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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. 23 hours ago, drtreelove said:

    By the way; I would not take samples to a Thai ag shop, unless its in an avocado growing region, they will not be likely to know this condition and they will want to sell you an inappropriate fungicide. Most fungicides will not control a watermold.  The best remedy is to make the corrections that I have recommended. But there are two systemic chemical fungicides that I know of that are specific for phytophthora,  Subdue Maxx is the brand in the US that would be most effective, as a soil drench for root uptake, and there are generics with the active ingredient 'mefanoxam'. I have not seen it in Thailand.  It would not be appropriate for a fruiting tree, but during the non-fruiting stage it may be useful if you can get it. It's expensive.  I just paid US$200 for a quart. Go with the cultural and management improvements.

    They operate the same as pharmacies in Thailand 

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  2. 5 hours ago, kinyara said:

    Was really hoping they'd open a store on Thepprasit Road, Jomtien when they put that sign up on the vacant land. Foodmart has a money earning monopoly in that area. 

    10 years sgo

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  3. On 3/1/2020 at 11:28 AM, Chivas said:

    Visitors to Pattaya really need to know my experience but also many others told the very same story


    I came to Pattaya for a month and started coughing from day 1....this is towards end of January and Corona wasn't "quite" so big in the news then as now but everyone was aware of it nonetheless. I didnt panic not my style at all but thought keep an eye on it obviously.

    Didnt stop for the entire month (except for a 5 day side trip to Manila) which should have sent warning bells off and got on to the plane and within 30 minutes flying home to UK the cough had gone....period

    Since then have been reading multiple reports of the same experiences all putting it all down to the filthy air pollution of Pattaya and Bangkok


    To the OP question "what would you do"....well I for one wasn't turning up at some Thai hospital insured or otherwise (I was) saying hey I'm concerned I've contracted Corona because quite simply you wouldn't have been leaving that hospital anytime soon !

    Pattaya Cough it’s been there for years

  4. On 2/26/2020 at 10:27 PM, Denim said:

    Probably Khon Kaen. About a 1 hour flight. Could even return by overnight train with bunk beds for another new experience.

    Fly to Udon more to do, KK  is a Bore , I live in Korat No airport and a Bore , I saw on FB Tripit Chang Rai and Mai were 450 b one way

  5. 3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    For the life of me I cannot understand why at these roadblocks, road side checks they only look at registration labels and wave you on.


    They rarely check if you have a licence, let alone look inside to see who is driving.


    I have been coming to Thailand since 2005 and have NEVER had a breathalyzer carried out on me and I am on the road daily and have driven all over Thailand.


    Back in Sydney, same day I arrived, had a breathalyzer carried out on me, in the 11 days I was there recently, I was breathalyzed 3 times, morning, midday and evening, different days of course, just goes to show who is serious and who is not, who have a real police force and who doesn't.


     Same time every year another brainstorm suggestion by a minister with no balls to justify he is considering doing something, but nothing comes of it because the guys down below aren't interested and don't fear the boys up top.

    In Korat and Udon , you better not be drinking after 8:00 checkpoints all over the cities , Breathalyzer is Mandatory 

    • Like 1
  6. 21 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Samsung. Only Samsung. They make the best cameras. The iPhone is not even a close second, with regard to the camera. The galaxy S10+ is a fantastic phone. Far better display, far more custom keyboard options, easier cut and paste. Apple is barely a close second overall. Since Jobs has died, the company is stagnant. Just better versions of the same product each time, with the exception of the notebooks. They are worse, as they have eliminated nearly all the adapters. Boneheaded move. 

    Ok HATER, another Apple Basher , I have Xr IPhone love that Camera 

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    • Haha 1
  7. On 2/19/2020 at 11:45 AM, Farangwithaplan said:

    I'm no gold expert but I have bought and sold bars and jewellery here in the past.


    At 23k, it is up over most of last year's prices. This is due to uncertainty. When people get worried about world issues, they buy gold. You have Corona virus causing an already mild China economy to get even more mild as well as the greater concern this virus could end up as a pandemic. Hong Kong still a mess and it's national carrier struggling badly. More airlines will be in pain if this virus is not contained and resolved quickly.


    There is still the bubbling issue of Iran wanting to puff its chest out, Syria still on the boil, African drought, A mafia don in the white house, US - China trade agreement still on the backburner, Brexit fun has not even started yet. So my bet is that you will not see the price of gold soften in the short term And if thing get virus scary we might look back and see this price as cheap.


    I have Used MTS for gold bar and necklace purchases as well as Bangkok Gold. It might be wise to use a mainstream company with many branches if you intend to ever sell the jewellery. It is easier and better financially to sell back to the business you bought from.


    The gold industry is highly regulated in Thailand. Use a well known business at any of their branches and you will be fine. You will get a receipt with you purchase that is your authenticity.


    Take your passport with you when you intend to purchase.


    ILIke AURORA , Get Member Card 100 b or so , good policies and discounts if you resell there , they are all over every city 

  8. On 2/21/2020 at 12:11 PM, DannyCarlton said:

    In Pattaya they previously did this when russians were plenitful. Many restaurants catering fo Russians with Russian food, (boiled cabbage and potatoes) and menus in Russian. Ambassadors in Na jomtien still caters for them, huge complex with beach and swimming pool (essential for Russian visitors) hundreds of Russian families staying there. Unfortunately its on Sukumvit and Russians insist on running across the road instead of using the foot bridge and regularly ending up as roadkill.

    Ambassador Hotel

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