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Posts posted by AussieBob18

  1. On my last trip to Thailand we drove down to Hua Hin.  Somewhere past the Phetchaburi border I noticed some Policemen waiting on the side roads to the left.  And then I realised they were on every single road and entry points.  This continued all the way down to the Palace.  There must have been over 200 police involved - I started counting after a while and got to 100 and stopped. The wife said one of the Royal family was probably going to come down the road later that day - and they would shut down all entry points when they leave Bangkok.  I then asked what do they all do for the rest of the month, year, decade - because we never see more than the occasional 1 or 2 when we were out and about - and we were out and about in the car a lot.  She smiled - no comment.   


    If the work to put these dummy cars in place is done by the polcie, this would be the most they have ever contributed to attempting to police the drivers of Thailand and make the rodas safer.  These were first used in Japan many years ago and they worked - worth a try IMO - at least it is doing something.


  2. On 12/26/2019 at 1:17 PM, ParkerN said:

    Not the root of the problem. The root of the problem is Thais know laws are not for enforcing unless there is some other reason (eg losing face requiring retaliatory action). So if a law is inconvenient, just ignore it, nothing untoward will happen unless you're important and have narked off someone else important.

    It's beyond sad, it's tragic. Still, so long as you have someone high up explaining that Thais lead the world, then you can still feel good about yourself, even if the average IQ in Thailand is on a par with many African countries.


    There is a reason why there are nil members of Mensa in Thailand - and it is not because Thais dont care about the prestige of being in the top 1-2% of the World.  Many people think it is the schooling system - but those of us who know the truth, understand that the school system outputs are cr** because the inputs are the main problem.  Lovely wonderful fantastic clever people - but not so smart.

    • Like 1
  3. This has been happening for a while - only so many stories make TV and not many make the main media.

    Talking things up is the current strategy - and giving away cash to falsely increase consumption - and Govt increasing infrastructure projects spending.  But the economic crash is coming to Thailand - it is when and how hard that is unknown.  It will be be good news for some (lower Baht) and bad news for many (no jobs and no private investment).  But the net result will be a massive political change in Thailand - it is very obvious to me - but it cannot be talked about under the current rules.  Things will be very different in Thailand in the middle/later 2020s - IMO even bigger than the changes in the 2010s.

  4. 40 minutes ago, CH1961 said:

    Math is not yours ????

    Gas 1.29 Euro vs 27 Baht

    Electricity 0.22 Euro vs 5.5 Baht

    Marlboro 4.5 Euro vs 80 Baht

    Running a red light 90-300 Euro vs 500-1000 Baht

    But yes, as you are coming from Sweden ... Beer is cheaper ????

    Running a red light 90-300 Euro vs 500-1000 Baht


    Running a red light in Spain was 300Euro last time I checked


    But in Thailand I only had to pay 200 Baht - well the wife paid it actually - quietly via the passenger window so no one would see ????

    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, fruitman said:

    The reason why the baht is so strong compared to the us$ and the euro is that they both do print more money.

    And i guess the chinese know that thailand won't do it so that's why they buy baht for billions of $...also because they can see their own recession coming soon and the cardhouse will collapse.

    Thailand really needs the good public transport or would you say that bKK has no traffic/pollution issues?

    Which rich tourist will come to stinky jammed BKK for a holiday? Plenty of better options on the world which are even much cheaper.

    If thailand doesn't act fast the exports and tourism will collapse....that leads to less tax income for the government and the downward spiral has started and can't be fixed.


    Too little and far too late - the economic crash is coming and there aint nothing they can do to stop it.  All they can do is implement policies to devalue the Baht and soften the blow (like lowering interest rates to 1%).  For those asking why banks have still not allowed easy foreign transfers when the central bank has changed that rule - they know it would open a flood gate that they would not be able to close.



    • Haha 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Most of us learned to 'rent only' in our first few weeks here.

    That doesn't mean you can't live with one for years, they just have to know they are immediately replaceable if naughty.


    Like I said earlier, if it were me, the kid would have been living with grandma back in the village after the first incident (or I would have moved on). You've really got to keep your feelings in a separate pocket to your wallet over here, it's not as if there's any lack of attractive and available Thai women to choose from.

    "You've really got to keep your feelings in a separate pocket to your wallet over here.."


    That by far is the best advice that I have ever read on TV for Expats with a Thai GF/Wife. 


    I suggest many Expats should print that out and stick it on their wall or in wallet, and read it ever morning. 


    It is not about love or lack of it - I love my Thai wife totally - but there is a 'game' going on and that is the number one rule - that and you can never ever win. 


    Happy Wife = Happy Life - but keep your wallet out of it - learn how to do it without spending your money.


    • Like 1
  7. I am out of date on this matter, but if you have been diagnosed and declared as 'permanent' DSP, then travelling overseas was OK in the past - for any period.  I heard they were going to change that to 6 months, and maybe to  weeks, but as said I dont know.  I do know that going overseas on Newstart is an immediate ceasing of payments.  Call CLink is the obvious advice - dont give name if it is about you.


  8. Yet another victory for patriotism and the right, over globalism and the left.  Centralised management of people's lives with the Govt/Kings/Elite controlling everything, versus market based capitalism and the freedom for people to be accountable for their own lives and decisions.  The never ending battle for the people's hearts and minds goes round and round - and is heading more and more right - and less and less left.  Not impossible that Finland could have a right wing Government before I pass on.


    • Like 2
  9. 19 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Apparently his headache was not a migraine but rather due to increased intracranial pressure.

    Strong pain killers in that instance are neither safe nor effective.

    The intracranial pressure needs to be reduced and fast.  Steroid drugs and other measures can give some temporary help and sounds like this was done. But what is really needed is surgical intervention to reduce pressure on the brain and it is needed soon.

    With something like this it is understandable the insurer would dig through the records a bit since the tumor obviously existed when the policy was issued (and probably for a year or more before that).  But if, as the article says,  the only thing they found was a medical visit for what was diagnosed as flu, they are clutching at straws and unlikely to prevail on appeal.


    I understand - flying gome would not have been possible for him.


    I guess the lesson not to tell the doctors, when suddenly ill overseas and wanting insurance to cover the costs, all  about any pre-existing diagnosis by a docrotr that could be related in any way, as that means you will be excluded from insurance coverage on that basis.  I know doctors need to know certain things, but saying that he saw another doctor about headaches was the 'gotcha' they are using.


    I dont agree with spidermike on any thing in politics, but we are as one about the global insurance companies. 

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