Aussie" so much. He is such a gentleman and knows when to pull out.

  9. Now I am totally confused. Is this "Mysterious Aussie" the same Australian gentleman that I was enquiring about earlier? The one that was in partnership with Eddie the Irishman at the Escape some time ago? I have forgotten his name but I do remember he had a daughter back then who was 5 or 6 years old, I suppose she would be about 14 to 15 now. He used to ride a large japanese motorcycle.

    I don't think he was in partnership with Eddie, who had fled the scene a couple of ownership changes earlier, as I recall, allegedly before some Chinese mafia types from whom he borrowed money got ahold of him.

    This large Aussie gentleman (and that he is when not too drunk) bought in later. Is he still taking photos in Indonesia?

    I liked Eddie, a friend and a true roll model..... Why he taught me all about the new math..... that there were 5 halfs in a whole....

    The other big guy from the Escape Eddie story, the big pie man from Cornball , someplace in UK. Where is he these days? Last I heard he was teaching farming in India or somewhere.

    :o always do that for the big guys...

    Eddie from Nothern Ireland was a crook but a very likeable one, jailhouse tattoos and a few scars from bullet wounds. Amoungst other scams he used to run a few illegal clubs in the UK.

    At The Escape he was in partnership first with a youngish, gullible Swiss guy. Eddie conned him out of a lot of money by promising to market a 'Skin Whitening Cream' that was developed by his family back in Switzerland. Eddie didn't market the product at all but just kept talking, which he did very well and taking money from the guy.

    Then the big "Mysterious Aussie" bought in for a year or 2. During this time whilst the "Mysterious Aussie" was away on business Eddie "borrowed" a considerable sum of money from a very good hearted Kiwi but unbeknowns to him Eddie had no intention of paying back the money. Eddie was having trouble with the law due to a number of illegal ops that he was involved in and did a runner to Pattaya where he is now. So the Kiwi, by default became a partner, he never had any intention of buying or being involved in the Escape. He was another of Eddies many victims.

    The "Mysterious Aussie" managed to sell the Escape to a French Canadian businessman (a great guy who sadly has since passed away), he purchased it for his Thai wife and her sister. They weren't interested in running the place.

    Then along came Jeremy the Sabai Pie man who had been a faithful customer for a number of years. He did his best to keep the place running and somehow he eventually managed to sell the place to American Bill (some say Bill was amongst some other buyers, but who cares).

    Bill moved the business across the road and ran it into the ground. I remember being in the new location once when the cook (not good old Cookie who now works at the Maddog) was chasing the waitress amoungst the tables with a big knife. Not good for business. In the end The Escape had no customers and was closed permanently. The place is no longer........The Escape is history.

    As for Eddie, he is in Pattaya and was quite ill needing heart surgery. I find this hard to believe because the rogue doesn't have a heart.

    The Swiss guy is long gone. The 'Skin Whitening Cream' never got sold.

    The Kiwi is still doing what he always did. Making holes in the ground and doing it very well.

    The "Mysterious Aussie" is married to an Indonesian Princess and is living in West Java. He told me that he once visited Eddie in Pattaya with the intention of beating the shit out of him but couldn't do it because Eddie is such a likeable little turd. He is seen regularly in Chiang Mai.

    The French Canadian businessman is still dead and his wife and their daughter are living in Canada.

    Jeremy is working as a consultant in Vietnam and comes back to CM regularly. His wife still supplies Chiang Mai with the famous Sabai Pie pastries.

    Bill is gone................. :D

  10. As a matter of fact Lampoon I did catch up with him for a few drinks most nights. He is a really nice guy. Pity he decided to settle in Indonesia. Chiang Mai needs a few more gentlemen like him. At least he comes back regularly to grace us with his presence. :o

    I ran into him, too, and I agree on all counts.

    I guess that keeping the Princess of Indonesia satisfied must take up a lot of his time. :D

    Absolutely correct UG. He tells me that when he is back at the 'Istana' the Indonesian Princess keeps him fully occupied in satisfying her so he is glad to get away to have a breather every now and again.

    His not so young daughter here is an absolute beauty and he informs me that he will have to start spending a little more time in Chiang Mai to deter any amorous suitors. I wouldn't like to be around if he gets hold of any of them.

  11. Can anyone recommend a decent framing shop that can stretch & frame a 180 x 130cm burmese sequin tapestry (kalaga). Best to use someone who's experienced at this or it will probably end up sagging.

    Ta in advance.

    Is your 'Burmese' sequin tapestry from Myanmar or a Chiengmai knock off.

    The original (50 yrs.) Burmese pieces used small broken pieces of round broken mirror (hand sanded) as the 'sparkle'. If you don't have that.......probably not worth hanging....for another 50 years.


    Hey Kenny boy, does it really matter? M69 has something they want framed and is merely asking for recommendations for a good framer. No need to start sprouting off with your "expertise"?? in these products.

  12. What ever happened to Allen from Perth who used to run the Overlander Bar on Moon Muang Road about 15 years ago?

    He was a true Ozzie gentleman. :D

    I don't know whether you're taking the piss but Alan could never have been described as a gentleman. The town drunk has to be a lot closer to the mark.

    Allen was a bit of a pisshead but generally pretty harmless. He came from a very well to do family in Perth. Furriers.

    Talking about Australian gentlemen, has anyone seen or heard of the guy who was involved in the

    Escape with Irish Eddie about 8 or 9 years ago?

    Are you speaking of the ex Melbourne copper. ??

    He's never too far away. Was in town a couple of weeks back actually.

    A real nice guy. Although he comes from Australia his roots are in Chiang Mai. :D

    Rumour has it that he met and married an Indonesian princess and lives there in the mountains of West Java. Comes back to Chiang Mai on a regular basis to visit his daughter and catch up with the mates. :D


    Of course you went out with him for a few drinks when he was in Chiang Mai :D

    As a matter of fact Lampoon I did catch up with him for a few drinks most nights. He is a really nice guy. Pity he decided to settle in Indonesia. Chiang Mai needs a few more gentlemen like him. At least he comes back regularly to grace us with his presence. :o

  13. What ever happened to Allen from Perth who used to run the Overlander Bar on Moon Muang Road about 15 years ago?

    He was a true Ozzie gentleman. :D

    I don't know whether you're taking the piss but Alan could never have been described as a gentleman. The town drunk has to be a lot closer to the mark.

    Allen was a bit of a pisshead but generally pretty harmless. He came from a very well to do family in Perth. Furriers.

    Talking about Australian gentlemen, has anyone seen or heard of the guy who was involved in the

    Escape with Irish Eddie about 8 or 9 years ago?

    Are you speaking of the ex Melbourne copper. ??

    He's never too far away. Was in town a couple of weeks back actually.

    A real nice guy. Although he comes from Australia his roots are in Chiang Mai. :o

    Rumour has it that he met and married an Indonesian princess and lives there in the mountains of West Java. Comes back to Chiang Mai on a regular basis to visit his daughter and catch up with the mates. :D

  14. Haven't seen ole Yoshi or Bua for that matter in a long time. Now that was a real live honest to goodness Thai Soap Opera. Every day.!!!!

    Bua is running a small bar in Moonmuamg between soi one and two :o

    Was. Sold yet again. Must have been sold 6-8 times already.

  15. What ever happened to Allen from Perth who used to run the Overlander Bar on Moon Muang Road about 15 years ago?

    He was a true Ozzie gentleman. :D

    that was the guy allen bailly,before the overlander he had the lovebirds bar,some one told me he had a coffee shop by the hot springs chaingmai /chaingrai road,someone else said he was living in pattaya.

    (werever he his,good luck to him)

    Allen Bailey was a drunken abusive ###### that has since passed on, Are you sure you are not confusing him with the other Allen that owned the Overlander that came from Perth? He actually was a very nice guy.

    I was talking about the drunken, Ozzie, Klu Klux Klan type( he hated pretty much EVERYBODY) who bought his wife for 4,000 baht from a Hill Tribe family and was the original owner of the Overlander. What a character.

    He went to Pattaya for a while and then used to see him drunk as skunk in front of True Blue several years ago and he claimed to have built a hotel out in the boonies somewhere, but he seems to have vanished.

    Sounds like he has gone on to meet his maker. :o

    Ah yes now you're talking about "sip-et" Bailey. But my info is that he was still alive & tickering around in Pattaya. Now he was a character. And yes he did build a "resort" (dump?) out on R1035 south of Wang Nua. But then there was Howard from the Welshman's Bar, plus pommy Mark from the Karen Hut, & at one stage all in town running their own bars. Talk about personable gentlemanly publicans- Sip-et Bailey, Mark, & The Welshman - livening up Cnx city every night.

    I saw the original Allen Bailey about 4 months ago sitting outside the Bier Stube. He looked like he was dead but he was talking so I assume he was in fact, still alive. Told me he had a new joint in Pattaya which he had named "Lovebird", so it seems he has done the full circle. Said his place up country was closed but available for rent or purchase. Can't imagine anyone would want to run the place.


  16. The only times I use O'Malleys was when we would come into town to eat at the seafood restaurant in Anusarn market, the one that was immediately opposite their front door, however that place has been sold up. It looks like I will not be venturing in there for a while.

    I can fully understand the posters opinions of the staff there, though saying that I feel that the owner/manager should be able to see whats happening and how the staff talk/treat the customers, surely it is down to him to sort them out if he wants a successful buisness, (personally I would be down there making sure the customers were happy).

    Perhaps the staff at O'Malley's learnt the fine art of being little turds from their Canadian boss Scott.

    I went back to O'Malley's about 4 weeks ago and was greeted in a very friendly manner by the staff and good old Scotty.

    I feel my previous comment was a little unfair. It was meant in jest but as I found out after talking with Scotty that the staff all took it very much to heart and were quite upset. My apologies.

    So anyway.............The Killkenny was cold and cheaper than in many other countries where I have imbibed. Also a good place to catch up with a few of the old tobacco boys ie. Trevor J. and Stew M.

    And a warning to you Lamphun, there is a big ugly ex cop from Australia who is looking for you..... :o

  17. Hi all,

    I know this is one really for the classifieds, but as this is Chiang Mai part, I thought it best suited for here!

    I am after a cheap moto. Not fussed what sort. Just cheap, and preferably not a death trap.

    I fancy a Vespa, but I assume they are more expensive than newer Honda's/Yamahas???

    I saw a sign for a Honda 100CC bike outside Rimping the other day. 8000BAHT!!! Bargain. It had sold though!

    Anyway, if you have a vehicle for sale, or know of where to get one, let me know! I will consider buying a TUK TUK if the price is right!

    :o Phil

    If you buy an "Ultra Cheap" motorcycle chances are you will be pushing it more than riding it and constantly spending money on it. For only approx. B20,000 you'll get something that is probably reliable. Vespa's are expensive.

  18. Ladies: Golf, Beer, Fang

    Guys: Rat

    A guy's real first name: Therdsak (pronounced: turd sack)

    And the former Thai Prime Minister could be well accepted in Wales........Chewin' Leek Pie.

  19. ... I didn't create it - Thai Poorly did, about a year ago ...

    Yes I remember Tie Poor Lee thought it up a while ago that's why I thought you might have been able to create something new. Never mind though, I am trying to think of something myself although it's a bit difficult without alcohol to stimulate the mind. Also the thin air here at over 7,000 ft in the southwest of Saudi doesn't help either.

    But anyway back to the golf. Should be a fun day like any golf day. Hit a lot of bad shots then surprise yourself and your playing partners by hitting a good one. Makes it all worthwhile and then listen to all the bullshit at the 19th about what great shots were played and who had the prettiest (preferably female) caddy, etc., etc.

  20. My personal list of boreing sports: 1 - winter-olympics. 2 - golf. 3 - all the other sport events they show on TV ...

    So when you aren't watching the boring sports that are shown on TV maybe you could spend the time learning to spell..........................

    Actually, I don't watch sports on TV ... However, as long as I manage to make myself understandable for even the average, native English speaking highschool dropout - I don't care if my English spelling - or even my English grammar - should contain a few errors ...

    These days, I'm more concerned about making myself understandable to the local communities, I'm trying to learn to cope with.

    As for your stupid spelling remark, Mr. Bikini Bill - you've put yourself on my ignore list.

    I'm shattered Rishi.....And surely you could create a name more derogatory than Bikini Bill.

  21. My personal list of boreing sports: 1 - winter-olympics. 2 - golf. 3 - all the other sport events they show on TV ...

    So when you aren't watching the boring sports that are shown on TV maybe you could spend the time learning to spell..........................

  22. Oi, Chuchock, have you got the thought of butt-ugly caddoes out of your mind enough yet to commit to this :D

    Tywais....as I recall the last time this was brought up you showed a level of interest

    And surely UG...you would not miss out on a chance to have a swing with your mates on the forum would you? Majoe Man and Blinky Bill, surely a walk in the park chasing some small balls around won't would do you no harm?

    Chancho..you have that Ernie Else look about you...come on down.. A Man of STEELE

    Then ther is Kerryd ...you have not got much else to do right now..keeps your mind focussed, you are doing so well without the weed, time to see how much more health and strength you have attained as a result

    Dustoff..I am waiting for you........you can be my playing partner (watch my back)

    So come on guys lets get some poitive feedback coming in here :D

    I know who will come last...ME...so don't worry about your standard, my clubs are so old I think they used to belong to Old Tom Morris and are mostly held together with "Woodfix" :D

    I'll even give away my signed reteif Goosen cap to the winner.. can't say "father thwn thawt"

    I'm right I CAN'T say Fairer Than That" :o


    Would if I could but can't so I won't. Presently stuck in one of the worlds biggest sand bunkers, Saudi.

    I have fond memories of winning the Gymkhana Club Annual Match Play competition back about 1993-4. Used to play 3-4 times a week back then but now it's about 3-4 times a year.


  23. Wee'll be playing every WEEK by November JD, (Wont we guys)???? so we will fit a day round your visit and I am sure it will be a very presurable day.

    PS what does NAGA stand for? "Not Another Ghastly Attempt????"

    Ha Ha

    Hi Teepee.

    NAGA..............."Not A Golfers Ar-sole"


    Your mate,

    Blinky Bill. :o

  24. Quite willing to stand corrected.

    My experience with the Samurai gang has been with young (Thai) disaffected youth...through my stepson (who I have been in semi contact with since he was 4 years old). For whatever reasons these teenagers feel separated from the opportunity to achieve success so they attempt to belong to a group that may povide that. The Samurai Gang provides that warm fuzzy feeling. Basic gang/religion/nationalistic propaganda 101 because it appeals to the disaffected.

    You want to remove the threat ?

    Employ a gang banger, one at a time, and assist the change to a different perspective....which means give a young human a chance to 'believe' in the future.

    You cannot oppose them and win....and I expect that they are getting stronger.

    If I was a 20 year old Thai lad no realistic hope for my future....I'd be your special nightmare.


    Seems to me that you might have lost the plot Kenny boy................

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