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Everything posted by artotle

  1. That's what I like to hear.
  2. Nice, bitter old men on AseanNow complaining about women, what a refreshing change from the usual.
  3. Time to increase the prices of some daily use consumer goods by 10-20% again! We won't feel it they say, but apparently they do.
  4. We both wear the pants. The family is a business and we're a team running it, no "my role should be this and that" required when you communicate and everyone really wants the same things (in a nutshell: comfort, time for activities/hobbies, companionship, money). Do we get into arguments? Yes. Can we figure it out by together dissecting whatever is the problem? Yes. We also switch who wears the pants in the bedroom, depending on mood. Here too we're open and communicate and essentially want the same thing, so it's pretty simple to have fun.
  5. I guess in light of more spectacular behavior from Russians, the Thai government and TAT will soon give them more visa freedom, maybe land grab rights?
  6. My kids got iron tablets with every vaccination and medical check from like 1yo onwards, every six months or so. No blood test, no explanation, just assumption that everyone's anemic. I understand many rural Thai kids might be, so I reckon that is the reason to just cut corners and give it to everyone. Classic Thailand, binned every single bag.
  7. I'm a sole provider for a family of four, two dogs and a cat. Bills, schools, groceries and shopping, gym memberships, hobbies, other activities.
  8. It is absolutely so much cheaper. Mostly from space and amenities to comfortably cook for yourself, grow your own <deleted>, build your own <deleted>, maintain and repair your own <deleted> (vehicles etc). That being said, if you're not willing to put down for a house and some land and not willing to be proactive with almost everything, then it's not for you. When you're ready for that managing personal finances and cutting costs will be much easier, also less temptations around here. I cook 90% of my own foods, do all my bike repair and maintenance myself, grow a bunch of fruit, herbs, veggies on site. Whatever we don't have at home is extremely cheap in local fresh markets and they are actually fresh. I live around 7k from Udon Thani city, and even in town restaurants, coffee shops, gyms, bars are half price from larger cities. I make roughly 100k a month and living in Bangkok I had 10k to save monthly, in Pattaya maybe 20k and in Udon Thani I don't spend much more than 50k on everything. Some words to end this with, while many basic necessities are somewhat cheaper, moving to "the sticks" makes you change your perspective and lifestyle to be less reliant on outside services = lower cost of living, increased value.
  9. Hello fellow expatriates, Anyone know for certain if there is a direct bus to Pattaya from the new Krung Thep Aphiwat Centre, or do they still leave from the Mo Chit Bus Terminal? No guesses or maybes please, there's a bunch of that online already. Thank you.
      • 1
      • Haha
  10. Owner likely going to press charges for the death of their dog.
  11. Well, as you see, they didn't really condemn. They reported the truth. It might seem condemning to the reader as the facts uncover blatant tyranny, disgracing the democratic process and disregarding majority will of the people.
  12. How funny people really think there's a legal system in Thailand. ????
  13. I'm sure it's a misunderstanding, no one has been intimidating them, families probably just -felt- intimidated because their fathers and husbands are spineless cucks and could not stand up for what's right.
  14. Thread turned to "shaming sex workers with anecdotal 'truths'" real quick huh.
  15. I try to smile with eye contact, which I try to do in most social encounters. However my expression in normal conditions is in a perpetual frown so my smile is kind of an awkward grimace.
  16. I recently had nearly the same issue in January this year. Slightly different and from a different country. Anyway I got my passport mailed to me from the Finnish embassy, I was changing work as well at the same time and ran out of grace period (21 days) to switch my work permit to the new company, so I was forced to go apply for a new non-IB in Vientiane on the new passport. Went to the crossing in Nong Khai and the border wouldn't do this, so they sent me to the Nong Khai Immigration office, where they did the transfer stamps and after that I was free to cross over with my new passport. Nong Khai immigration asked 200 baht to do this, I believe it was under the table. Note: they wanted full copies of both passports and to see both of them at the Vientiane Thai embassy to apply for visa.
  17. Could someone explain to these men that 'public service' means them serving interests of the public, not the other way around. Maybe they would stop trying to undermine progress.
  18. Mix dry dog food with wet dog food. Usually buy dry dog food in 20kg bags and whatever canned wet food has a deal on it. We have two medium sized mixed breed "farm dogs" and go through 15 cans of wet dog food and 20kg dry food per month, approximately.
  19. I don't have anything to add here but just commenting to bump quality content.
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