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Posts posted by Presnock

  1. During my working years, I lived in 14 countries, (Asia, Cent AM, Af, Eu), kept a log of good or bad.  I included food, people, acceptance of foreigners, religion, climate.  I spent a total of 9 years in Thailand between 1972-2005, 6+years in the PI and

    when all as said and done, decided to retire in Thailand with the PI a close second.  I spoke the local lingo in those countries that I lived and basically got along well with the locals.  I loved the PI, golfing, scuba diving, beaches, different islands with different

    folks, English speaking, cheap BUT, 18-20 typhoons per year, earthquakes up to 9 level, volcanoes active and local food not to my

    liking so much.   The weather was a bit like Thailand but no really big typhoons (though more violent than before), earthquakes but

    much weaker, local food is great, people accept westerners, especially when one speaks the local lingo, plenty of golf available and

    though things are getting more expensive, it is still fairly cheap.  I hope to spend many more years in retirement here!  

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:

    Do banks typically just take the word of the borrower as to how much their assets are worth?


    Why is the state not going after the bank that colluded with Trump to loan him the money illegally?


    How much did Trump have to bribe the loan officer?  

    Ther isn't anything about colluding - Trump over valued all his assets when applying for the loans and yes they were repaid BUT, by over inflating the assets that is fraud - then, on top of that, when it came to paying tax on those same assets, Trump and co. under valued said assets.  The law doesn't state from what I have heard about people having to lose money from the loans but the fact

    that the values were not even close to being accurate!  We are talking 100's of time more valuable as Trump wanted to be high on the

    Forbes magazine US richest billionaires! All this is from the trial and people under oath.  When he is not under oath he lies but when

    he swears in court he claims the 5th amendment so they can't get him for lying!

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  3. On 10/28/2023 at 3:12 PM, pomchop said:

    How many have know a few semi rich kids who had everything handed to them on a silver platter their entire lives where parents/grandparents bought them the finest schools, clothes, cars, country clubs, debutante balls, draft deferments, etc and further used their influence (bribes?) to get them special treatment and move to the front of the line.  While i am sure parents may mean well what can often result is a person who thinks his/her "success" is all because they themselves are somehow superior to others who actually had to go out and dig and scrape for their success.


    Trump is the poster boy for a spoiled rich kid that likely would not have amounted to a hill of beans without daddy giving him the silver spoon.  His greatest "talent" was to turn that into an ability to scam people his entire life by not paying them, lying to get what he wanted and exaggerate his "importance"....he then stumbled into POTUS which he saw running for potus as the greatest free infomercial of media coverage ever.....and in this endeavor he was indeed successful beyond his wildest imagination. Obviously the more outrageous things he said the more attention he got.  Mock the crippled, dis pows and war heros and scoff at silver star families, grab women by the pxxsy , pay off porn stars, rape women, fraud after fraud, lie after lie, encourage violence over and over, and his supporters lapped it all up as it was "entertainment" on a level never before seen by a presidential candidate. Even trump never really thought there were enough gullible people to buy all his BS and actually vote him into office. 

    The goal was to get a ton of free publicity to further the brand name worldwide.  For once in his life he found he was really good at something that he created.  He became the best and biggest conman in USA political history. 


    Now he is hoping those same gullible people will continue to believe he is somehow being "persecuted" and that he has done nothing wrong, in fact just the opposite everything he has ever done or ever will do is perfect.  So lets hope his orange jump suit fits him perfectly and maybe, just maybe, some of his cult members may wake up to the fact that they got conned and the con will continue until they finally open their eyes and look at the FACTS as to his fund raising, his fraud, his criminal acts and say enough.  Admitting that you got conned by the biggest con man is not a disgrace.  It has been going on for centuries.  Some learn and avoid getting conned again.  Others are too proud or ? to ever admit the emperor has no clothes.

    in my opinion, I do think that he won the 2016 election as so many Democrats voted for him instead of Hillary plus all the regular people too coming out hoping to change politics.


  4. 12 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    You really worked for a bank?


    Do you understand that loan interest rates are partially based on the valuation of applicant assets?


    Don't you think it's good public policy to ensure that valuations are not fraudulent?

    Hey, the under valuation he did when he paid taxes (some years a billionaire and didn't pay tax at all - that too is a CRIME in the USA.

    • Like 1
  5. We sent our daughter (moved housing) to find the "better" local Thai schools until 5th grade.  We kept moving because all the

    schools did not meet the goals we had for her.  In 5th grade we sent her to a "new" school - fantastic buildings, layout, etc half

    Thai teachers, rest Farang - though most farang teachers eventually tried to leave as soon as possible as the school was run by

    the daughter of a Thai univ. and most of the Thai teachers were schools buddies.  Anyway prior to the end of the first year, we

    knew we were leaving - even were offered full scholarship to continue but no way - and by the end of the 3rd year all the original

    students were gone as well as the farang teachers.  We went to an international school (CMIS) - daughter on a US passport so did

    not have to take Thai classes after 6 grade which the Thai teacher didn't like because she really liked our daughter.  She began studying Chinese in 7th grade, then a year later began self-teaching Korean because she like KPOP (by graduation she had passed

    level 4 of the international Korean test), she continued studying Chinese and even taught basic Chinese at another Thai high school

    near CMIS, which was broken up by the pandemic, took AP Chinese, did teacher's asst for one year when she had a free hour

    daily, taught Korean and English to others as part of the community service they needed to graduate.  She speaks, reads and writes 

    Thai with no problems.  She English (American with me), and Thai exclusively with her mother and most of her friends.  She is now

    a student at the number one Univ in Thailand studying Korean.  Your wife must take time to speak Thai with your daughter.  Extra

    classes should help especially in the writing while watching Thai programs (especially news for vocab) or movies should also help her.

    Good luck!

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  6. unfortunately, the US politicians are first of all, POLITICIANS and in my opinion, like in other countries in which I have lived, consider themselves entitled to make as much money for themselves and their families.  They may come into an elected office with dreams of "solving" the problems of their nation.  Soon though they seem to learn how easy it is to fatten their wallets - corruption is the current word used.  Some countries try to pass laws preventing such corruption but the law that is passed if possible, is too weak or watered down because who wants to kill the goose that lays the golden egg so to speak.  Now, most western countries are infested with way too many immigrants.  Previously, the immigrants into these countries merged into different communities and assimilated into local society, many becoming productive citizens.  Nowadays with the hordes pouring in, they tend to stick together, becoming a voting

    majority in many places and begin to try to change their new country to be more like the one they fled, and in doing so destroy the

    society of their new country.  This is my opinion anyway but I have seen the same thing elsewhere and read stories from other  countries and it strikes me as being exactly the same.  I recall India had a story years ago, that their parliament had been trying to pass a non-corruption law unsuccessfully for 5 years.  My own congress failed to pass an insider trading bill recently without success.  Now I am fully aware of salaries, and when almost all the elected  officials' families are rich I begin to wonder just how is that possible.  

  7. On 10/21/2023 at 1:57 PM, Pipi Olly said:

    More and more people are paying the price of a life of anxiety and stress as they age. Being happy and relaxed is one of the most efficient way to remain in good health. Of course it ain't magic. Other factors come into play, especially genetics and your body's ability to manage all those toxic substances that the industrial world releases in the environment. But happy people with solid social networks usually live longer.


    At the end of the day, we all die.

    read and article the other day from some doctor - he said the biggest killer of man was "retirement" because they all stopped doing whatever too soon.  I agree somewhat, but many people should have changed their lifestyles earlier in life if they wanted to possibly have a healthy retirement.  Too many wait until it is too late to really improve one's chance of longer life - that would be healthier too.  What is a longer life with rampant disease, paid, hospitalization etc?  I am approaching 80, walk 6kms a day, lift weights, do core stretching and exercises regularly.  I have very few pains occasionally but I have done this for many year already - though I used to run instead of walking due to the "runners high" which I experienced every day.  I have a younger wife and we have a 20-year daughter and I hope to have many more lucid years to follow their lives.  I also do not drink alcohol, nor smoke tobacco or other drugs.  I have not even had a headache in over 20 years.  BP is that of a healthy 45 year old.  But, if I were to not wake up tomorrow,

    THAT"S death.   But I enjoy life daily, am happy and have no regrets in my life.  Hope all are at least satisfied with their current life - otherwise, try to

    change it.  Be happy!  that is easy, after all this is TIT and we choose to be here.

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  8. On 10/17/2023 at 4:10 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    I thought Trump was both a] running low on money to deal with his myriad of legal cases, most of which involve him as the defendant, and b] running out of legitimate lawyers willing to work for him for obvious reasons.


    But if his UK case does ever proceed, I'd sure be interested to read what the discovery documents pertinent to the allegations will show?  ????


    Every campaign stop he asks for huge donations. On top of that he sells his picture on shirts, hats, etc for big $

    too and then uses that money for his expenses.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Tidal wave said:

    Yes, Vietnam is communist same as hiding in plain sight Russia you would expect nothing less Indonesia much the same and Muslim just because your view is sell yourself to any devil for a few dollars because your a small trading country its not right because you say so either.  

    Have read that VN "hates" the Chinese and I have seen numerous stories about how Russians are not favored there either.  They seem to be much smarter than

    the countries immediately surrounding Thailand and what happens to them as they climb into bed with the autocratic rulers.

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  10. On 10/14/2023 at 4:17 PM, bkk6060 said:

    Slim and none to take Thai gf to U.S.

    They rarely give Visas for Thai females in your situation. You can fill the application online and they will give her an appointment date at the U.S. embassy.  I have been here more then 10 years and I do not know of one Thai female gf who has gotten a Visa to the U.S.  They throw a piece of rejection paper in their face, don't let them ask any questions and tell them to leave.  Rude and impersonal. But, give it a try and let us know how it works out.



    Not only Thai GF, my wife of 20 years, house owner prev restaurant owner wanted to take our daughter back to the US for college - asked for a tourist visa but

    consulate said noway, had to apply for immigrant visa - at that time Afghan fiasco popped up...immigration in the US was backlogged over 500K and doing about 35K a month - needless to say by the time the approval arrived (over a year), daughter decided to go to college here and doing well and happy.  We will forego the immigrant process.

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    • Confused 2
  11. 22 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Again with you.

    The OP has one zero posts prior to this thread.

    May have little time remaining on his/her permission of stay.


    Pointing out that he/she could buy some time with a 30 day extension to plan next steps. 

    Perhaps not even aware of border runs + extension. 


    I pointed out that was not directly addressing the issue.

    As usual where have you helped 

    Peanut gallery member. 

    Not sure where the other guy is coming from but anyone who has been on this forum for any length of time would know that DrJack54 is an avid donor of

    whatever is needed for us especially in the immigration rules and games. 

  12. 10 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

    I don't pretend to understand the technical details. My question is: Will the 10,000 THB handout be based upon a Thai ID number, or a registered address?


    If it's the former, every Thai over 16 years old will get it.


    If it's the latter, many thousands of Thais will lose out because they live/work away from home.


    It was the same during the Covid handouts - many could only claim the cash by travelling home, which was not viable.

    exactly - what about college/school kids that aren't in the area of their being registered in a certain house/condo or whatever.  The school term would have

    the students in the area of the school and not at their registered address for which (as I read) they have a 4-km area in which to use the digital funds.  Just wondering, as I am and ex-pat and won't get involved with that program.  

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, JimTripper said:

    Somebody here gets it & has a brain, finally. ????

    Well, as an American one has to pay taxes on whatever they make/get each year.  Pensions are documented with amount being paid and taxes paid to the govt and in some cases also to the state of residence.  I would think that documentation should be easy to be provided.  Even providing translations should be easy as one just has to put down the amount of funds transferred into Thailand, then show how much money one made and how much tax was paid to their home country.  However, TIT so I may be thinking too logically on this issue, that is why I am not worried yet and thinking about fleeing.  I spent 8 years working in the PI and loved every minute of it.  Greatest diving in the

    world, but local food can't compare to Thai food.  Plenty of golf courses, cold SanMiguel, lovely ladies as PI was ruled

    for centuries by Spanish and Americans, weather temperatures about the same as here, but they have about 20 typhoons a year, strong earthquakes, and active volcanoes.

    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, deejai33 said:

    Its about an audit trail of transactions.   That is what shows which money is 'savings', which money is earned income in 2023, which money is untaxed rental income.


    Each incoming/outgoing transaction has a date, source, destination and amount.  


    If you transfer 100 units from savings account which has old, taxed money in it (shown by previous transactions), then you can show its 'savings'.


    (Although I think the issue is more about is money already taxed, rather than is it 'savings').



    US pensions in most states even federal are taxed on residents.  If one claims a state that does tax fed pensions, then that state also takes their "fair" share.  The US has a double-tax agreement with Thailand but says that the resident

    country can still tax the money for which the US will then make up for any taken out by Thailand.  But if the amount of tax on pensions/savings as unearned income us as low as reported, I don't thing too many people will be double-taxed. US fed pension sure don't go in the several hundred thousands of dollars a year and govt employees do not get that amount of salary.  Salaries are provided for all to see.  But, I will wait until the final law comes out and can then match up with what should be legal or not and how I will have to report it.

    • Confused 1
  15. 6 hours ago, wombat said:

    Should i find myself in the same position I would too.

    I'm guessing you're straight arrow and wouldnt/dont/didn't?

    No I am honest, have been for 77 years so why change now?  Trump got multi-million loans from a lot of banks, and

    yes those banks most likely all made money when he repaid them but the problem is that banks have a limit on how much money they can loan out at any one time so some poorer folks were unable to get a loan as Trump had used up the banks quota.  Then when tax time came around, Trump and his family dropped their home and businesses'

    values below their true amount so that he paid less tax - check his history, many years as a self-claimed billionaire, he didn't pay any taxes at all. This is all factual and can be found by checking.  Once in Itay while jogging early AM kept finding lira along the side of he road.  I of course kept picking it up. After a while no more money, but about another mile or so I saw a wallet along the road.  It had one or two bills in it but in my mine, that money I had found probably came out of that wallet.  I turned it in to the authorities. I was taught young in life to be honest - if a store person gives me incorrect change in my favor or their's, I always make sure to correct them.

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