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Posts posted by 248900_1469958220

  1. 4 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

    It's hard to know who is serious and who isn't, but this topic is quite important and some factual information can be useful.


    I've been in Thailand for 18 years, not in the north, but in cooler Pattaya. If I'm lucky, there are some comfortable weeks in November to January. I used to live in a sub-tropical climate in Australia.


    Large-bodied foreigners are not suited to this climate, which is also a factor. The larger the body, the more difficult it is to cool. Some light-weight people might find the climate more suitable.


    Here's an interesting fact - when the room temperature exceeds 35C, fans can heat you up...kind of like a fan-forced oven.



    Fair enough. Interesting info. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, JensenZ said:

    Perhaps you don't understand that the official temperature readings recorded are taken above ground, in the shade and that humidity makes a huge difference, especially when exercising. 


    How Hot Is Too Hot to Hold a Marathon?


    "It was also unseasonably warm at the Brooklyn Half Marathon—the largest half marathon in the U.S.—in May 2022, where one person died and 15 were hospitalized when temperatures reached the high 80s and the relative humidity reached 97 percent during the city’s first May heat advisory in 16 years.


    "high 80s" is about 31C; It's all about physics, a core temperature of 37C must be maintained or you'll experience the dangers of heat exhaustion.





    All very interesting my kind sir....but I was not being THAT serious....

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  3. 12 minutes ago, WHansen said:

    I always return to the UK before it gets into the 40's but i have experienced 45 degrees in the Sahara with boots,gloves,hard hat & coveralls on.

    Fortunately the Sahara is a dry heat, no humidity.

    I can imagine how unpleasant 43 degrees with high humidity is for everyone still in Thailand.

    I'll give you a hint......ITS SHYSTERHOUSEN!!

  4. It makes me realise that, generally speaking I find Thailand reasonably comfortable most of the year......that includes sometimes teaching in classrooms with  no air , two broken fans on the roof and 40 sweaty kids....but this....THIS....This makes me appreciate the other 9 months of the year here!! 33 degrees is childsplay....I could run a marathon in it!!

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  5. 30 minutes ago, transam said:

    Well, yes, it may, though you are lucky you never needed to be on a ventilator, others were not so lucky.....................😉

    Strange you had it twice and me never....Strange that.......:coffee1:

    That'd be the magic vaccines at work.....you must have had a 'special' one. All the people I know that got MRNA vaccines have had covid about as badly as I did or worse...Still, NO ONE is on a ventilator!! 

  6. 14 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Covid Deniers aren't being fed talking points anymore, so they are very quiet.

    Knock yourself out with as many boosters as you want. We are over Covid...if you are still scared of it do as you wish. I have had Covid twice. I am not worried about getting it again...I dont think many are. It wont stop you getting Covid....but it might just stop you ending up on a ventilator..right???

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  7. Please god...give us a Trump/Biden debate....If a so called 'president' is worth his salt, he should be able to trade blows with anyone. Are they brave enough to let it happen? Whatever you think of Trump, I suspect he could very easily frustrate Biden into becoming flustered , blabbering fool. I look forward to the show. 

  8. On 2/16/2024 at 6:49 AM, steven100 said:

    >>>    the “ganja good times” could soon be over,


    Let's hope so ......


    It was such a bird brain stupid suggestion in the first place ....   their are 100's if not 1000's of nutters, loose cannons and the likes running around Thailand as it is without legalizing cannabis so it could be freely smoked and sold in shops.


    young kids getting high ....  school student pot heads emerging ....  crime increase .....  village idiots getting high as kites ....   addicts killing parents for more money to buy their weed. 


    What were they even thinking !    absolutely no good would eventuate because of this decriminalization .....


    it's not rocket science FGS ...





    You're the Prayuth fanboy are you not? ......."addicts killing parent to for more money to buy their weed".........bwahahahaAHAHAHAAAAAA!! Thanks for that.

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  9. 24 minutes ago, Freddy42OZ said:

    Thanks, its an interesting topic and yes, your comment made sense. 

    Human brain activity is electric activity, therefore it's might be possible to record that activity (which might take wearing a device for 1 week or even for 40 years).  Once that activity is recorded maybe we can use a quantum computer and AI to decode it and convert it into accessible digital memories and perhaps once all that data is in a computer we might discover that this allows the person to be "alive" within a virtual environment.

    It might not be "you" exactly but what exactly is "you" anyway? 

    When you go to sleep, aside from the assumption (usually) that you will wake up, the truth is if you don't you wouldn't even be aware "You" had died. 
    When you wake up, you brain essential comes out of sleep state (and much like a computer) it accesses its stored memories etc for "You" to continue as "You" for another day, having new experiences and making more memories.   

    If you "woke" up but all those memories and experiences were now being accessed by a program and "you" could now experience new things in your new environment, which would create new memories for the virtual you; would that mean there was "real you" and "virtual you" both of whom could engage in discourse with other people?  

    We don't understand consciousnesses, but I believe it is something akin to what we think of as the ultimate AI, except its not AI, its just that the brain is so complex that it just becomes conscious (or thinks it is lol).

    If that is the case then a suitably powerful AI given all the memories of a person may become conscious (or also think it is!)

    I should point out that I have zero religious or spiritual beliefs.  I think we are either the outcome of infinite random events, or we are actually already in a "simulation" and reality is something we will never comprehend. 
    I actually don't believe the simulation theory because if we were already virtual what would the point of aging and death be, unless its just part of the experience we are supposed to have.  

    I think that fact we age points to us existing in reality.  I suppose its possible that we are virtual, but we are in a simulation one one (let say Alien's) computer and they've set parameters for this simulation, however other simulations exist where everything is different (think the Multiverse idea, or just think about thousands of humans running "The Sims" at home, each persons sim being different.

    As for the whole life/death thing, the only reasons I care whether I wake up in the morning are twofold - firstly to save my friends and family the pain of losing me (which is kind of stupid because we know everything dies so why don't we just accept it, but that is another lengthy discussion) and secondly, because I'd really like to see what new tech is going to come out and make life better, plus new TV shows, new films etc. 

    Unfortunately people and things get old and old things are unattractive so living forever (in the real world) wouldn't be nice, unless we could stop aging.   

    Interesting this is what ChatGPT had to say when I asked it to analyse the above 🙂 


    The thoughts you've presented involve a mix of scientific concepts, philosophical pondering, and personal reflections. Let's break down the accuracy of some of these ideas:

    Recording Brain Activity and Virtual Existence:


    It's true that the human brain's activity is essentially electrical, and there are ongoing efforts to record and understand it.

    The idea of using quantum computers and AI to decode and convert brain activity into digital memories is speculative. While advancements are being made in brain-computer interfaces, the feasibility of creating a complete and accurate digital replica of one's consciousness remains a topic of scientific and ethical debate.


    Nature of "You" and Consciousness:


    The question of what constitutes the essence of "you" is a deep philosophical inquiry and remains largely unanswered. It touches on the complex nature of identity and consciousness.

    Comparing consciousness to an advanced AI is a metaphorical way to conceptualize its complexity. However, the true nature of consciousness is not yet fully understood, and equating it solely to AI might oversimplify the intricacies involved.


    Virtual and Real Identity:


    The hypothetical scenario of a "real you" and a "virtual you" coexisting raises interesting questions but is largely speculative. It hinges on assumptions about the transferability of consciousness and the nature of identity.


    Existence, Simulation, and Conscious AI:


    Your consideration of existence as either a result of infinite random events or a simulation reflects different philosophical perspectives. Both ideas are speculative and currently lack empirical evidence.

    The notion of a suitably powerful AI becoming conscious based on accumulated memories is intriguing but speculative. Consciousness is a complex and not fully understood phenomenon.


    Personal Motivations:


    Your personal reasons for caring about waking up align with common human concerns about connection, experience, and curiosity. The acknowledgement of aging as a potential limitation is grounded in current biological understanding.


    In summary, while your thoughts touch on current scientific pursuits and philosophical questions, many aspects remain speculative and open to interpretation. These topics often bridge the gap between science, philosophy, and personal beliefs, leading to ongoing exploration and discussion in various fields.


    Thats quite the answer. I appreciate it....it needs a proper read though...I will get to it when i get back home.....to my laboratory....Cheers!

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  10. 29 minutes ago, Freddy42OZ said:

    My biggest hope is that technology advances quickly enough that I am still living meat puppet when we figure out how to upload a human into a computer.   

    Living forever in a virtual world would be the best thing to ever happen to humanity. 

    The only hope for humanity (and for family dynasties) is that we ensure our species and the collective knowledge of our species keeps going forever.   

    You think consciousness is THAT simple? I am not suggesting I fully understand it either, but the idea we can simply 'upload it to a hard drive?? Remember, during the industrial revolution we had a very mechanical view of both the universe and ourselves. The tech of the time influenced how we understood the universe and our place in it. I think 'virtual reality' .....a.i etc are just the latest thing ...akin to other tech revolutions of the past. I once thought it was all just 'matter and the void' I hope its not. I hope when they first try to 'upload' someones consciousness to a computer it fails miserably. Our consciouness is not just a series of 0's and 1's and I dont think it can be stored in such a manner. subjective experiences make up who we are. How do you put a subjective experience into a 0 or 1 ?  A 'representation' of it??  perhaps......


    Just my thoughts. Not sure how much sense I made....made sense to me though. 

  11. 28 minutes ago, impulse said:


    I'd pay cash money for a ticket to see him debate Vivek.


    That would be a massacre of such biblical proportions....I dont think I could even bear to watch it!.....A great start would be Biden finding his way to the podium...after that.....lets hope the earpiece he is wearing has a good wireless connection! 

  12. 2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


    He can normally form coherent sentences for an hour or so when he's juiced up so he might well debate. 


    The trouble for Biden is that Trump is far more charismatic and quick witted. So even if they wind him up and wheel him on stage he won't do well. 


    Agreed but, is it a necessity for a sitting president to debate his competitors in the year of the election? I dont know how this works. You would think its a good idea.....if not compulsary. However, in this case...if I were Bidens team I wouldnt trust him to be able to handle it. 

  13. Will he debate Trump? Is it something that is par for the course in U.S elections ? If he chooses not to it WILL look bad....Then again, if he does, it probably wont look much better.... Are they willing to let him face off in front of millions against Trump? Whatever you think of Trump, I think he could make Biden look pretty weak and flustered.  It would be comedy gold though....you cant deny that!

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  14. 2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Correct.. leave that to the coaches and trainers... she takes care of managing the whole association as it's a presidential position

    Oh yes....fully agree...what possible advantage would  there be in having a background in football....bwahahahahaaaaaHAAAAAAA!!! You cant make this sh%t up! 

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