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Everything posted by Autonuaq

  1. It is a fact that Taksin, came voluntary back to Thailand and know what the deal was that he made when he comes back. when ask, it is that one can presume that Taksin never would make any deal that made him to return to Thailand without knowing about the situation and wellbeing of the other Billionaires have in Thai Prisons.
  2. you hit your jackpot I am happy for you. they are all the same around the world,, only the package is different about the rest all is the same. just be aware of local customs and laws because local laws have funny unexpected surprises. like every were else do make sure she is not married, the Thai law has some funny things in mind when she is. with the girl you comes for free included the family, some work out well other not. Beside this it is also some families do see you as the free family TM. Anyway keep in mind that the grass looks always greener and more tasty at the other side of the fence. still is the same
  3. most people got an (travel) insurance, in the small print mostly is excluded of coverage extreme sports., intoxicated, alcohol, diving, and motorbikes, some have even more. the problem is that also these small prints can change by the premium paid. never the less is is never wise to drive on two wheels that have engine or motor as main drive or supporting the peddling due to that most insurances exclude this as they seen it an a high risk event to insure.
  4. 27 is just the tip of the tip of the tip of the ice berg when you ask me. but is is a start.
  5. Thai bath is also again other currency increasing in strength, which is a problem for a country that is depending on tourist from those areas of the currencies it it getting stronger against. When Thailand wants to become an importer it does make sense also to reform the total Thai economics and industry to reflect this and after than then Thaial can have a strong currency. now it is loosing more then it things it gains..
  6. the only time i have been bitten by dogs was by animals that where on a leash with the owner on the other end. mostly owners who are not people who should have any kind of animal. most people that I have seen being bitten by animal are those joggers and runners who are running and then run towards an animal. which makes the animal thinks it will be attacked. or running away from the animal which triggers another thing in the animal. most animal remember people who treated them badly and they wait for the moment that the animal can doing bad to the people. animals that are labeled as false are animals that have learned how people are and actually show nothing more than copied human behavior
  7. Covid or not a total forgotten fact is the ongoing war in the Ukraine and that the Russians are preparing to use (tactical) nuclear weapons. when they start to use these weapons all around the globe will suffer, get sick and the changes are that the world as we know it will have ended. The action to stop this is done by something we all have in our power and that is also to make that we have a life after Covid. The action is a buyers boycott by stopping to buy Chinese goods, products and services. There is not direct way to put pressure on Russia to stop. But when the media is correct about this boycott it seems that that this pressure works in the Countries, they are doing this. China is now more and more putting pressure on Russia not to use NBC as well to release all land back to Ukraine. We also see many countries refuse Russians to enter and tell them to solve the problem in Russia to end the war. Because that also makes an end to go abroad. Tourists are also not allowed to enter and have to stay in Russia to celebrate their vacations as long as there is the War against Ukraine. As long a Russian are able to leave the country the Russian who are leaving make that the once who are left behind will become more extremer. Become more extremer because they have no other opinion that counters the stories and do things we cannot prevent. When they stay in Russia, they will provide the counter vision as well will make that all gets to an end and stopped. When Governments do not allow then to come and have to stay in Russia for as long as the War is going on and the territory of Ukraine that has been occupied is returned to Ukraine and under Ukraine control. When the Consumers stop buying until there is peace again and Ukraine has got back all of its territory then we will have an end of this Russian started war soon as well that we hopefully not have to face the Bacterial, Chemical and Nuclear (NBC) problems when these kinds of weapons are used by Russia. Post war and then have the NBC problems to deal with this. one can better prevent them from happening. Therefore a Post Covid society will mean nothing when once has to face and solve the problems caused by NBC weapons Russia started used
  8. expansion of the Thai economics is with the exchange rate of USD to 50 THB as in the past that made all grow and Thailand as it is now. most products are made and used local so that will not have an effect. and the rest makes just that it is very attractive to do business with Thailand. therefore the 1 to 50 exchange rate would solve the problems and create growing internal economics.
  9. Putin is expanding and on 21 sept 2022 declaring war to the West as seen in the Russian Media. Sarting mobilization and threating to use NBC. Smart to bring in Russians that is making it easy to get annexed by Russia like they did with parts of the Ukraine.
  10. what about N VDO no video and many road sings many names, places and location are spelled differently even on three sequential signs each one spelled differently. So what is the news?
  11. use a container solve a lot of issues.
  12. i just needed the visa application the marriage certificate if married in Thailand otherwise it needs to be legalized. ID of both Blue book and all singed. easy and strainght forward.
  13. when you ask me about this, it is something you see in a lot of western countries that non western foreigner demand things in the West, like you see in the Netherlands as of today with those refugees. They have no rights at all, they are foreigner with an unknown status and unknown nationality and they demand as if they own the country. The television and media also support this. Many foreigners are not aware of the local habits and laws and think they can do all they want to do and need to do so. That make guys like him taken actions like the does. In steady of running an way and stay in Thailand guys like him they just need to be send back to their home country and do the same over there about their government.
  14. there are just a few point to address firstly it is all is about how the law text itself that has been written. does it include or cover the time before it becomes active or not. secondly also has to be made clear when do you speak about 'prime minister'? Do not forget in the period between the coup and the election after the coupe there was no actually an elected democratic government, and there fore one is not speaking about an elected government based on the rule of democratic election, Just about an administration set in place by the militarily. When these two are made clear the on has to make clear which dat is the date of appointment of the Prime Minister. Based on all the arguments one could expect that the outcome will be the date should be 10 July, 2019. The date based on when the first democratic elected parliament after the coup democratically elected their Prime Minister.
  15. You are totally wrong, and partly right because Siam changed it name in to Thailand. Siam did pick side in the First World war and did send troops to Germany to fight. In 1918, a unit of the Royal Siamese Army marched into Germany to occupy part of the Rhineland - a fact that is largely unknown today. The Siamese Expeditionary Corps, Thailand's WW1 unit that served on the Western Front.
  16. the most important item that is take out of the equation is forgotten. in Thailand you are always a foreigner and that makes you are depending on a pension from abroad and have not rights you have as a citizen. When you are having a permanent residence all is already more different as well easier for on. Since you are then more seen as a person who stays in the Kingdom. Of course when you have Thai Citizenship it would be more correct to compare. In the UK you are a citizenship and will always be allowed to stay, not have problem with the exchange rate too. Most people who have to return is due that they can not pay the costs or are not able to fulfill the minimum requirements set by the government to the alien. Because that is the hard fact we are people from abroad allowed to stay as long as we comply to the minimal needs.
  17. keep on dreaming, China, Iran, Pakistan and so on they already get this information thru the academic world and the student exchange programs. It seems that it goes far beyond the academic comprehension and logic that students and the graduation projects they participate in just give away complete information. Firstly, the western thinking and vision then in addition to that the applied technology and the research that these projects do. have a look at the industry and you see the result in the design and the looking the nearly same
  18. Depends on where you live in Thailand and the area you are living., Have seen many child seat in car around the country even in rural areas since 2016. Second hand ones are today easy to buy one even at low affordable prices because many are from the 'first waves' child chairs and the kids using them now are to big for them.
  19. when you are a teacher and understand your profession you not need to hit any child or parent. there is the respect needed to be able to transfer knowledge and educate. I have been hit as an eight year old child by a teachers a few times. After the third time i hit back the teacher. Hit the teacher hard enough and on the 'sweet spot' to fell down and grasp for air a few minutes. This made then teacher aware to never hit a child again. Later when I was 15 years another teacher had the same kind of lose hands. being a bit older after the first hit I warned this teacher not touch me again or any one else. The teacher laugh me out in the face and told he was totally not impressed.. Then started to his lesson to 'teach me', long story short the teacher ended up in the hospital. and later avoided all touching and contact with students. when a teacher is a professional the teacher not need to hit or do things like that at all. In all the years I have trained people and teach all that was needed them just change of posture and the right way of approach makes all stop. slapping or hitting is totally not needed in a professional student teacher relation. just as it is not needed in other professions. all is show the person is not qualified for the job, in this case the job to teach.
  20. Thai support the Chinese expansion drift with the high speed train connecting all directly into the important administrative centers.
  21. if you forget the bi-sexual persons then you are probably right. In the west there are also increasingly registrations of infected woman too.
  22. Good idea of course. Only the Thai seem to have forgotten that the foreigners who they target with this are the once that are able to invest 40 million in Thailand, those are in general also to once who have land plot beyond several to live on.
  23. yes, there is more outside Thailand, a real world with the same or better opportunities.
  24. she makes the average looking person happy and get self esteem back.
  25. be aware that, in the case that, when your childern leave and you are also the guardian, your wife need to have your written permission with a copy of you passport and both signed to leave the country regardless if it is Thailand or your home country. also she will need to have the legalized documents that proof that she is a legal Guardian of the children, preferable in English. and it is wise to have the orginalor certified copies of birth certificated of the childern with you too. You or she will not be the first who is stopped at the border for missing these documents.
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