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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. 10 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Apps and fountains, is that the best they can come up with,

    it's not like a natural disaster that you have no idea is going

    to occur,this happens every year at this time.


    Doing next to nothing in the City is not going to help one jot,

    the Soldiers,Police, any volunteers need to get up in the  hills

    and forests and PREVENT fires starting,let the villagers up there know

    that setting fires is to be no longer tolerated,anyone caught setting

    fires is an ARSONIST and should  be given a prison sentence,as they effect

    the health and jobs of many  others. once again it's too little, too late. !

    regards Worgeordie

    Start charging 2,000 b for lighters , Farang can bring there own 

  2. On 2/17/2020 at 11:58 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    I consider ‘sun protection’ as necessary. There are modern tints which prevent the penetration of UV rays whilst still permitting normal levels of light through. 


    I believe 30% is the legal limit in Thailand (i.e. blocking no more than 30% of visible light). 


    I’ve been in vehicles where the tint is so dark driving at night becomes difficult / dangerous. I’ve never had greater than 30% tint and I choose tints which block the most UV whilst transmitting the most light. 


    Cars in Europe cannot have tint on the Windscreen or front side windows. 

    Cars in Thailand have a general <30% restriction - a law which is never followed up on by the Police BTW.


    I had a cop tell me to change my Silver Tint, too reflective , Never did

  3. 4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    While I share your comments, it appears 5G is already a reality in the US as T-Mobile constantly advertises Nationwide service.


    I am the last one to give Donald Trump any praises as i find him ofensive in so many ways.  However- Huawei is an army of the Chinese Government and for the US or now the UK to  allow any portion of Huawei to build it;s 5 G network is like allowing the Chinese Government to view all the technology developed by the Weste but also gain entry into the entire network.


    China loves 5G because they know its much more than mobile data it is the ultimate entry to control of all data Worldwide and the monitoring of people and proprietary information.


    The Chinese repreent a clear and present danger to the World.  Their goal is to kep the Communist Party in power forever and to do that they must get access to needed natural resources, land; technology and intelligence and to ultimately steal anything they cannot gain in other ways.  


    Why does Hong Kong continually have demonstrations; destroy cameras mounted on every street post and express displeasure against being a part of the Mainland.  They know what the Cinese Communist Leadership has planned.


    Allowing Huawei any access to Western systems is like giving a convicted thief a key to your home.   

    Thank you

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  4. 19 minutes ago, EricS said:

    How does yours work? I bought an android box years ago for HBO and all it could get was a few porn channels. So I went with AIS instead. Did you have someone program yours? Or did you do it yourself? I don’t know you might be more skilled with that stuff than me. I’m trying to find IPTV and access something like you have or better if available. 

    This place downloads it for you, but I got a new one and my buddy download everything for 1500 b on Lazada, buy a lil fan to keep box Cool, they get HOT, my buddy is skilled , I just got Sinet Internet , Mo True , AIS or anything 

  5. 2 hours ago, jany123 said:

    Can’t guarantee access to everything.... but here’s the “magic box”, and if you like, I will drop any show title into an app for you and give it a whirl




    I have similar works Great , but my buddy tells me the boxes get HOT, so get those lil electronic fans in IT and they will last longer, I have 50 ch. of Porn I never watch

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