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  1. …reported The Thaiger. Don’t take it as investigative journalism.
  2. As much time as you spend in Boys Town, I’m surprised you asked where to get a beautiful facial. You could always beautify yourself with a pearl necklace almost anywhere in Pattaya.
  3. And that was the cause of the pandemic, yes.
  4. He specifically called us “farang” dirty and said we don’t take showers.
  5. I’ve seen what are known as ‘Big Bikes’, but usually they are just small motorcycles.
  6. I respectfully doubt that. My next door neighbor owned one in the states. Poor thing was kept constantly on a thick chain in the backyard like Kong. It was a beast. Dwarfed a pit bull with twice the aggression and fearlessness. Pure muscle. I doubt a police grade taser would do anything except put them all into kill mode, and if by some miracle in incapacitated one for a moment or two, the others would not hesitate. Just my theory. The one I knew was a massive monster and a real mean mo*******er!
  7. I love KFC, but avoid it. I’m on the toilet every hour or two the next day and the urge comes on very urgently. 555.
  8. KFC in Thailand gives me diarrhea every time. I have no idea why. The oil the use? Anyone else?
  9. How do you know it was rat poison? What is the evidence you claim to have? I’m just curious. Isn’t radiator coolant (or is it antifreeze) the usual suspect? I’ve heard stories of mixing food with broken bits of glass. That would definitely be a bad way to go. I take that one with a grain of salt as I imagine the dog would probably get a new painful crunces and some cuts to the tongue, gums, and rest of the mouth before swallowing.
  10. I figured he wasn’t British before I watched the video and heard his accent. Still can’t place it, but if he was a Brit, it would have probably been in the headline. I figured he wasn’t Aussie or a fellow Yank also. Yeah, tourist idiots from all over pull this despicable behavior. Yeah maybe he was provoked or pushed too far too many times before he snapped. Not unheard of However this violent tourist behavior stuff has noticeably increased. Especially in Phuket and Pattaya where the Russians prefer to be. I have to ask the forum, do you feel that if this somehow happened to be a Brit, the police and media would be much more likely to reveal the nationality? I’m not British, but they seem to get shamed whereas others don’t. Maybe I’m off. It seems like these tourists that use unhinged violence against locals would be identified quicker than other fools doing stupid antics. Your thoughts?
  11. Well, I find you at a disadvantage. I understand sarcasm, so I have the upper hand. What if English wasn’t my first language? Would you still say something like that and warrant a brutal beating? Don’t play yourself, boy.
  12. Wtf is a kilogramme? Is that French for a kilogram or kilo?
  13. No. No, it didn’t.
  14. You made her change her name from Mrs. Smith to Mrs. Neville?
  15. This damn fool posted this 24 hours after he slammed Thailand for being a “tourist ghetto” using racial overtones! He even did it from the same profile! You need help, Bob.
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