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Posts posted by JackThompson

  1. 11 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    So, if it goes through these offices, why do other offices tolerate it, or even encourage it through their resistance to legitimate visa applications?

    The "other offices" have no jurisdictional control.  They could complain to the higher-ups which have this control, but their complaints will not be heeded. 


    This is because the agent-partner envelope-system works like a pyramid-scheme.  A low-level IO caught not paying up the chain on envelopes, and/or operating a non-approved scheme, will be busted. 


    Thus, the law against corruption is used to enforce distribution of the proceeds of corruption to the upper-level personnel, who benefit the most from the scheme - which is why they do not simply shut down all agent/fixer activity - like the Philippines did, with excellent results for all.

    • Like 1
  2. 23 hours ago, checkered flag said:
    On 9/16/2020 at 2:38 PM, Pib said:

    If Thailand "really" wanted to create a vehicle for a person to do a quick border hop in light of COVID, it seems they could set down with a neighboring country like Myanmar, Laos and/or Cambodia and setup a "turnstile. COVID controlled" type border hop.  ...

    The border hops were not controlled by the local immigration office,  ...

    They were controlled by immigration at the border.

    23 hours ago, checkered flag said:

    ... while those doing legitimate extension had to do everything by the book.

    So did everyone using Visas - following the Law as applies to their Visa type.


    23 hours ago, checkered flag said:

    It wasn't hard IMO, but everything had to be done. I found that asking the IO politely they would be very specific and helpful.

    I found they were rude and demeaning to my wife in every office but one up in Issan.  Jomtien was particularly cruel and degrading to her.  Bangkok took less time abusing her, but told her she was married to a 'criminal' because I had a Non-O-ME Visa.


    23 hours ago, checkered flag said:

    If the legitimate way requires proof of financials, those avoiding the financials by doing in and outs, must be viewed as circumventing the system. 

    No, the MFA has their rules, and Immigration has other ones. 


    You are always telling us that we should not question Immigration's Rules - including Made-UP Fake-Rules when they want agent-money. 


    Why are you now saying the MFA's rules are bad?  Do you work for immigration?


    23 hours ago, checkered flag said:

    Now with the borders closed the in and out crowd needs to face the IO who can see all in their computers and your passport. Its no wonder that they stick strictly to the rules and are less than pleased. 

    The IO at the border can "see all in their computers" as well.  Easy to get a new passport, and "clear" the visible history.

    They are "less than pleased" with Law-Abiding foreigners, who used the MFA to avoid their corruption - so did not collaborate with an agent to pay them off - or do a little monkey-dance for their sick sense of amusement as punishment for not making the payoff.


    But they grudgingly provided 60-day extensions for those 90-day Non-O-ME entries - would not have been done, unless We Were Law-Abiding.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    I was also talking about the same people.


    My opinion is that you are unlucky, and that will stand.

    Nevermind the evidence of all the others.


    However, now I also find replying to you constant babble boring. So, have a nice day! Cheers!

    yet, you had more to add ...


    Nothing has to do with better off. It has do do with applying and showing the right papers ask for by your personal IO. Easy peasy to understand. Now please repeat your version of moaning in another set of words.

    The "right papers" which are never the same.  Multiple offices - multiple attempts - different "right papers" in each, and modified per-attempt at some of the same ones.


    Are you going to pretend the "right papers" is something that acutally exists, again? 

    How many baht do I have in my pocket?  If you guess wrong, hand me 50K Baht, and you get an extension of stay!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, farang51 said:

    They need to make sure their health care system can handle new cases. Thus, a limit on the number of arrivals - at least at first - and not allowing people from the worst hit countries from where the risk for a new case is higher.

    Simpler to just say under 60 and medical indicating not having 2 or more of the known co-morbidities - then, few if any hospital admissions. 


    And remember, "new case is higher" just means a country which carried out more tests per-capita - not an indication of people who are actually "sick" - or relative % of carriers, relative to nations who do not do widspread testing.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Twelve months transfers is only required for the ones that has already used a Non-O ME for staying permanently one full year in Thailand. You know that too. 

    Non-O-ME is just for 90-days at a time.  And there are other cases reported on SE entries - same story - 12 months = time-machine.


    7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Regarding the papers. All IO´s has discretion. It stands in the book. As you then understand, if the IO wish more documentation they are free to ask for that and you must provide.

    And also to not require published-requirements, when an agent submits them with money.  So, there are really no rules, are there?  Just corruption.

    7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    So, you know what country you chose to live in, right? If you wish VIP treatment, then I suggest you pay for that. Same as playing at a casino, the more you pay/lose the bigger is the chance they chose you as a VIP player.

    Casinos may operate under the law.  Immigration's "extra fees" are not on a board somewhere - are completely illegal.  But if you are saying immigration-applications in-person are somewhat like playing roulette, maybe we found some point of agreement.


    Don´t come here and try and tell me to stop, nor tell me your application was blocked. Pure BS.

    It was - multiple times - different made-up, fake-reasons each time.


    If one chose to live and create a family in a foreign country and can´t live up to the small requirements of showing 400k in a bank account. Yes, then that one is to irresponsible to start a life and a family in a foreign country.

    The rules state over 40K income is fine.  I had multiples of that - proven - upon each application.  As I have been consistently in compliance with the rules, I was not in any way "irresponsible."  Some rejections did not even involve money - rules like, "Your Thai landlord must be in the country when you apply, in case we demand new documents only they can retrieve."

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Ganesh108 said:

    I'm well aware of current regulation, otherwise no special appeal would be needed, right? People coming from Thailand would be an extremely low, virtually zero risk.

    Yet those entering Japan from Thailand somehow test positive.  The Thai low-cases might have something to do with no testing in except w/ significant-symptoms (very rare with covid) or special-cases like prison-admittance. 


    4 hours ago, polpott said:

    So why are they, unlike some countries, required to undergo 14 day quarantine when entering the UK?

    Other countries are surely aware of this - but perhaps China and Thailand will shake-hands on some travel-deal, with their other hands behind their back with fingers-crossed regarding their "low/zero covid" statements.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 4 hours ago, ebean001 said:

    no matter what country immigration puts a lot of rules around a visa. these people are spending millions of bahts in thailand. they keep 100s employed. right?


    i would make it just like the retirement visa. instead of age 50 (?) I would make it age 0. 90 day report i would keep. actually i would push for 120 day report. 


    cost would be 2000/yr with required thailand medical insurance...about 3000b/month. if they complain about the 3000 then tell them cambodia is nearby. in other words...you don't need them. 

    That 3000 is either low or high, depending on age / conditions.  But in any case, the goal isn't to transfer money from visitors to the rich (insurance companies, etc) - but to regular Thais / small businesses.  That is what made tourism work so well for so many Thais, before immigration began systematically dismantling it - it built an economic ladder where none existed before.


    Of course, Thais should not have to foot the bill for the uninsured - so best to require insurance that covers "stabilize and repatriate."  This would be much less expensive because it would handle emergencies  only, and have no long-term care involved (for cancer, etc).  It would also be required of short-term visitors, who are more likely to go on a party-time bender, and end up needing the services of a hospital.


  8. 11 hours ago, MRToMRT said:
    11 hours ago, genericptr said:

    I'm pretty cynical recently and it would not surprise me in the slightest if this was all about face. Another possibility is they simply don't want us around for too long because we offend or upset them in some other way.

     I am not sure its because they don't like us per se. I think they don't like the stereotype of us. They have no reason to dislike us on an individual basis because they have few dealings with us in country.

    You guys are mixing up rhetoric with reality.  They (Immigration) like you just fine, if you pay them through an agent - give the "Bad Guys" the VIP treatment.  That is why all the rule-changes always kept the agent-path VIP-Clear - only affected honest-applicants.


    11 hours ago, brucec64 said:

    You could actually go to school and then nothing dodgy about it.

    Actually "going" doesn't change anything.  Immigration don't care if you "really go to school," or not - sadly - just that envelopes of cash accompany each application/extension.


    10 hours ago, redwood1 said:

    There are still a fair number of under 50 looking guys hanging in Pattaya...I have no idea how they able to stay here so long......Sure some maybe independently wealthy but I really doubt all of them are....

    Evidently, they have money/income - unless they are sleeping rough.  


    But having a steady income stream which benefits the citizens of the country isn't a factor in immigration's calculus - only how much "extra" you are willing to pass to them via an agent/lawyer.

    • Like 2
  9. 13 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:
    13 hours ago, polpott said:

    They've announced it until they're blue in the face. No more amnesty extensions. Weren't you listening?

    Same BS from immigration at the last amnesty expiration.  Hardly surprising no one believes them ????

    Yes - exactly.  And listening to whom?  Thai Examiner - 2020/09/06 
    ... Regarding an "easing of the financials" for those with Non-B / Non-O Visa entries - should be announced by Sept 15 - but not.

    • Like 2
  10. 14 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    No one is getting kicked out though, many of us have gotten visas from within Thailand so that we can remain here .

      Why didnt you also get a visa ?

    How many times do we have to post our "denied legit extension application" reports, before you folks understand how it "really is" outside your reality-bubble?


    14 hours ago, 86Tiger said:

    As others have stated, Thailand has been more than lenient in accommodating for those truly prohibited from traveling.  They have also been practically begging every one to get legal over past couple months. 

    While consistently blocking legit-applications using the same "go to agent" schemes as before. 

    14 hours ago, 86Tiger said:

    Those that did nothing, time is up.

    And, apparently, those who tried and qualified by the "official rules" and were denied.  All that remains is the embassy-letter method - if one's embassy is willing to grovel just a bit.  International-diplomacy has provided the only non-criminal path to relief.

  11. 14 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Now I do not get it. Many have been stuck for month on visa amnesty. Why should they let them stay longer first. If just a tourist visa on amnesty, they must be out of money now, and in real need to come home and work again for their next holiday. Everything else regarding people on visa extension I agree about.

    Why would they be "out of money"?  Are you familiar with the digital-economy?  One does not need to sit in an office in a specific building, between certain hours, to earn money, any more. 


    14 hours ago, Zikomat said:

    At the same time, being over 50 or married to Thai does not guarantee, in any way, that one is useful for the country.

    If married, you are useful to someone - likely supporting a Thai family.  Even those retired are spending foreign-sourced capital here. 

    But those not meeting those criteria ALSO spend foreign-capital here (or would be homeless), and should be given an simple and legal way to obtain extensions of stay, at a cost not excessive relative to the cost-of-living in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    If you're over 50, you can put 800k in bank account and apply for retirement extensions, provided you keep that in the bank all the time, or at least most of the time.

    If you're married, you can put 400k in the bank account and apply for a marriage extension.


    If you are a parent of a Thai child, you can apply for extension based on that.

    ...According to the rules, prove 65K/mo for retirement - 40K/mo if Thai family - is fine.  They even provide an example of showing fewer payments for 1st-time applicants.  But actually doing this is something else - with some income-types "disqualified,"  - and in some offices income not allowed at all.

    And then there are the "extra requirements" added specific to each office, which include things which are entirely impossible to obtain - like "Your landlord, who lives overseas, needs to go to a Thai amphoe for .." type requests.  Never mind they are coming to your residence to verify you live there.




    If you have a decent job in Thailand, you can apply for extension based on work permit, ...

    Except if they change the rules to add "extra requirements" the week before you apply, then deny allowing further applications, due to your company following covid-specific tax rules and/or requiring remote-work (thus, no "pictures in the office") during the outbreak.


    Skipped the parts on PR or Citizenship - would take too much explaining - but there are 2 threads on those which are worth reading, if anyone is under the false-impression obtaining those is anything remotely "routine."

  13. 9 hours ago, ThaiVisaCentreGrace said:

    If you are trying to stay here long term, and are already on a non-immigrant visa, or yearly extension you should get another yearly extension while you can.

    Sure, if immigration doesn't demand "unofficial" or "changed" requirements, to block you - unless willing to participate in a crime.



    It makes little sense risking having to get a costly 3 month non-immigrant visa because you wanted 30 days of stay for 1,900 THB.

    The letters are being given out by embassies specifically to assist in obtaining long-term extensions.  But, of course, immigration can change up to maximize agent-envelope revenue, at any time.


    But hey... Don't trust the agent ????

    Where I come from, it's called "Two to Ten" - referring to the years in prison on the felony-charge for giving money to a public-servant for carrying out an official-duty.  That's per-instance, btw.  But even when busted with a collection of immigration-stamps (we saw the pictures), it is "different" here, apparently.


    You'll have to pardon us "uptight" folks, who want to do things legally - and if that is not possible, forget it.  And, yes, we realize this attitude means immigration don't want us here, as we do not serve their purposes.  Never mind our Thai families, the businesses / employees we support here.  They Don't Matter to Immigration.

    • Like 1

    8 hours ago, PatrickC said:
    8 hours ago, FlyingThai said:

    How can someone be "married but not officially" ?

    Either you're married or you're not.

    Guess it means they've had a ceremony of some kind but have not registered their marriage legally.


    If you get to know traditions here, many families consider the ceremony with the monk to be of paramount importance.  

    The "legal" bit with the amphoe is just some paper-signing - often with the usual brown-envelope payoff routine, to not reject you over and over on nonsense. 


    It's not just immigration doing this - ask you local Thai about the parts of the bureaucracy they have to deal with.

    • Thanks 1

    9 hours ago, uberfarang said:

    When I asked my embassy in March, they said that such letters didn't exist, that embassies cannot decide who stays in the country, and that it was fake news spread on social media,

    That is truly sad - literally gas-lighted you, "Don't believe your own eyes - they do not exist." 

    While embassies are not "deciding" anything about our permitted-stay - and could credibly argue they should not have to do this - all they are being asked to do, is provide a generic-letter with your name inserted, which says, "Due to the ongoing situation with covid, please ..."  That's it.  Immigration accepts these.


    9 hours ago, Terry B said:

    However, hopefully it is not too late to change from an emergency-visa-extension-thingy to a proper-work-visa at this point in time if offered a job? I hope not! I just randomly ended up here in Thailand at the right time on a one month tourist waiver thingy,


    So, from an auto-extended "Visa Exempt" entry.  As things stand, you will need an embassy-letter to get another 30 days, because 15 days must be left on your existing permitted-stay to apply for a "change of visa" to a non-immigrant type. 

    That is assuming you school will pay the huge immigration-payoff to do that in-country, or your office will assist the school by not requiring the usual (50K+ Baht) payoff to change you to a "Non-B" in-country.  Pre-covid, people "went out for a visa" from the honest-MFA, rather than be extorted by corrupt-immigration.

    • Confused 1
  16. 8 hours ago, BritTim said:

    That is not my recollection. Indeed, by the second week of July, I was predicting an extension of the amnesty, or at least an easy way to stay, based on the lack of a clear announcement either way. Now, there is a clear announcement that those on short term permissions to stay must leave by September 26. There is a small chance that the cabinet could reverse themselves, but it is unlikely.

    While I also thought a "free" extension was unlikely, it is a bit much to assume, "The Professional Liars and Extortionists are Telling the Truth, THIS Time." 


    This was the LAST time:


    BANGKOK — Another round of visa amnesty for foreigners residing or stranded in Thailand is unlikely, an immigration spokesman said Friday. The amnesty, extended back in April, will expire at the end of this month.

    Spokesman Col. Phakkhaphong Saiubon said there’s a need to “clear out people” as the situation of global pandemic starts to wind down

     - Khaosod English - 2020/07/10


    Just 11 days later, the extension of the auto-extension was announced/official.  Then there was this ...
    - also in reply to ...


    5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Was there ever a statement implying thee would be a follow up and easing of procedures? 


    (already posted in this thread here: https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1182560-when-to-expect-a-new-announcement/?do=findComment&comment=15819056 ) - Thai Examiner - 2020/09/06 
    ... An "easing of the financials" for those with Non-B / Non-O Visa entries.  So, not surprising many waited for "new news."

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