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Posts posted by phuketruski

  1. before a disabled friend of mine who is a litte slow and abused to drink and drugs till he was deemed completely unemployable.

    he moved to thailand where he returned to australia every 13 weeks to check inn and fly out to keep his pension of 50000 baht a month.

    now he sleeps on the beach in thailand and drinks siam sato from pity money his family drip feeds him with.

    in 2015 the rule changed to only 4 weeks travel allowed per 52 weeks bought in by the gillard government.

    what are the disabled and less fortunate supposed to do ?

    live like dogs in the big cities and sleep on a friends floor?

    its quite cruel how australia treats its people .

  2. After watching a fight on australian tv about aussies being bashin in a white room club in patong then walking around patong myself and noticing increases agressions towards farangs in the area.

    3 am walk last night and First thing was a fist fight on bungla between 3 drunk thais and two drunk farangs, then on the way home constant harassment and touts from arragant tuk tuks and motobikes and one street worker sayed as i walked past her "u want problem?" i ignored and kept my mouth .

  3. i use it for shower, brushing teeth, cleaning dishes an car

    drinking?? NO way

    20 lts is only 10 baht/bottle

    Why would you brush your teeth in something you wouldn't drink?

    Cos I usually spit it out during/after brushing, then rinse with bottled water. I've always brushed my teeth with tap water no matter my geographic location, and I have been in some dubious African countries.

    As i

    72 hours on and im fine .

    family mart no longer doing 5 baht waters in bangla by the way ....

    only big bottles of avian.

  4. No I think it's just you. The Thais I interact with are as kind and pleasant as ever. Of course, I don't have to walk through bar areas to get to my home so that may have something to do with it.

    thais can be your best friend one minute then ignore you the next.

  5. Japanese man murdered in Ang Thong

    The Nation

    ANG THONG: -- An 83-year-old retired Japanese businessman was found dead with his throat slit in his residence in Ang Thong's Wiset Chaichan district Tuesday.

    The body of Kasuo Yoshitoka was found in the second-floor bedroom at around 6am by his Thai wife Paranee Napadol, 48.

    She told police that Yoshitoka, who had just returned from Japan six days ago, was alive when she left the house at 8.30pm on the previous night to stay over at her mother's house next door. Police found the sign of killer breaking into the house via window and ransacking the place for valuables.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Japanese-man-murdered-in-Ang-Thong-30270783.html


    -- The Nation 2015-10-13

    the grim reaper has a thing for thailand.

  6. So he got fired after 20 hours working, because the other people didn't like to work with him and he is pulling the racist card now.....

    Very improbable that the Greek owner is a Thai racist.....

    well all the staff were thai and they made it clear when they sacked him that they were sorry but the thai staff "only wanted to work with other thais".

    him being half chinese i would say he would be the last person to call the racist card as if you have ever been to sydney you would notice asians will often back each other and there isnt so much asian on asian racism.

  7. A struggling australian friend of chinese and scottish descent on job seekers benefit in Sydney, Australia recently told me he had been fired from his job in a juice bar in Wynyard train station because the thai workers only wanted to work with other thais .

    The thai and greek owners of the juice bar agreed and fired my friend without pay for the 20 hours he had completed ,

    my friend had reported to me that he saw thais were seen been payed only one 1000 (38$ aud) thai baht bill for 8 hours shifts.

    looks asif "Thainess" has spead to Sydney, Australia the second biggest thai community after los angeles , USA.

  8. Farangs no longer acquire an instant status boost upon arrival. Too many for the illusion to survive. Now, you have to have (and flaunt) cash to achieve that extra status, which makes Thai girls a lot friendlier.

    Girls on the game, especially, but Thais in general seem to be getting weary of the once-novel farang...

    Remember, Thai Rak Thai.

    western influence through social media has changed thailand to a materialistic wannabe rich middle class show off attitude.

  9. im confused .....

    turkish human traffickers , chinese urghurs , red shirts?

    are they saying they all conspiring together?

    thais tend to beleive anything there hear on the news .

    No reports have linked "red shirts" to the bombing, that's just you. The man that is being sought, Aod, was allegedly a guard for them, that's all.

    can u read or did you read the title of the article?

  10. In my experience of Thai ladies, if they know how to kiss like that then they have been with a few (many?) "ferangs" as nearly all Thai females I have encountered do not do that, some will try it, but its not the norm for them,

    Thais "sniff" kiss as the norm in my experience.

    Personally, if I met a Thai female, and she stuck her tongue down my throat, I'd drop her like a bad habit, as the mileage on the clock is way too high for my taste, and her background would be very questionable to me.

    roland the rat it correct , Thai and Cambod alike do no kiss, they prefer to smell you.

    many times thai bird walk up to me and sniff my hair and tshirt then comment if im clean or dirty

  11. Im in my late 20s and couldnt succeed in my home country and would always end up gambling my wages from construction work, i finally had enough of losing and came to thailand and live off of money from my family.

    My days consist of eating cheap steet food and drinking iced coffee and playing online and watching movies in a dorm room in phuket.

    Want to get my own room at the end of the month or find a thai women who will let me split the rent.

    Considering going home to work but the gambling always stops me from saving.

    What do thai visa members recommend for me? go back to work and risk failing again or just stay living this lifestyle forever?

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