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Posts posted by RidgeRunner

  1. This guy wants to bring back from China 5 million jobs that pay $1 an hour, then import 5 million immigrants do do the same work for $15 dollars an hour.

    Then he wants to send home 11 million Mexicans that work for minimum wage and provide a valuable and obviously needed services.

    The Mexicans are in the US because they provide services that American kids won't do.

    Lovely, struggling, impoverished people from the neighbouring country providing badly needed services and Trump will wave his hand and ruin their lives.

    I'd be willing to go with the Reagan model. The long established Mexicans that behave can stay, recent arrivals must go, then clamp down on the border.

    Any economist will tell you that it would be chaos if the Trumps ill conceived plans gets initiated.

    However when Reagan and Bush issue executive orders to deal with the immigration that was okay but if Obama does it he is acting illegally. Trump is going to cut government spending while simultaneous sorting out ISIS and sending back 11 million immigrants, good luck with that.

    Reagan didn't secure the border after the amnesty but he did do one smart thing.

    Suddenly the employers were being held responsible. Every employer was forced to document every worker. A form was sent to the IRS or there were big fines.

    All the illegals easily bought fake IDs and went to work. Taxes, Social Security withheld that they never will never see.

    The illegals are not only hard working and providing necessary services, they are leaving millions behind to Social Security Fund and paying down they national debt.

  2. There's some method to his madness.... how can a sovereign country allows millions of illegals,

    many with criminal records, come in unchecked while many others who want to come in legally

    and also settle and build America just like

    the Mexican and the south American aren't allowed to do so or have to wait years on line for approval if at all?

    Everybody agrees there needs to be better border security to keep out the bad ones. The ones that got thru, are established in the community, have families & provide valuable services.

    You can't act like Nazis and toss them 11 million of them away like mongrel dogs.

  3. This guy wants to bring back from China 5 million jobs that pay $1 an hour, then import 5 million immigrants do do the same work for $15 dollars an hour.

    Then he wants to send home 11 million Mexicans that work for minimum wage and provide a valuable and obviously needed services.

    The Mexicans are in the US because they provide services that American kids won't do.

    Lovely, struggling, impoverished people from the neighbouring country providing badly needed services and Trump will wave his hand and ruin their lives.

    I'd be willing to go with the Reagan model. The long established Mexicans that behave can stay, recent arrivals must go, then clamp down on the border.

    Any economist will tell you that it would be chaos if the Trumps ill conceived plans gets initiated.

  4. These numbers?

    Didn't you watch the republican debate this week. The moderators and candidates discussed these numbers just 2 days ago.

    The republicans look real silly discussing jobs and minimum wage.

    "DEMOCRATS 35.8 million jobs created.

    REPUBLICANS 5.5 million jobs created.

    Barak Obama has created 12.8 million jobs.

    GW Bush created 3 million jobs.

    Bill Clinton created 23 million jobs.

    HW Bush created 2.5 million jobs."

  5. They get transferred, or they run away or they have an accident.

    Top members of a criminal organisation know too much and usually won't be put behind bars.

    The few that do go to jail keep quiet because they are concerned for their families health.

    Just watch a few episodes of the "Sopranos" to see how the police and army are organized.

  6. There is plenty of talent in the GOP.

    They don't want to put their families thru that crap or they have a few skeletons in their closet or they don't want to pretend to be a Christian or they like women's choice or the environment.

    Take a guy like Peter Uberoth. The guy would be a fantastic Prez.

    Look at John Huntsman. Great candidate but he believes in global warming and evolution.

    Lots of talent that just won't run.

  7. Getting back to the unemployment numbers.

    The last 5 months of GW Bush's term, he lost 3,213,000 jobs. And those poor peoples retirement accounts got chopped by 70% in the stock crash + 20 million people lost their homes.

    Another 3 ,000,000 jobs were lost during Obamas first 5 months before he turned around the economy.

    Lets assign GW Bush 6,213,000 job losses in those 10 months. Fair?

    Now we have a booming economy + stock market up 200%, unemployment cut to below 5%, the housing inventory is at an all time low, 2 Bush wars finished and a proper health care system underway.

    Now with another Clinton in office, the budget will be balanced and the recovery from the Bush years will continue

  8. Right Wing news consumers are always shocked when presented with a fair and balance report. They only get the "other side' of the story. Sad.

    Over the last six decades or so, history has tended to favor Democratic presidents in terms of economic performance.

    The country's unemployment rate has been lower at the end of every Democrat's tenure since Kennedy took office in 1961.

    Maybe it's just luck?cheesy.gif

    "The country's unemployment rate has been lower at the end of every Democrat's tenure since Kennedy took office in 1961.

    Yet another unsupported claim.

    However, let's look at all this marvelous job creation that some claim has occurred under Obama.

    To understand the "new jobs created" category, one needs to understand how the number is arrived at.

    The job creation numbers come as an estimate by the BLS from thousands of employers and is really a very simple calculation.

    The numbers generated by the BLS are actually "total employment," and the "new jobs" numbers cited are simply "the change in total employment" month to month. They reflect "net new jobs" and do not attempt to estimate the absolute number of so called shovel ready new jobs.


    Permit me to compare then with now...

    1. Civilian labor force aged 16-64

    Jan 2009 - 154,210,000

    Oct 2015 - 157,028,000

    2. Labor force participation rate

    Jan 2009 - 65.7%

    Oct 2015 - 62.4%

    3. Number employed

    Jan 2009 - 142,152,000

    Oct 2015 - 149,120,000

    4. Employed to population ratio

    Jan 2009 - 60.6%

    Oct 2015 - 59.3%

    5. Unemployed

    Jan 2009 - 12,058,000

    Oct 2015 - 7,908,000

    6. Not in Labor Force

    Jan 2009 - 80,529,000

    Oct 2015 - 94,513,000


    These numbers tell us several things.

    1. The number of employed citizens during the period of Jan 2009 through Oct 2015 has grown by 6,968,000.

    2. The number of unemployed citizens has dropped from 12,058,000 to 7,908,000, a decrease of 4,120,000.

    These numbers would be surprisingly good unless one looks at a few other factors.

    3. The civilian labor force has increased 2,818,000.

    4. The labor force participation rate has decreased 3.2%.

    5. The labor force participation number has increased by 13,984,000 which means that many fewer people actively seeking employment.

    To summarize:

    While the number of employed citizens has increased and the number of unemployed citizens has decreased, the net differential does not mean there have been over 11,000,000 jobs created during the Obama recovery.

    As the above number fluctuated, so too did the civilian labor force by some 2,818,000 and even more glaringly, 13,874,000 citizens have dropped from the active unemployment rolls and are no longer in the labor force.

    Further consider that the BLS counts any work performed by any citizen for even one day in the month as a new job. As an example if some single mom takes five day jobs with five different companies for one day per month, she suddenly has created five new jobs while only working five days in the month.

    By the same token if that same single mom then goes one full calendar month and does not seek a job, she is dropped from the rolls and is no longer considered as unemployed either.

    I say my 13,874,000 citizens that have left the labor force far outweigh any "new job" increase this administration has been able to accomplish.

    Now just for the record, none of this information was obtained from Fox News. As i have stated earlier in this thread, I do not receive nor do i watch Fox News.

    My figures are taken directly off the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site. As you may or may not know, the BLS is part and parcel of the US Department of Labor.

    Here's the link for you to gain some knowledge, but don't try and foist off some editorial from Huffington Post or any other secular progressive site that is in the pocket of the administration and Democrat party.

    Perhaps this site will get you to think on your own: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t01.htm

    And we haven't even begun to discuss the affect Obamacare is having on the unemployment problem.

    In the seven first quarters that Obama has been president (2009 through 2015); the annual rate of growth in GDP has declined at an average rate of -0.43 percent according to the National Bureau of Economic Research.

    President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth.

    Food stamp usage – President Obama once bragged how Bush was the food stamp president, yet under Obama food stamp users went up 45%

    2001 - 27.4 Million on Food Stamps - Mr. Clinton

    2009 - 28.2 Million on Food Stamps - Mr. Bush

    2013 - 47.8 Million on Food Stamps - Mr. Obama

    Source - Wall Street Journal

    Although I was no huge Bush supporter - in 2008 then Senator Obama called Bush "Unpatriotic" for adding about 4 trillion in debt in 4 years after 9/11 and the mortgage crisis. The National Debt was increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during the entire 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. It's estimated that by the time Obama leaves office it will be at or near 19-20 trillion dollars.

    Have read several posts who keep touting the U.S. stock market. When people invest in the stock market they are buying companies, not economies. So if companies manage their debt, cash, resources, etc. better than the overall economy, then stocks can go up while the economy does not.

    What's going on in the U.S. economy isn't reflective of what is or will happen in stocks is that most of the companies (if not all of them) in the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average, etc. have very significant international operations that are affected by those economies as well as our economy.

    In fact, much of their growth and expansion is into Foreign economies.

    What else did we get from Obama? Ineffective wars that destabilized the entire middle east and we got nothing out of it. Other countries like China, Japan, South Korea and Mexico rapidly expanding their economies by currency devaluation/manipulation while we continue to lose our manufacturing base. We continue to get flooded with illegal aliens who cost taxpayers billions.

    But hey - at least Michelle Obama for the first time in her life is now finally proud to be an American.

    Oh yeah, I don't watch Fox news and I'm not a "right winger" - so stop with the generalizations.

    "Obama wars destabilised the entire Middle East"

    We have officially entered the Twilite Zone.blink.png

    You know it's almost December. Probably time to start the 'stupidest post of the year' award nominations.

  9. Of course he is not going to say anything controversial at such an event. He is a diplomat and will not say anything negative unless specifically ordered to.

    However he did say:

    "He also mentioned the collaborations in fighting against the spread of illegal drugs, wildlife and human trafficking and transnational crimes and working to protect the environment. The ambassador said that he would like to see the United States and Thailand’s activities in these areas to continue."

    "The ambassador expressed that he would like to see Thailand become stronger, more prosperous, and to move forward on the path to achieving true democracy, and that Thailand will continue to play a leading regional role as it has since the middle of the last century."

    Those words can be interpreted in many ways (and probably will be), but I see it as a warning that if Thailand doesn't get control of e.g. human trafficking and transnational crimes cooperation as it is now cannot continue. If Thailand does not achieve true democracy they will not continue to play a leading role in the region.

    He is not ordered to say negative things. He is briefed on policy then uses his diplomatic judgement to make statements giving a very high level indication of the official view of the USA to the Thai government and it's policies.

    I've talked to people who play this game in their normal jobs - and you will find trying to get him to say anything specific is like trying to catch the soap in the bath,

    They key word in his second sentence is "move forward to achieving true democracy" which is saying very clearly and deliberately that they recognise Thailand did not have it under Pheu-Thai.

    What a bunch of nonsense from a SE Asian Junta supporter.

  10. Some say that 5% USA unemployment number is the lowest it can go. Nobody wants those jobs. Unemployment among people that really want a job is near zero.

    Trumps idea of closing factories in China and bringing 5 million jobs back to the USA is plain stupid. The Chinese produce lots of stuff for $1 an hour in China.

    The USA will have to import 5 million Chinese to do that work and pay them $15-$20 dollars an hour. blink.png

  11. Right Wing news consumers are always shocked when presented with a fair and balance report. They only get the "other side' of the story. Sad.

    Over the last six decades or so, history has tended to favor Democratic presidents in terms of economic performance.

    The country's unemployment rate has been lower at the end of every Democrat's tenure since Kennedy took office in 1961.

    Maybe it's just luck?cheesy.gif

  12. That 92 million figure. I doubt anyone is really saying that all 92 million represent people who want to have a job but have given up out of despair. But from years of reading about this situation - I am convinced that somewhere between 22 and 25 million of these people are in fact wanting to become re-employed but remain blocked.

    As an example - one main group are people age of 55 and over. Rampant age discrimination has taken place in America over the past 7 years and more. Age discrimination in employment is supposed to be against Federal Law... But no one will enforce it. Another trait of the Obama Administration - not enforcing standing laws - just makes up his own.

    People over the age of 55 by the millions were forced out of work on purpose to lower the financial overhead of having employees. Older employees cost more due to - accrued high salary level for many years of service and because of cost of benefits - mainly Health Care Insurance.

    Once laid off or fired - a person aged 55 in America - regardless of profession may well never get a professional level job again.

    This is one of the reasons that Disability Claims in the past 7 years or so have skyrocketed. People became desperate after the unemployment benefits ran out - so they found many reasons to apply for disability insurance - just to survive..

    And you obamabots can believe this or not - it doesn't matter what you believe. The older American workers believe it - or should I say 'used to be older workers' believe it... This class of Americans are part of the Populist Uprising that is propelling Donald Trump to the top of the charts. Come mid January 2017 Obama's disastrous policies of hate America and hate white Americans will begin to be dismantled. Whether Liberals and Leftists, Socialists and the misnomered 'Progressives' like it or not.

    At least we are much better off than we were 8 years ago. Agreed? (FOX viewers need not respond)

  13. Doesn't look like January 21 to me. It looks more like mid 2009. Until we are provided with a link to the source material, we won't really know, now will we.

    The recession was officially declared over in June 2009. Of course the market is going to surge when the recession is declared finished.

    We are now in the 7th year of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US.

    PS: I've already proven your ridiculous claim wrong about the national debt being $15.9 trillion. Surely you are smart enough not to bring it up three times.

    Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed.

    Yes. The Obama debt numbers I quoted are rock solid.

    The previous administrations account for 15.9 trillion of the debt. The debt was racing along at $45.000 per hour when Obama took office.

    Thankfully we will have another Clinton in charge soon so look for budget surpluses again.

    "Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed."

    I haven't watched Fox in around 7 years. You must watch it quite a bit.

    An interesting article out today about Obama's contribution to the national debt.


    Debt hits major milestone with Obama
    11/10/15 12:01 AM
    President Obama reached a milestone last week: a doubling of the national debt held by the public in his nearly seven years in office.
    Obama made his first presidential impression on federal spending in mid-March, 2009, less than two months after entering office. When he signed an omnibus spending bill into law that boosted federal agency budgets by double digits in some cases, the debt held by the public sat at $6.662 trillion.
    Late last week, just days after Obama signed a bill to suspend the debt ceiling, total public debt rose to $13.378 trillion, doubling in just short of seven years.

    The GOP tries hard to deflect from the numbers but facts are facts. Lets look at the last 4 US presidents and their jobs growth records.

    What is the score?

    DEMOCRATS 35.8 million jobs created.

    REPUBLICANS 5.5 million jobs created.

    Barak Obama has created 12.8 million jobs.

    GW Bush created about 3 million jobs.

    Bill Clinton created 23 million jobs.

    George H Bush created 2.5 million jobs.


  14. The arrow points to January 21,2009.

    Check out a stock market chart that begins March 1,2009.

    The world sighed in relief and the stock market surged 200%.

    Yep. Obama took office, the market surged and unemployment dropped.

    Housing inventory is at an all time low too.

    Doesn't look like January 21 to me. It looks more like mid 2009. Until we are provided with a link to the source material, we won't really know, now will we.

    The recession was officially declared over in June 2009. Of course the market is going to surge when the recession is declared finished.

    We are now in the 7th year of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US.

    PS: I've already proven your ridiculous claim wrong about the national debt being $15.9 trillion. Surely you are smart enough not to bring it up three times.

    Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed.

    Yes. The Obama debt numbers I quoted are rock solid.

    The previous administrations account for 15.9 trillion of the debt. The debt was racing along at $45.000 per hour when Obama took office.

    Thankfully we will have another Clinton in charge soon so look for budget surpluses again.

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