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Posts posted by fruitman

  1. 5 hours ago, jimn said:

    Maybe that is what they call cinema's in America? I love it when the cinema is empty. No annoyance from inconsiderate people speaking, playing phones etc. I get really angry when that happens and have been known to say something. No problem with the sound being loud you need it high to really experience the movie. I dont like though when some movies are deliberately edited so the voices are hard to hear. With regards to the air con, yes sometimes can be cold but as said take a LS (long sleeve) top and your fine. Those of you who said I cant go to see a movie in Thailand are just to set in their ways to adjust.

     In Europe a theatre is a place for acting and live music with real instruments, orchestra's and so...


    I've been to thai cinema's twice and both times i fell asleep from the cold aircon....



  2. 5 hours ago, Yinn said:

    Wow. Beautiful place. Perth, West Australia province. Thankyou for that.


    Aboriginal resistance was led in the early 1830s by people like Yagan and Calyute. The whites tried to break their war by imprisoning them on Rottnest Island or sending them to remote missions like Moore River and Carrolup.
    Yagan has the status of a warrior patriot and an Australian folk hero among many Indigenous people.


    And some more photos west Australia for you....





    Yes that's how australia looks...i've been all around Oz and yup i can confirm it all looks like this...lohh linn...

  3. 5 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    But have you actually seen them yourself?


    yes on samui, there was traffic jam late at night at the road in front of the green mango...that night there was a thaiboxing match on the island and those guys were all in pickups...during the traffic jam a farang horned shortly against the traffic and suddenly 5 thai young men jumped of the pickup and totally smashed the car of that farang..his thai wife run away holding a baby in her arms....hundreds of tourists were watching it but nobody stopped them....they even broke the whole door of that new white car....


    only because he had horned shortly.......totally crazy!


    But now i rarely go to thai touristic places because i like singapore/bali/japan/europe much more....

  4. 5 hours ago, FredGallaher said:

    The cause was most likely electrical. Based on my Thai electricians recommendation we had our entire home rewired earlier this year. It cost about $1000 US but everything was done right. Thook he and his wife a full week to do. 

    BTW my sister and brother in law in the US had a house fire caused by electrical faults so it's not just Thailand.

    We have a brand new home (8 years old already now)...we extended the kitchen and let the electrician from the very big developer connect the wiring.....extra fusebox and so....3 months later the old fusebox was on fire at night, the cable he made from that to the kitchen burned out together with the breaker.....i bet the screws were not tightened and that started sparking...i was abroad then...we let him use the best materials available...price was sure not an issue...anyway it works fine now for many years with all the high power equipment in it...

  5. 5 hours ago, Yinn said:

    It only some Thai man. Not everyone. 99.96% Thai people NEVER fight a foreigner. 


    That bad experience. But not happen to you. And alcohol cause problems.


    but you come to/live in Thailand. Must have some good experience right?

    There are loads of video's on the web about thai fighting a foreigner 10 to 1.....i'm not going to post them though. Members of this forum have all seen them.

    • Confused 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Fred white said:

    But look at what the unemployment numbers would be

    I agree but there's enough to do...clean the country, make it safe, open take away restaurants (high quality ones), and so on....i would pay for that...and tourism could also flourish....


    Having 2 people doing the job of 1 is hurting the economy, especially since the minimum salaries are rising every year.


    Also those 2 need a place to live, commute, go to the market and so on which makes BKK far too busy and jammed.


    The situation like now is bad for the whole country....one day it has to change...BKK is no fun anymore to live in....we can never go out with the car and shoppingmalls are also overcrowded in the weekends.



  7. 5 hours ago, FredGallaher said:

    A house fire is a tragedy even with insurance. My neighbor had insurance but not enough to replace everything he lost. The support he received wasn't just financial by having people who truly care about you and your family is really important. Luckily no one died but his son got some burns, but they don't look too bad. 

    The fire was last week, but today my wife stopped by with a large bag of fruit to share. There were about 20-30 people there offering help and comfort.

    BTW the newspaper reported the house was worth 7M Baht. It was a beautiful northern Thai designed home. Our province is know for beautiful teak wood homes and furniture.

    When i was 16 i also got my mums kitchen on fire while she was on holiday....but i stopped it myself!


    Anyway, i know it's terrible and any help will be great...i would also offer help if i had nice neighbours but the ones we have here are so selfish that i couldn't be bothered. It's different in the big city i guess.. Yes a fruit basket i would give but if i liked the people i would help much more...


    The problem is electricity i guess which is always installed very dangerous...i just had a discussion here with the sometimewoodworker farang who thought it was fine to have a made in thailand gas oven in house....the thing looked like a steampunk oven with even a spare gasvalve on the front so any kid could open the gasvalve and it would spout in the room...he thought it was okay and that wouldn't happen....oh well.....



  8. 5 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

    you were talking about double pricing

    Yes...well you guys could charge thai and other asians a lot of money only to be there....they do the same to us. Just call it a national park and start selling tickets haha.


    We also live quite nice here in BKK but i'm not going to post pics...it's all private where we live with a huge wall around it....

  9. 5 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

    Just to show you an example from where I live, please read

    Unlike many other great gardens of the world, Kings Park and Botanic Garden is open at all times and is free to visit. At 400.6 ha, it is of the biggest city parks in the world (larger than New York's Central Park at 315 ha and London's Hyde Park at 121 ha).





    Yes, nice...but what does it have to do with the scammers in Phuket which make foreigners hate thai?

  10. 8 hours ago, seajae said:

    from what I have seen boredom rather than burnout would be the biggest problem for workers, line and facebook are the only things that keep them occupied these days

    In the West there are plenty companies who tell the staff to not play with the cellphone during work or they even have to turn it off. I wonder if they also do that in Thailand.


    I just read about how in Belgium they try to stop burnouts.....the staff gets email twice a day only...and the first 2 hours of the day nobody is allowed to speak so they can all focus on their job....seems to work for them...


    When i see the office where my wife works i can believe they go crazy there, they don't have any privacy, no plants inside, the boss sits alone behind all of them, EVERYBODY has a personal mirror for makeup on the desk....My wife also complainted in the past but since she gets a huge salary there are no more complaints...



  11. 13 hours ago, FredGallaher said:

    Sorry, but I disagree with many comments here. I have a long history in Thailand but also in US. I do agree that Thais in tourist areas become corrupted and greedy but who made them that way

    Who made them that way?? What question is that?? Are you supposing that the tourist made them scammers?? What nonsense is that? And why is this not happening in Singapore for example??


    Tourists who get scammed in Thailand just accept it because they don't want to have more trouble and they know the police is useless so they just claim it on their insurance or take it as it is....But it's still scamming/extortion and those tourists will tell it to all their friends back home...


    And in my homecountry when a house burns down nobody is going to help...the owner should have an insurance for that and if they don't it's their own fault...


    25 years ago my friend was in thailand in the bus to Samui, somebody had made them into a deep sleep and stolen everything from them....so it's not something from the last years only. Last year my cousin was in Thailand and her camera was stolen, no idea who did it.


    But even the Thai government has the dual pricing, westerners pay 10 times the price to see a waterfall or natural park. Yes that makes those westerners feeling scammed....that's very illegal to do in W-Europe...if anybody does so the police will close the place within hours....

  12. 6 hours ago, Tayaout said:

    Table salt is refined, has anti caking agent and usually iode too. The other salt I mentioned doesn't have anything added and contains trace minerals. But yeah NaCl is salt like H2O is water wether it comes from bottled water or the sewer. ????

    Analysis shows the main content of Himalayan salt to be about 96% sodium chloride, with the remaining content consisting of typical minerals, most in minute quantity.[10][11]

  13. 7 hours ago, Yinn said:

    You said that.


    But black not the same. They Nazi thing to the black people.

    or maybe it wrong, they waving to there black friend play football??


    Not all Thai people scam. Tourist place everywhere have scam. Like video I show. 



    So how many tourists from Bulgaria have you met in Phuket?? I have never met one outside of Europe.


    The tourists you have met in Phuket are from West and North Europe because they are more rich and live in cold countries. In West and North Europe the countries are safe for tourists and there are almost no scammers like in Phuket. The taxi's have meters, the shops have fixed prices for everybody. The people all take their job seriously, not like the nightguard we had in the 5* hotel in Phuket during my honeymoon who was sleeping behind the reception all night.


    The beaches have lifeguards, the police is very reliable and speak english as well...The traffic is safe, the firemen/ambulance are there in 7 minutes by law, the prices of everything are the same for tourists as for locals, all taxi's have meters.


    Yes go on with your nazi pictures from the hooligans, i''m happy for you that you could find something from a corner of Europe where Bulgaria is. So now it's okay that in Phuket almost everybody is scamming right? You must be the only thai who knows what a nazi is because here in BKK i see many people wearing nazi shirts or have stickers of Hitler on their cars...you won't see that in Europe.







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  14. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Or a real election, with an actual democracy, instead of a few dozen dictatorial billionaire generals, with no skills or vision. 

    Without the army it will be a civil war....just like it was before the army took control.....


    We had groups of terrorists (sorry i don't have other words for them) willing to burn BKK down, and they even did it!! 


    Thailand is just not ready for democracy, they call it democrazy and that's really what they think of it. If you have a discussion with a Thai they even get agressive when you don't agree with them....


    That's why i'll always have a house ready to escape to in Europe....i will never give that up because Thailand is just far to unstable...So yes, i'm happy with the army because it's the best solution to keep the country peacefull....

    • Sad 1
  15. 18 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

    Some foreigners (and Thais) find that most lavatories in malls, supermarkets, bus stations, petrol stations, and so on ... do not have 'bum guns'.

    I think we should petition the Prime Minister.

    And some foreigners think the Thai toilets are very stinky, especially on Suvarnabhumi....

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