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Posts posted by vinny

  1. Visalady has posted 3 times. One post originates in Houston, one in New York, and one from the UK. Perhaps she already has her visa! Whichever, she's certainly not in Thailand.


    Still no explanation from Thai3 about this anomaly.

    So, is she in Houston, New York, the UK or merely the figmant of Thai3's imagination?

    Already answered:

    Visalady has posted 3 times. One post originates in Houston, one in New York, and one from the UK. Perhaps she already has her visa! Whichever, she's certainly not in Thailand.


    Of course I in thailand stupid man. My husband give me laptop and tell me always to use proxify because many bad people on internet maybe same you. Ok if you not like thai lady here I will not post again but I will tell GU22 when I get a visa, he good and help not stupid. YH

  2. can some one please tell me if applying for the retirement visa requires the same paper work as when you apply for the one year extension. i know you need either bht 400.000 or 800.000 in bank depending on weither you are married or not for the retirement visa. thanks.

    The requirements for the retirement visa are given at Visas and Travel Documents under "NON-IMMIGRANT VISA "O-A" (LONG STAY) - visa for retired persons". The required documents for visa extensions are given at the Immigration Bureau.

    For future reference, the location of the Bangkok Immigration Bureau, with map and directions, are given here.

  3. I am sorry if I have not been active enough for you, but as my wife was rushed into hospital on Thursday night with a serious kidney infection I have had other priorities over the last couple of days.

    I am so sorry to hear about your wife. Hope that she will get well soon.

    she expressed the opinion that the system is grossly unfair

    Don't forget that the various Immigration Acts and their corresponding rules were primary designed to keep certain people out. So, by their very nature, they inherently would be unfair to those trying to get in.

  4. Silomfan,

    1) Whatever type of visa you are applying for the rules and , more particularly,what is required to satisfy them , should be crystal clear.

    I tend to agree with GU22's answer. To cover every possible situation with the rules would imply that the rules can be made to be complete. Unfortunately, the rules can never be complete. According to Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, it is not logically possible!

  5. Silomfan,

    And then Vinny goes on to say that this error actually supports your arguement even more ...how is that ?? i can't see how this mistake actually strenthens your point ..

    The guidelines are actually less restrictive than what GU22 had said, but they do leave the sponser's attendance to the discretion of the ECOs.

    Current policy is that Posts have discretion on whether or not to admit sponsors to interviews.

    The guidelines, being less restrictive, strengthens GU22's point. However, improper use of discretion would support your position.

  6. GU22, Some corrections to your answers to question 8.

    Sponsors have never been allowed into interviews, for reasons outlined in Diplomatic Service Procedures - Entry clearance, Volume 1 - General instructions (12/07/05) 13.16 Attendance of Sponsors at visa interviews.

    Not quite. It actually says:

    Current policy is that Posts have discretion on whether or not to admit sponsors to interviews. There is no blanket ban on sponsors attending. Equally they have no automatic right to attend. It is preferable to conduct the interview with the applicant alone, seeing the sponsor separately if necessary.
    and further down:
    at the discretion of the ECO sponsors or representatives (e.g. solicitors) may be permitted to attend an interview with an applicant, but will be given observer status only.They may make notes but should not intervene.
    Neither have they had the right to speak to the ECO, although the ECO may still speak to them separately if necessary.

    Sponsers can speak to the ECO.

    If a sponsor wants to speak to an ECO it can help to do this seperately from the interview with the applicant. This jelps ECO's to verify that the information presented by both is consistent
    and further down:
    Posts should meet requests from accompanying sponsors who ask to speak to the ECO dealing with the application
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