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Posts posted by ianf

  1. Its quite well known that JW's do not believe in hell, they preach that large part of humanity will live in Paradise on earth and yes, they believe they have the truth! Would it be much of a believer of any faith, if he or her did not think they had the "truth"?

    Would you hire a salesman for your company who had say 50% believe in your product? Perhaps offered your competitors work as well on his sales trips? How about if he simply had no faith in your product, offered it to nobody..... it sure would be convenient to lots of people to be relevied of the pestering salesman. At least he could then think he wasn't bothering anyone, not upsetting your competitor and making everyone happy!

    What happens to the rest? where do they go? Where is the evidence for such a claim?

    so religion is akin to selling soap powder?

    Can I go door to door telling everyone about Russell's teapot, claim it is a religion and demand respect and expect tax cuts? If people said it was absurd would they be bigoted?

    According to JW's believe the likes of Pol Plot, Anders Brevik, Stalin and Jack the Ripper will not be invited to attend the "paradise" party on earth. Is that an absurd believe?

    This is perhaps what this whole thread is about, yes you are free to go door to door with the message of the whole teapot. The day we as a society lock our doors for all and any intrusion, we will be like reversed jail. The price of this freedom is that sometimes we might need to get of our bony a*** and either accept or dismiss who ever is on our doorstep, good, bad or ugly.

    Final note..... respect is not demanded, it is earned.

    Yes it is an absurd belief and in fact JW's do not believe this and have never said it as far as I know. As I said before I am not an apologist for this nasty religion but I think if posters want to post unsavoury facts about them, make them true facts and not just utter nonsense. And, in fact, if I am mistaken and they do believe this perhaps the poster could give me a reference as to where they have posted/published this. I look forward to his reply.

  2. Another fun day on two wheels! Nicely organized, some familiar faces and nice to meet a few new ones and also lovely scenery. About the banging bars incident, I was only trying to knock you off your bike so I could finish in front of you, all in good sport of course. Wishing all a Happy New Years and Keep on Riding!

    Shame I could not ride. I won't be on the bike for some time after breaking my femur on the road. At least this gives a chance to some of the other over 60s who no doubt are delighted with my absence! Good luck to them, and I mean that!

  3. I would argue that all of those gun shops should be forbidden to feel weapons to expats and Thai people alike. Only mentally sick people need a gun, it is after all an extension of a certain organ, that is probably too short or not working. Sell weapons and you get the mess that the US and the Philippines are in, including school murders, random shootings and a new mister Breivik will emerge soon. (Lot's of nice little Islands in Thailand after all).

    There is no need for a gun in the hands of non police (and even they should not all get one) or army. Anyone who comes up with the bullocks statements that guns do not kill are fooling themselves Gun owners are not blessed with too many working brain cells though

    Absolutely love this post. I really hate guns and gun culture. This post says it all!

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  4. "JWs are bad news, I did some research into thier origins, the bible they use has been altered from the original by thier founder, they call themselves christians but some of the basic tennets are very different, they don't evangelise, they pester and bother, I have heard of a person having to use force to get them out of the house back in Australia after they gained entry, the person's wife didn't speak good english."

    Simply not true. They do not force themselves into people's houses. Believe me. My whole family are JWs and as I said in my earlier post I was brought up as one until I rebelled at the age of 12. They have a very strict code to which they adhere. Also JWs have their magazines in Thai and their books too. I've seen a bible but not sure if it is there's or copped in from some other tragic source. Look I have no remit to defend these people - I hate 'em - but if we're gonna post do so on the basis of fact.

  5. One wonders what's the next event the Bangkok SAS will converge on Chiang Mai for?

    Almost as predictable as Christmas: about two weeks before Songkran they'll be back for a "cleanup" and "clampdown" on anything vaguely disreputable or fun. AKA collecting for the BIB holiday fund rolleyes.gif .

    Do you have to drink alcohol to have fun? Just wondering.

  6. Many people here seem to confuse JW's with other religious groups. They do not necessarily wear long skirts (especially the men!!! lol). The miserable looking western women in their long skirts and hanky on their heads you see near Hang Dong belong to another repressive religious group from the Christian multitudes. JWs are another thing altogether. They are not allowed by their own rules to enter people's homes on the first visit. This rarely happens. I know a lot about this religion because I was bought up as one until I broke free at the age of 12, which meant I was estranged from my family for many years. But we're all talking again! I just hate the concept of "you will be a ................ because you were born into a family of ............". In the missing space enter Jew, Muslim, JW or whatever. How can kids choose? If they do make a choice at a tender age it is only because of family pressure, brainwashing etc. Or in the case of extreme muslims, because they are forced into it. People don't like JWs or others banging on their doors because they feel threatened by it. You can just tell them politely to go away. Or in my case I say I was disfellowshipped (their term) at the age of 12 and I have no intention of repenting, thank you! But it is a crazy religion that is all-controlling and actually pretty nasty. They've changed their beliefs over the years as predicted events don't happen or as they try and keep up with a changing world. Personally, I absolutely hate this religion, but then I hate all religious/politicos who believe they have a monopoly on truth. Best to be a free spirit.

  7. You see there are many redshirts who do not support thaksin. Then I read often that ptp are seeking accommodation with the elite. Currently ptp have to tread carefully as senate/ judiciary stacked against them.

    Whilst waiting for a 'plane from BKK to CNX I had the misfortune to sit opposite a red shirt lady. She was dressed entirely in the regulation colour, complete with a cap adorned with Thaksin and Yinkluyck badges and embroidery. She had a Thaksin Pendant around her neck and other insignia on her red jacket. Short and stout, she was aged about 50 and wore the shortest skirt possible - I could quite clearly see that her knickers were white, not red! She looked like the typical Kwai who has been totally absorbed and brainwashed by a movement that has more parallels with the Brown Shirts (of days of yore) than the Maoist movement. There was hardly a spark of genuine intelligence about her - the sight of her sent shivers down my spine! Quite revolting and quite a dangerous animal. As Wilhelm Reich pointed out in his absorbing study of fascism, such people are the foundation on which you build a movement. I'm afraid the regular pro-Thaksin supporters we see in these debates may well share the politically dangerous prejudices on which the Nazi empire was built. But Thaksin, a highly manipulative individual, knows what he's doing and when he finally unleashes his forces ...................

  8. I do think that the person above who refers to the last Government as 'imposters' has a limited understanding and view of Thai politics and the Thai personality. I think Abhisit, with his experience of Western attitudes and democracy, worked hard to try and instil some democratic disciplines even within his own party. Off course he was on a losing wicket. You cannot separate Thai politics from what Thai people see as 'normal' behaviour. Having lived here for a few years I am appalled at how easy many Thai people find lying, for example. I have posted before about my ex-wife, a civil engineer, linguist and masters graduate who thought it funny to lie and cheat her way through our marriage as if it were normal behaviour. Well it is normal here and lacks a degree of behavioural sophistication that you find elsewhere. But to me I find many politicians and people like my ex very unsophisticated, and, in spite of their love of brands and the high life, actually very third worldish in their attitudes.

    I remember our Buddhist monk in the UK forever lecturing the Thai attendees at the Warwick temple on the 5 precepts. The Thai women (few men) would squirm uncomfortably and go back home and totally ignore Luang Por's and the Buddha's teachings. They can easily lie outrageously on one side of their face, whilst looking like meek humble buddhists on the other side. Here in Thailand what you see is not what you get, the shame of it all is that it is all so transparent .......

  9. Off course, Thaksin remains an arch-manipulator of the masses (as well as some rather short-sighted farangs) and therefore the result of any referendum that his government proposes will, in my eyes, ring as hollow as the result of the last election. When your main opponents are denied the right to campaign in large swathes of the country, when the red constituents are fed misleading propaganda on such a huge scale, when fear and corruption surrounds the electoral process, then the result certainly has to be questioned. Thaksin will know exactly what to do with any referendum to get the result he wants. One day, off course, people like this come a cropper. But by then the damage to Thailand's democracy will have been long and deep.

  10. I have seen far more burning this past two months than I did during a similar period last year. One day they'll understand that burning is not the way to get rid of waste (burning plastic and rubber last week by the Mae Ping) or a practical solution to the clearing of rice fields, overgrown verges and so on. It makes me angry every time I see this ........

  11. The direction the bullet came from is irrelevant unless you actually see where the shot is being fired from, point source.

    Of course the direction it came from is relevant. But then those who refuse to accept that perhaps the authorities at the time were responsible want a slow motion video of the shooter and the bullet coming out of his gun which is then kept in focus as it travels to it's target. Anything less means it must have been a black shirt trying to incriminate the army of excessive force which of course it would never contemplate.

    The direction the bullet came from may be relevant, but can only have significance when you know all around the scene. Where was the victim, facing what/who, retracing the trajectory of the bullet where did it seem to come from, etc., etc.

    The Reuters report allegedly indicates a clear possibility the victim was shot by army personel. The value of an 'on purpose' suggestion depends on what you want to believe :ermm:

    I think the truth is far more important than what you want to believe, whichever way it goes. It appears as though the previous government have done all they can to prevent this from being discovered - what have they got to hide if they are in the right? If they are so convinced that the red/black shirts are responsible and that the army are not, they must have evidence to prove it - why has it then taken 18 months to get to this stage?

    The difference may well be that the previous democratic government would not lay the finger on someone without evidence. On the other hand this lot would pin it on anyone without evidence as they have already proved to be quite adept liars and manipulators.

  12. You do not enter reconciliation talks making demands - not if you want the reconciliation to work. If on the other hand you are merely grandstanding :angry:

    "You do not enter reconciliation talks making demands", not true. You start by making excessive demands, leaving you room to negotiate and moderate downwards.

    It is just like bargaining in a market. The seller says 100 Baht, you say 10 baht, you both know you will settle on 50 Baht.

    I wouldn't call that reconciliation. More like bargaining. Not the same thing at all!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I think the Duke's deserts are great but I will have to say that I pass on them more times then I buy mainly because the portions are so huge!!!

    Maybe offer a low-cal 1/2 sized version :rolleyes:

    Huge portions, you say? And the OP had TWO desserts? Not one, but TWO!! I hope he went for a 80km bicycle ride the next day! Phew!

  14. let this Dr Tul idiot put himself up for election if he wants to interfere so much in political matters!

    Any decent democracy allows the opposing voice. In this case it is the voice of moderation which this country so badly needs. Indeed, the world would be a lot poorer place without such characters and organisations. So do not belittle this chap. Its not about agreeing or disagreeing with him, it's about allowing the voice to be heard.

  15. why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

    he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

    it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

    surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:

    I was married to a Thai woman called (here) 'Ami'. She is a graduate civil engineer and has always professed to be a 'good buddhist'. She left me this year because she 'wanted to be independent' but I found out AFTER the divorce that actually she is a lying a cheating sod. She left me because she was screwing a Thai engineer (here we will call him 'NUT') and before she was seeing a man in London called (here) 'Kevin' whilst living with me in the UK. The whole marriage to me was a total scam designed by her to screw as much money (and handbags) out of me as possible. You can understand the rage that some people feel when you have been in the middle of this situation. I am still hurting and she has very much damaged my life because of her greed. What's more she knows she has done wrong, because she has 'run away' and refuses to tell me WHY she did these things. And that is what I have found out about Thai women. They don't care whom they hurt as long as they get what they want. "Ami" took me for millions. Sadly I totally believed in her and trusted her after 5 years or more of marriage. Do not marry Thai women. Do not trust them. Do not give them money.

  16. I do not think that those high class Brits that hang out at the Gymkhana Club pay barfines or have fallen women hanging around. They have afternoon tea and play croquet with their blueblood wives and that kind of stuff from what I am told.



    Everyone knows there is no such thing as a high class Brit.

    Are you sure you’re not confusing tea and croquet with tea and crumpets? A portion of hot crumpet for only 200 baht sounds like a good deal to me, especially if covered in a sweet butter.

    Really, I`m tempted to join.

    There certainly are high class Brits. It's just that they do not live in Chiang Mai - except me off course!!!! (Pud Len)

  17. Just happened to be at the Red Lion Bar last night having dinner and a few drinks. At 8.15 pm there was not one seat available for dining.People were waiting to be seated. No it was not some special event just full of mainly tourists having a night out.The writing is not on the wall, as you put it, in fact just the opposite. While the euro etc may be struggling Thailand is still a very cheap and loved destination.Your emotional "just a matter of time before its all gone" is totally misleading and without any foundation apart from your one man survey.

    You are absolutely wrong! Just because a restaurant was full does not mean the tourist scene is dying. Did you even bother to take a walk down the street to the Night Bazaar? It's a Ghost Town in there now and everyone is dying. I have had a business there selling art handcrafts for over 5 years and this year is the absolute worst! Most nights I do ZERO in sales! 4 years ago I grossed around 200-300,000 minimum this time of year. Do some research before making such bold and uneducated statements. You make yourself look like a rube...

    I think the night bazaar has had its day. People are more interested in the night market, possibly because they don't get hassled so much by the seller of fake this and fake that. Perhaps for other reasons too. Chiang Mai does need a kick up the botty, though. If I were the Governor (God help me!) I'd really clean up and light up the pathways around the moat. I would select certain areas for a night bazaar, widening the pathway as necessary. I would repave and install new lights. I would ensure that the sellers were dealing in Lanna crafts, not copy handbags and watches etc. There would be nice little cafe areas and it would revive the whole area. I'd close the night bazaar with its horrible little cages, pavements that you can't walk on and nightly rip-offs. That's the way forward, methinks.

  18. Well that's not very honest is it? If a cashier gives me to much I ALWAYS hand it back. Keeping it when you know it is too much is theft. And besides the poor girl gets it docked - a 100 baht is big money to some of these ladies - and it's FA to you. So I suggest you go back to Rimping and find this woman and give it back. Not nice to admit you are a thief on this forum, is it?

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