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  1. Same rhetoric, different year!
  2. Anyone here eat real food? Eggs, bacon, grits, toast, coffee
  3. You're making an assumption that he knew how to drive to begin with!
  4. Typical mentality here. Its a freaking school zone! Slow TF down!
  5. Just think of the direct opposite of the rest of the world and answer that way!
  6. A quote from the NY POST is like a quote from Mickey Mouse!
  7. This makes no sense at all. "Difficult decision" to break the window? If that was truly the only option, then what did they wait for? Rescue personnel that don't know how to rescue!
  8. That's right. It was all the truck's fault!
  9. I agree. Have been drinking Hillkoff coffee for many years and have bern happy with it. I usually drink their "peaberry" but have gad their esoresso and it is quite good. You can buy online, but they do have coffee shops throughout the country so check ti see if one near you.
  10. I used my Thai driver's license in the US for several months last year before getting my US license renewed with no problem. No problem renting cars with it.
  11. Actually, the problem is they don't restock th shelves. Just leave pallets and boxes of product in the aisles and keave them there so you csn't get to the shelves!

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