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Posts posted by phuketruski

  1. Some times i will ask for a certain product in a store in thailand and the Thai person will tell me "no have" but clearly the have the product im after in clear view.

    Why dont they just sell me the damn product and take my money? I thought maybe they are too lazy or just dont stoop so low as to serve farangs.

  2. thailand, women and money........a typical mix and we all get mad when this stigma appears..

    just get married 5x to people with cash, no prenup, and then get a few free houses, 400,000 baht a month (converted), and live big...

    alimony is the real cash....

    what u on bout? my gf pays me hahahahha

  3. Immigration aquired keys for there rooms on nanai road and entered without pernission arresting all three on overstay charges , a dutch national and 2 british nationals are now in holding awaitng deportation.

    Coincedently these three were recently questioned in a bar named "waterworld " in patong about there visa status but avoided arrest only to have there rooms raided weeks later.

  4. they are plain and simple racist , I saw a thai go to pee pee last night in a bush in a alley nobody sayed nuthing then a farang thought he had the green light to goto pee pee but he was wrong be , The guard photographed him and called the cops, he was smart and just handed over 1000 baht the legged it.

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