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Posts posted by Presnock

  1. Google "internattional schools and tuition in Bangkok, Thailand".  It lists the 138 international schools plus their tuition by grade of those in Bangkok.  Then if you want you can contact certain schools and ask if they provide any discount for certain foreign passport holders. My daughter went to an International school in Chiang Mai and the discounts they did give were either for certain religious memberships or locals that could not affort the tuition but passed the entrance exam and were given free or lower tuitions.  I can't imagine a school providing tuition lowered unless the school is sponsored by a particular country organization but I also know that they sometimes provide scholarships for certain students to keep them returning each year.  Good luck - now school and HS are more expensive than many colleges.

  2. 15 hours ago, hwas said:

    I have several friends in the exact same position as you.  Retired here after being posted to the embassy.  None of them have any concerns about this.  

    As I have said that in my opinion, almost all of us will not be affected by the new interpretation but being an old fart, working and living here a long time, I realize life can sometimes stab you in the back so to speak.  I really do not believe I will be affected for at least the next 10 years but then again who knows?

    • Like 1
  3. 59 minutes ago, JimGant said:

    Use your common sense. How would they do that? Certainly you're not going to fill out a Thai tax return with all your remittance data, most of which would be non assessable -- for them to scrutinize? Probably, with no taxable income, you won't even file a tax return, nor even have a TIN. What are the revenuers going to do -- have the banks report all remittances of all farangs -- then have to parse which farangs are tax residents, and which are tourists? Then, what are they going to do? For tax residents, present you with a tax bill based on all your remittances, including loan money sent to BoI for Foreign Direct Investment? NOT!


     Thailand has just petitioned to join the OECD Community, the honchos of double tax treaties. Thailand is thus not about to poke any fingers in any eyes. But, tax treaties aren't sacrosanct -- there is something called Tax Treaty Override, whereby a country can change its domestic tax laws, in conflict with treaty language -- as long as the "override" has no significant material effect -- and may actually enhance the substance of the treaty. Here's a discussion on this override:



    Thus, Thailand, in the interest of less paperwork at RD, may dictate that, yes, if you pay taxes in your home country on income that the DTA says Thailand has exclusive taxation rights on -- then we'll give you a pass on Thai taxes on this income. Thus, the spirit of the DTA is still adhered to, namely, avoiding double taxation. That Thailand, in this example, would sacrifice tax collection -- is Thailand's problem, not the OECD's.


    The most famous Tax Treaty Override is the US "saving clause" (sometime seen as "savings clause") whereby US Tax Code overrides treaty language by trumping "exclusivity" language on taxation rights, by saying the US can also tax this income -- but only as secondary tax authority. Example: Private pensions and IRAs remitted to Thailand are, per treaty, "exclusively" taxable only by Thailand. But the US saving clause gives the US secondary taxation rights -- but they have to absorb a credit for Thai taxes paid, while Thailand gets to keep the full collection -- just as they would under "exclusivity." Thus, nothing "material" altered in the tax treaty by the saving clause. In fact, the OECD uses this as an example of where "override" enhances the substance of a tax treaty by allowing the US to be a secondary tax collector, in case the exclusive -- now effectively the primary -- tax collector decides not to collect taxes -- as Thailand has done, up till now, with foreign income remitted in a later year.


    Why does the OECD like this? Because DTAs, originally to prevent double taxation, have expanded to try and prevent "no no taxation." So, newer OECD Model tax treaties are addressing this. But in the meantime, overrides, like the US saving clause, are already addressing this. So, if Thailand presents an override that doesn't materially affect a DTA -- but maybe just means your total tax bill is just redistributed over both countries, not exactly in accordance with the DTA -- so be it. As it is allowed without being a treaty violation.


    I have to jump in here with a favorite topic of mine, namely, the tax advisor in Bangkok who advertises (or use to advertise), for US folks, that you'll never have to pay taxes on your IRA distributions, if you're a Thai tax resident, and who doesn't remit said IRA to Thailand in same year paid. I guess now, his charlatan claims that IRA remittances are not subject to the saving clause, as bogus as these claims are, are trumped by the new Thai tax guidance on IRA remittances in later years. Anyway, I wonder if anyone reading this has availed the services of this so-called tax expert? (details in the following link):



    I agree.  DId you in reading that Thailand is applying to join the OECD - report says normally 6-7 years before accepted.  Did you notice the requirements for countries applying - seems to me that there are several requirements that will have to be altered here in Thailand for them to be accepted even if they are able to meet the requirements and get approved for membership in 5 years.  I also do no believe that Thailand will try to tax my account.  I have plenty of proof that it is a govt pension and I have the LTR exemption even if a particular RD official sees something different from the main branch.




    I  agree

  4. 48 minutes ago, hwas said:

    My suggestion is that you ignore the speculative comments regarding the LTR.  The official word from BOI is that remittances to Thailand are not taxable.  Why pay any attention to comments made regarding the LTR by people who do not even hold the LTR?  

    I do have the wealthy pensioner LTR - just changed from Retirement O (18 years) - my pension is a US govt pension I know that I have 2 possible reasons for non-assessable income but TIT.  If they do in any way tax my govt pension I will leave even though I love it here.

  5. When/if EV's rule the road, then cometh the tax man.  Nowadays (US anyway) fuel is taxed and supposedly goes for infrastructure repairs and constructions...so, once gasoline ceases to be needed,

    states and fed will look to taxing motorists by the miles they drive every year - just wait they'll have to make up those billions of gasonline taxes for infrastructure in some manner and  we already know that the govt is tax happy anyway.  My opinion.

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  6. On 4/22/2024 at 12:12 PM, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Perhaps - but if I wanted to avoid scrutiny andf paying income taxes on illegal/laundered money, all I have to do is buy an LTR and I am exempt from income taxes. That is against the global obligations to reduce/illiminate illegal/laundered money exchanges between countries.

    Not all income is exempt on the LTR.  If money is earned in Thailand and is assessable the a tax could be levied.  Only foreign earned income can be non-taxed for wealthy pensioner that I read about for my income so if they change that provision of the LTR and still insist on taxing my already taxed government pension then I will be gone but in my opinion this would be a futile income garnering by the Thais that would resonate deeply in the future of foreign settlers.

    • Like 1
  7. On 4/20/2024 at 5:01 PM, Dogmatix said:


    I thought you said you were not going to have anything to do with the tax guide or any tax threads only a few days ago.

    I personally feel that if the Revenue Department in CH or BKK decides to just tax ALL monies being remitted and then letting the ex-pats file a claim for double taxes or taxes on exempted due to the DTA then I feel and will complain to the US State Department and US Embassy and US Congress that the Thai government is violating the DTA between the US and Thai Govenments and I as an American have been paying my taxes to the US govt for 60+ years and am entitled to be protected by this legally binding agreement.  Now if the Thai government decides that they will first cancel these agreements and begin either re-negotiating them or forgetting forever as they lose a bunch of funds from those of us that have already paid our taxes then I will leave even though I hate that thought even.  I enjoy life here and know it is not perfect but I as an American have a strong feeling about improper taxes, just ask the British about that feeling as it goes back about 250 years.  I really do not think that the Thai government will decide to arbitraruly decide to go against 60+ DTA agreements but again as I have mentioned often, TIT and anything that can go wrong just might.  Hopefully, we will get some guidance from the RD soonest.  good luck to all suck up that pollution, run those a/c while we can still afford it maybe.

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  8. 1 hour ago, impulse said:


    Ukraine has already lost.  I'd support loans for rebuilding, but not to continue the killing and the dying.


    Israel has an intractable problem, and will still be intractable in 50 years, and 100 years.  If I were king of the world, I'd offer up an equivalent area in the US for any Israeli who wants to emigrate, hoping that other 1st world countries would match the offer.  Win-win, because Israelis in general are great candidates for US immigration with shared values (Judeo-Christian, well educated, with a good work ethic)  But then, I don't believe that any land is sacred beyond its natural beauty.  So that's a non-starter.


    Otherwise, I have no opinion on funding Israel.


    Edit:  But I would say that the USA is broke.  It's long past time we quit funding overseas folly, and spent the money at home.


    the problem "at home" now with the invasion from the south, tax collected fm citizens has to go to provide housing, schooling, food, etc for the illegal immigrants.  On top of that conside the threat of all the

    young adult Chinese males pouring in from that open border too - and since their "asylum" hearing won't occur for years, they can travel within the US where ever they please.  When the CCP is ready, the 

    US will be fighting within their own borders and with less that desired US troops.  Generations have changed but politicians still are useless, time to get some honesty and patriotism back in elected positions and not those selected by the $$$$ crowd.  My opinion anyway.  Monies for Ukraine are probably too late now anyway and I noticed an article that Putin is advertising for some more foreign troops so even

    though they have been out numbered from the beginning, the Ukraineans have done wonders.  As for Israel, the Palestinians supporting and allowing Hamas to train and set up quarters in the Gaza area has been a festering sore forever and that seems to be why Israel will continue to use the October invasion of terrorists a stimulus to destroy them once and for all.  The Palestinians need to be assimulated into other Middle East Muslim countries and should have been last centurey.  All my opinion too.  I am not a Trumper nor Biden fan but think both will cause doom for USA and the world after November.

    • Confused 1
  9. The switch to EV in the US reportedly has already hit the brakes as Americans are used to climbing into their vehicle and driving for hours without having to stop except for maybe a "pit stop" and the EV's just cannot do those long trips YET.  Also the cost of vehicles is becoming difficult for many as wages have not come up to the losses due to inflation and housing is much more expensive than ever before with taxes being increased to pay for all the illegals pouring in.  Once people realize the pollution costs of the materials needed for the EV's they will shudder to think they bought into this by the big $$$$ companies.  Just like Big Pharma - over 500 new billionaires duirng the COVID pandemic and people are still paying for that.  Now we are learning that foods can prevent and cure illnesses instead of drugs and medicines and have no harmful effects on the human body.  Again we were led stray by the Big $$$ companies.  China meanwhile is trying to cover the world with their EV's...should be interesting anyway in my opinion.

  10. 11 minutes ago, vivananahuahin said:

    Who is able to discuss about these rules, not an expert, only between high officials from the concerned governments and about sure dubbele taxation.

    This is the point.

    again, experts, agents, rd officials - will tell maybe what the current situation is, what seems maybe, what seems impossible, or whatever - nothing new as far as I am concerned. The final government paper stating the exact new rules, who is responsible for doing exactly what with the funds remitted what the funds are or are not...until then another several hundred people guessing what these people think in my opinion.

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  11. when I watch the local daily news, the main stories at the beginning are those localiies in Thailand that had an overnight/yesterday "Summer Storm" and the flooding and numerous damaged houses.  Lookingaround the world news - weather is the main story even with the fiasco in the Middle East.  It is either drought with dams, rivers, reservoires or lakes dried up totally or historic rain storms causing historic flooding, landslides, many deaths, tornadoes, wind storms, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes to such an extent that it must seem to many that we are at the end of the world that we used to know.

    I am glad to be OLD, I can sit back and remember what it used to be, how my generation obviously began the decline and that I can still enjoy life like this.  I feel sorry for those generations that followed  and that follow even further as the world weather situation continues to change for the worse.  At least here, there are certain things that can be done to overcome many of the problems that I can still afford so I have no plans to depart this country that I still love.  I realize it is nowhere near perfect but I also realize that very few countries in the world even come as nice as it is here.  I have lived and worked in many countries in Asia, in Africa, in Europe and central America - during almost all of those years were very enjoyable but I see those countries too are suffering just as my native USA suffers  with no end in sight in

    my opinion.  Good luck to all still here, hope things do get better for everyone.  Take care and be safe.

    • Like 1
  12. 12 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    "Officers surmised that the perpetrator did not have lethal intentions and merely sought to intimidate Mai’s family".

    say what?  how could police even come up withi this intentions of the shooter who fires several times and hits a young girl in the back of neck?  sounds like " oh we let the perp go because we didn't have a warrant to arrest him".  My opinion is that the police don't want to work uh harder I guess.


    • Agree 2
  13. 32 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    I’ve grown tired of waking up to new abusive posts and PM’s each morning so I’ve decided to withdraw completely from the tax threads and the Simple Tax Guide. The fact is, the satisfaction derived from compiling the guide and helping members is far outweighed by faux challenges, aggravation and abuse. I’ve talked this through with Admin who has very generously proposed alternate solutions but I think mine is the better alternative.


    By means of this post, I handover responsibility for making any future updates to the tax guide and answering questions, to members @stat @TroubleandGrumpy and @JimGant who appear to think they can do a better job and I feel certain will want to do all they can to help members.


    I will not be reading PM’s again.


    I wish you all well.


    Mike did you read the news yesterday that Thailand is or has applied to join the OECD?  the report says 7 years, if you get the chance read the requirements for applicant country.  Funny and can only imagine the comments forthcoming on this forum.


    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  14. 32 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

    Similar then, but participation in US social security is mandatory. Mandatory in that the payments, which people call social security taxes but are actually *premiums are automatically deducted from paychecks and employer contributions. 

    *I went to a retirement and investment forum sponsored by our Union  years ago. There the RI subject matter expert there  claimed that social security is not a government pension by definition but a type of insurance policy.  

    THE DTA between US and Thai specifically talks about Social Security payments  read the DTA

    • Agree 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    I don't understand what your argument is or the point you're trying to make, let me summarise!


    The IRS doesn't want people filing if they earn below certain level.

    Millions here earn above the required level to file but don't.

    Let's not talk about it.


    Is that about right?


    The LTR is advertised by the BOI stating that foreign earned income remitted into Thailand is not taxable if you have an wealthy pensioner LTR that is the advertised benefit.  It further states that if you earn assessable income within Thailand you do have to pay the tax.  I still do not understand why these questions continue daily/hourly or whatever when NO ONE really knows what the final regulations will be so we all should just wait until that time comes around.  

  16. 17 hours ago, NativeBob said:

    Switching passports is often confusing with "how to leave TH with passport A and enter [say MY] with passport B?"
    Easier than I thought, immigration officers don't give a flying banana about it. 

    Yeah, now Thailand immigration don't care about dual citizens and can use whatever passport when coming in.  Don't have to get visa etc. Daughter just went through it

    • Confused 3
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  17. On 4/14/2024 at 1:47 AM, Jingthing said:

    Not putting this on a health topic because no responsible health practioner is going to advise taking a supplement for a hoped for result that hasn't been tested on humans.


    I am not recommending it either, not that I have any medical credibility on the topic either way.


    So this is more of a general discussion / philosophy topic. 


    You may have heard that Taurine has shown very good results in life extension in mice.


    This is the same ingredient that is found in energy drinks, but energy drinks have lots of other stuff.


    Apparently, to get a roughly equivalent dose you'd need to drink 5 energy drinks a day and you don't want to do that!


    But wait. Taurine itself is available in supplements.


    Apparently, Taurine in reasonable doses is not known to be harmful but if you try it for life extension you wouldn't know --


    if it would work at all (no human research)


    what the optimal dose would be even though you can rough guess (no human research)


    if perhaps it would be harmful taken over a long time (no human research)


    So this cannot and is not recommended as we wait (for how long? decades?)  for human research to be done.


    So here's the 64,000 baht question.


    If you're already old, you don't have the time to wait for the human research.


    Would it really be so crazy for such people to take taurine supplements now?


    What do they have to lose if it's a mistake? Obviously much less than younger people.

    Well I follow Dr. William Li's books on food tofight disease, food for longevity etic.  If I decided that I did want to try taurine, I would not take synthetic  taurine but the naturally occuring taurine would probably be safer  in my opinion.  There are so many natural foods that can help the body defenses and thus maybe allow one to live more health and longer lives.  This has been proven in many cases and much has been learned in the the very recent years.  Good luck, enjoy be happy,

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