I have always said that they have no clue here how credit cards work. When you use a credit card, you are actually getting a loan from your bank and it has to be paid back. It is not income by any definition!
I think its related to the type of card you use. My US Visa debit card does not allow automatic conversions so that screen will not pop up. Whereas my MasterCard dibit card does, snd I do get the conversion screen
This makes no sense at all.
"Difficult decision" to break the window? If that was truly the only option, then what did they wait for?
Rescue personnel that don't know how to rescue!
I agree. Have been drinking Hillkoff coffee for many years and have bern happy with it. I usually drink their "peaberry" but have gad their esoresso and it is quite good. You can buy online, but they do have coffee shops throughout the country so check ti see if one near you.