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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. 5 minutes ago, rhyddid said:

    Well done, let US lose the investment of sponsoring "guerrilla" protest in HK, China who is much smarter moves all investment and trading to Macau, HK will left with broken infrastructure and a empty metropolis, so the HK citizen who fallen for US , will be left with nothing! 

    Clueless Much Smarter, lol, they are suffering and borrowing money from World Bank

    • Sad 1
  2. On 12/7/2019 at 4:36 PM, Kenny202 said:

    One more other thing. Coming down from Khon Kaen and to break up the trip wanted to stay about an hour or two North of Trat for the night, somewhere along the way. Do the last short hop of the trip the next morning. Google maps a bit vague re towns on the way. Can anyone recommend a town or hotel? Quiet town, simple Thai Motel will do. Just a stop off for the night. 

    Ban Phe, or Mae Pimm or Chantaburi, visit catherdral Catholic Vietnamese 

  3. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Wow. Quite an ambitious project that would be. Anything to deflect, take responsibility, and avoid talking about the real issues. Tourism on Samui, Phangan and Dark Tao are suffering for a dozen major reasons. Many are the same reasons why tourism (the important kind of tourism, Western tourism, and tourists from China and India with deep pockets) is way down nationwide, have to do with the incessant ranting of fools like Little Oud, The Big Joke, Prayuth, and others, who possess a profound degree of ignorance, and arrogance, hatred of foreigners, and are cursed with extreme racism. In addition truly deplorable policies of focusing all of their energy on attracting lower and lower middle class tourists from only India and China, an unwillingness to address the many problems plaguing the nation, such as traffic safety, public safety, erratic immigration policy, police harassment, the air and other environmental issues that ARE NOT being addressed, and more. When you add in the inane luxury taxes, the inane taxes on fine wine, the lack of english skills, and the relatively poor service at higher end hotels and restaurants, and you can see why wealthy tourists are shunning Thailand, as if the nation had a contagious plague. They are willing to travel and pay first world prices for hotels and food and wine, if the service is comparably good. That it is not. 


    Samui and the southern islands have another set of issues, that are all their own making. Samui in particular feels like a 20 year old dishrag, that has never been properly cleaned. It is overbuilt, like Phuket, and the Ring Road is a horrific blight. Once you get onto the beaches, or up into the hills it is a stunning island. But, the rest of the island suffers from a tremendous lack of pride, on the part of the locals, the vast majority of whom are not from Samui, as most of the natives left long ago with their land fortunes. Plus you have local police there, who are perhaps the most corrupt, and least helpful and competent, of any within the nation of Thailand. Dark Tao has a serial killer. Killing is his hobby. And he comes from a family that is above the law. Any and all laws. So local Burmese end up getting framed for his killings. Plus, the island is way overpriced, and the diving is horrendously poor. So, why on earth would anyone go there? Phangan is the only decent area in the Southern Islands, and it is relatively under developed. Which is a nice thing for those who want peace and quiet, once you get away from Had Rin, and the full moon party kids. 

    I would never patronize Koh Tao

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

    Tesco and Big C are the two main supermarkets in Sakon Nakhon. Of the two, Big C draws far more customers. Even on busy shopping days it's possible to stroll around unmolested in Tesco whilst in it's opposite number it's like being in a rowdy football fan crowd.


    I don't understand why this marked difference, but as far as Thais are concerned, Big C has got what it takes to pull the crowds in.


    I'll be sorry to see Tesco go as we use their Mini Store just a few kms away quite a lot.

    Thais in the Moobaan love Big C , I don’t like it myself

  5. 2 hours ago, brianj1964 said:

    Thanks for the advice about the driving licence, car is going to be 50/50, 

    its not an international driving licence,i dont think there is such a thing, its a permit you obtain from the Post Office to use my U.K driving licence in Thailand, its got a 12 month validity on it. We a plan to relocate to Pattaya but not until February when Her son gets released lol

    It is an International License, my god 

    • Sad 1
  6. 1 hour ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Usualy in Thailand a horn blast is used in extreme urgence and if you don't have any other choice

    (Except from the taxis and bahtbus trying to attract the attention of the potential consumers, at least here in Pattaya, and it's really anonying)

    using it for other reasons it's considered like an offensive thing by most of the thais and can

    degenerate quickly in a road rage

    They aren’t as sensitive as when I first got here, Thais are honking more

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, brianj1964 said:

    I have only just arrived on my retirement O-A and wanted to retire at 55 not die at 55, I havent got a Thai licence, I have one of those International permits from the post office in the U.K, valid for 12 months, as they drive on the same side of the road it felt natural to drive here, but I now understand when people criticise Thai driving, they just dont seem to understand the phrase give-way.

    I did have a 750ml bottle of Singha chilled and ready to go.

    It’s only good for 90 days then you leave country and resets International License 

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