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Posts posted by phuketruski

  1. If you are young, smart, hard working individual, with vision for opportunities....most countries are good to make a good living working independently, and Asian countries are between the ones with greatest business opportunities, because its low cost of sources, and incentives to exports.

    Getting a degree, and a 9 to 5 job, is just a warranty for a mediocre life. Entrepreneurs can make it faster and better in any country.

    I personally regret not to coming to Thailand well before I did.

    It is true that entrepreneurs can make it anywhere. but if you have a business idea, cash and whatnot, go to Cambodia or Vietnam where they really welcome foreign investment and aren't as xenophobic and closed as Thailand...

    Although people like to claim life in Thailand has much less restrictions that back "home" truth of the matter is it is a pretty heavily regulated country with lots of laws and big brother watching you, Thailand is NOT where it is at in SouthEast Asia in terms of going out in the world and making a living....

    plus, there are SO many more worthwhile places in the region, this isn't 1985 anymore, its all open

    Agreed Cambodia is a better countty for youth to start from the bottom but its also too poor and the khmer women are less likely too look after farang like thailand.
  2. I dont know because Thailand is my home now amd im happy to be living here as a happy go lucky young traveller

    You are going to regret this later in your life, not now and Thailand is not your home (you do not have the right Visa for that being so young or you do not have PR. You are just a visitor here).

    I am a Aussie as well and worked very hard from the age of 15 till I was 40. I earned good money, suffered a divorce and started again (rebuilt my life) and from that hard work, I am now retired reluctantly due to illness. I would have worked to 50 if I could have and once again, my life would have been much easier.

    I have been coming to Thailand for over 20 years, spending 6 weeks a year here and I had a grand time during each break; in fact a better time then if I was to be living here at a young age. During my holidays, I was flush with money during my breaks and that gave me opportunity to do anything I wished. If you stay here too long, you are not going to get a pension from Australia due to new guidelines and you will find life here very hard after 50. Do you want to sponge off people later in life as that is what can happen.

    Go home and plan for a future now or later, living off scraps here in Thailand and having girls not want to go with you because you are just a broken down old farang with no hope. It is not much of a life. I have seen many guys like this and would not wish to be in the position.

    When you are young, you feel bulletproof. Say, if you get to my age and got sick like I did, who is going to look after you in Thailand with no money or no right to a pension?

    You got to think of the future but if you don't, well that is just your fault when your life turns to shit and at some stage, it will. Murphy's Law .....

    There is no future the future is now
  3. I now have access to a grill and a rice cooker in which ive learned to cook pork spaghetti i bought the ingredients from BIG C grocery store . The Thai bird i live with says its aroi mak and scoffed it down asking for seconds , Total cost for the days food is 75 baht. No fancy dinner , no 1000 bahts flashed around , no expensive beer and no hotel money.

  4. It's an interesting subject with different views.

    I am 51 and was never interested in school and in the end i was " thrown out " of school ( Private school ) for fooling about and being silly.I went on to become a male model ( no need to raise your eyebrows viewers...) in 1991 i left the UK and went off for a 2 week holiday in the Canary islands with 100 GBP in my pocket and ended up staying for 20 years! I became a holiday rep ( sun,sea and sex on tap ) and then a professional tour guide for many years.( working 3 days a week ).After 20 years i decided to go and live in Thailand.Walking every day and exploring and swimming in the sea most afternoons and working on my personal project " The Great Train Journeys of Thailand " ( Taking photos,meeting loads of local and fascinating people and having a laugh all on the way.....) i didn't need much money but i was happy ( mak mak ).I became ill from drinking water from the water machines and returned to England to take a break and recover and spend some time with my father.(who is 78)

    But according to my father ( quote ) " You have gone and wasted your life by doing Sweet FA. "

    My father would of liked me to have a list of qualifications and have a " proper job " wearing a suit and tie and taking part in a 9 to 5 office job. ( i have never had a 9 to 5 job,never worn a suit and tie and never will....)

    You see viewers,i don't think i have wasted my life for one moment in fact quite the opposite! Life is so short and many people would love to live over seas and all make excuses about " winning the lottery " first .You don't need much money at all it's just having the balls to do it!

    I shall return soon.......

    F.J x

    The post that made the thread worth while.

  5. the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.
    don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

    you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.
    if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

    5 years at 30k$= 150k.

    150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

    total 20'000 bahts a month.

    20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

    you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.
    And live like that for the rest of your life?

    What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

    No thanks....not for me.
    Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

    The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

    burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

    So what do the unskilled natives do for a job in Aussie then ? Put their hands out to the goverment and become scroungers on the system

    its a developed country at least they look after there own unlike europe where they spend millions on refugees and let there own suffer.

    So if i understand what your saying then, they do put their hands out and become scroungers on the system ?

    Same in the UK .

  6. the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.
    don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

    you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.
    if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

    5 years at 30k$= 150k.

    150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

    total 20'000 bahts a month.

    20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

    you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.
    And live like that for the rest of your life?

    What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

    No thanks....not for me.
    Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

    The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

    burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

    So what do the unskilled natives do for a job in Aussie then ? Put their hands out to the goverment and become scroungers on the system

    its a developed country at least they look after there own unlike europe where they spend millions on refugees and let there own suffer.
  7. the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.

    don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

    you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.

    if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

    5 years at 30k$= 150k.

    150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

    total 20'000 bahts a month.

    20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

    you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.

    And live like that for the rest of your life?

    What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

    No thanks....not for me.

    Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

    The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

    burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

  8. So you are saying a young lad who cannot work a job to pay the bills/buy a house is better off in Thailand.

    How does he support himself in Thailand ?
    well if hes young people will often see hes poor and opted for a different lifestyle and maybe let him couchsurf for long periods.

    Yeah, great life-plan, dependence on the pity of others
    its called networking through social media.


    No son,it's called bludging.A big social error in Oz.

    not taking any government money.
    any pension from australia.
    not one dime and your still complaining .
  9. Always considered it a victimizing excuse, the youthful accusations that today's old-timers "had it so easy" compared to the impossible situation of today's youngsters who say they face dead-end jobs, unobtainable good employment, unaffordable housing and a generally hostile cost of survival.

    I've seen many BARELY OUT OF SCHOOL who feel entitled to immediate six-figure salaries, five bedroom mansions, latest-model Beemer, 10-foot TV screens, the latest $1,000 smartphones, two vacations a year, no-hour workweeks etc. etc.

    Unable to have these 'basic' needs met, many are returning disgusted to live with those lucky moms and dads who have all that cash they picked off trees during their easy times.

    This old-timer cruised through life by working at starvation wages to gain experience in his chosen field for six years before matching his meager military salary on discharge, banged away at three fix-me-up homes before affording a three-bedroomer, and generally driving older, practical used cars.

    Most of my old fart friends share similar histories.

    Seriously? You're talking about how you were able to own four different houses to justify how you had it tougher than today's youth?

    You're so out of touch it's laughable.

    Not "owned"....mortgaged...and Yup, three extremely cheap fix-me-upper "homes" I worked on day and night for 10 years that today's youngsters wouldn't be caught dead in.

    mate have u got any idea a fix me up home is worth in any city in australia?

    your looking at 500000 dollars this is 2015 not the 70s and 80s.

    You gotta get off the East coast,Adelaide,$350k with a pool.Rent out a few rooms.

    Unemployment is highest in SA and the housing market there is dead , Would be lucky to find tenants.

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